View Full Version : Question How / Why did you join AUS99?

26-07-2023, 10:50 PM
I honestly don't remember how or why I joined. I get the feeling it was a review on a shop I was looking at.

All I recall is how epic Wilsno, AhLungor and some of the other OGs seemed at the time.

They were pioneers, blazing a cum stained path through the wild wild breast.

Trying to learn all the acronyms and become a seasoned mongerer.

Ah the good old days!

Roll up and spin your tale here!

26-07-2023, 10:57 PM
I was looking for information of my all time favourite girl who just retired, just wanted to see how others felt about her. Then I stumbled on to this site and never looked back.

26-07-2023, 10:57 PM
I reckon 2013, having never gone to a RNT before, started getting interested in some shops. Ultimately had my first visit to a no name massage place on Erskine St, then subsequently had a few punts at Masstige8. Kept reading and reading and eventually heeded the advice for legendary shops like Snow Lotus and Silver Fox… those were the days.

Ultimately spent 5 or so years overseas, so contributed to that forum, while occasionally checking in here.

26-07-2023, 11:37 PM
They were pioneers, blazing a cum stained path through the wild wild breast.!

Fuck yeah! I think I’ve joined first over 10 years ago obviously to keep a tab on the scene and contribute my own load busting experiences. Both good and not so good so they may be of help to younger or newer punters.

26-07-2023, 11:49 PM
Not because I just turned 18 and want to loose my virginity. After many years with free range women I found the forum great for the " hobby" of punting and at an age I can afford it and without all the other baggage that comes with relationships despite most of it being pretty good.

27-07-2023, 04:41 AM
I thought I wanted to try my comedian/writer skills to a punting forum as I was attracted to the large audience of AUS99.

I have very little interest in punting as making love to a stranger does nothing to me. In fact at times I think it's rather humourous especially the 2 holes massage table.


27-07-2023, 07:18 AM
Finding gold positive and negative reviews and being warned and warning others of scumbag scammers

27-07-2023, 11:21 AM
I’m not sure how I came across the forum, but I’d say I’m here to share my experiences wether good or bad to the next punter.

27-07-2023, 02:19 PM
After experiencing my first massage with an unexpected HE Googled 'massage review forum Sydney' - couple of options but after trying found aus99 easiest and most informative.

Learnt so much in early stages and still do which has saved me time, money and bad experiences. Try to give back as and when I can to help others.

Huge thank you to all contributors

27-07-2023, 02:32 PM
I was looking for some potential WL in the city due to sub-par WL around my local area; the WL webpage links to the reviews here and that's how I discovered this site. Ah how I wish I discovered this site earlier to avoid dud punts in the past, you experience and learn I guess

27-07-2023, 03:14 PM
Wanted to get my arse licked, had never been to an Asian shop before and now it’s pretty much all I visit purely based on the info here lol

27-07-2023, 03:40 PM
Don't remember how stumble found Aus99 I reckon is best one in Oz so far haven't seen anything decent the forum's content is not all about punting but other things as well like current affairs, politics , economics, Finance ...etc Lol

27-07-2023, 03:41 PM
Almost forget sports as well hahaha

27-07-2023, 03:59 PM
Mensa rejected me

27-07-2023, 04:16 PM
I don't remember. But I know I was crazy on korean girls. M5 , M8 , Romoe, Angel town, GF 127. This forum got all the information I needed the rest is history.

28-07-2023, 12:48 AM
Initially joined for the reviews.

Hidden Python
28-07-2023, 01:54 AM
We all joined for similar reasons, and we all stay for them too,
It’s a place where we can talk and act like men and not be ridiculed by strange women with rainbow coloured hair,
But overall I think its our love for Asian women and how we share the conquests and disasters and how we help each others learn from these events.

28-07-2023, 08:06 AM
Nice thread, OP. For me, I came looking for a sex punting forum in Sydney and found SYD99.

I've always used the internet to get my punting intel. Think it started with the WSG forum back in early 2000s. Then, I went to a SE Asian country to live and work for a few years and found another "local" forum that gave me all the intel in needed for that place. That's when I realised most "locales" have their own punting guides. Even my hometown had one.
It's like a Freemasons for punters, lol!

I then got a job in the UK for a couple of years and yep, over there used another punting forum for intel. It was a shitty place to punt though, London. Lots of overweight out of shape ladies. Must be eating too much full English breakfast!

I literally started searching for a sex forum the moment I got my internet connection when I moved to Sydney. It was the first thing I did here, haha!

28-07-2023, 08:40 AM
I honestly don't remember how or why I joined. I get the feeling it was a review on a shop I was looking at.

All I recall is how epic Wilsno, AhLungor and some of the other OGs seemed at the time.

They were pioneers, blazing a cum stained path through the wild wild breast.

Trying to learn all the acronyms and become a seasoned mongerer.

Ah the good old days!

Roll up and spin your tale here!

Haha, same, I can't recall the exact date but it was on the OG site, I thought I even had a URL saved somewhere to that.

pocket rocket
28-07-2023, 01:32 PM
When I first joined I had just been made redundant, had too much time on my hands between jobs, and a fair chunk of money too. Had previously frequented more expensive caucasian brothels and massage parlours when I discovered that there were a million Asian massage and FS shops in Sydney ..... most offering much lower prices, a much bigger selection of girls, a much wider range of services .... so started surfing the internet for info and intel .... and found out that this was the number 1 go to place to get to know what's going on ....

pocket rocket
28-07-2023, 01:36 PM
When I first joined I had just been made redundant, had too much time on my hands between jobs, and a fair chunk of money too. Had previously frequented more expensive caucasian brothels and massage parlours when I discovered that there were a million Asian massage and FS shops in Sydney ..... most offering much lower prices, a much bigger selection of girls, a much wider range of services .... so started surfing the internet for info and intel .... and found out that this was the number 1 go to place to get to know what's going on ....

Now, after a long long time lurking .... because I was too shy to post, and wanted to remain private, I have been made redundant again, so I though fuck it ... I have used the info on this forum to good effect so much, it is time I gave something back ... so now I have finally started posting about my intel and experience .... I am loving it so far .. much more fun !!.

So hint to all the long time lurkers .... try posting and participating ... much more fun than just lurking ....

29-07-2023, 03:41 AM
I was looking for information of my all time favourite girl who just retired, just wanted to see how others felt about her. Then I stumbled on to this site and never looked back.

When I first joined the old forum, brother Wil was already an anchor reviewer setting all the standards.

One of my biggest gain was the intels about the legendary ship 501 Newtown, where I had met the Jojo, Sasa sisters, Mia and Sophie etc. these very special and naturally busty ladies had all enriched my punting journey and Spanish Inquisitions.

Then come the Golden ages of SL, SF, 316 Central/227 Broadway, Stanmore etc. etc. and the ever so reliable 5 Star along the way of course.

Glad I was in a position to contribute a few of my own, but I take my hat off to the true forum legends and pioneers before us who started the balls rolling, literally……. Haha

Thank you, thank you and thank you !

Happy punting to all and don’t be hesitant to share.


29-07-2023, 09:20 AM
Honestly it was when punter planet put up its paywall.

31-07-2023, 02:56 PM
Basically joined to get more intel on shops lol I mean this is the biggest forum here in aus

01-08-2023, 05:53 PM
Joined to get punter info. And it was the only that's not sitting behind a paywall or some "post a review every X month" shenanigan.

01-08-2023, 09:48 PM
Always about the intel... learned about nuru massages, did some searching for places that did them and found my way here.

02-08-2023, 10:12 AM
I can’t even remember how I found the site… but I do know I loved cheap brothels and wanted to find out more information. The best recommendation I ever got here was Ah sending a PM to try Mimi in Burwood.

Who remembers the first version of aus99?

02-08-2023, 11:30 PM
I joined just for general discussion forum because I find it quite entertaining.

I don't care much for reviews and Intel. I choose girls very carefully as by years of punting I know how to read WLs in the intros and I can say most of the times I have been right but on the other hand I have been burnt numerous times by reviews promising of a sensational time but it went pear shape! We are all subjective in our reflections anyways.

03-08-2023, 02:12 AM
Stumbled across this site in 2020 when i first started punting with privates, was too scared to punt at shops. Havemt contributes much because i usually only go with highly reviewed WLs. Hope to be able to share more in the future.

Thank you to the OGs and the up and rising stars who are contributing to the forum and sharing their experiences.

03-08-2023, 12:10 PM
I found this site from just being curious about massages in general, it actually comes up on Google quite easily.

Since then it's been an information dump, and I use it mainly to feel safe and understand the usual procedures before punting for the first time.

03-08-2023, 09:25 PM