View Full Version : Poll How long is too long to be asked to wait when you arrive for a booking?

24-07-2023, 12:34 PM
Hi bros,

I have had 2 instances recently at different massage shops where upon arrival for a booking - was told she is not available please wait xx amount of time (both over 40 minutes).
And I have had plenty of oh she's running 5-15 minutes late, which I usually don't mind.
Now I understand things never run smoothly when you run a massage shop/brothel eg. if a girl arrives late, bookings goes long, etc.... it just happens.

But my question is when do you as a customer say this is unacceptable? And if you were the shop owner how would you handle it if your staff can't make it to a booking due to lateness?
Thought this would be a fun poll and convo.

Personally anything beyond 30 minutes to me should be at least communicated with a message or a call before I arrive - anything over 60 minutes without a proper apology and you've probably lost me as a customer.

24-07-2023, 12:44 PM
Hi bros,

I have had 2 instances recently at different massage shops where upon arrival for a booking - was told she is not available please wait xx amount of time (both over 40 minutes).
And I have had plenty of oh she's running 5-15 minutes late, which I usually don't mind.
Now I understand things never run smoothly when you run a massage shop/brothel eg. if a girl arrives late, bookings goes long, etc.... it just happens.

But my question is when do you as a customer say this is unacceptable? And if you were the shop owner how would you handle it if your staff can't make it to a booking due to lateness?
Thought this would be a fun poll and convo.

Personally anything beyond 30 minutes to me should be at least communicated with a message or a call before I arrive - anything over 60 minutes without a proper apology and you've probably lost me as a customer.

What ever your pride allows you.

Some ppl it’s zero tolerance. Some is 5 mins.
Some chumps wait however long they are asked

24-07-2023, 12:53 PM
Anything more than 10 to 15 minutes is a joke if you have made a booking. It means they have either accepted a walk-in or allowed someone to extend over your booked time. Neither is really acceptable

And if you stick around once the shop will keep doing it to you.

24-07-2023, 01:00 PM
Generally i'll accept no more then 10-15 min past my booking time as acceptable.

The shops i usually frequent will either call or msg me if the booking is going to be delayed more then 30 minutes past what i booked for and i've had times where the shop boss has given me a discount or given me the next massage at a discounted rate.

I've been to a few shops that i don't usually frequent and had a booking that when i arrived the girl was in another booking for more then 30 minutes and i generally just cancel the booking and walk out if no other girl takes my fancy.

Its a shops loss business if they can't keep a booking system in good working order.

24-07-2023, 01:04 PM
I’ve waited an hour once. Never again.

…after watching the Irishman. 15 minutes max but in the movie he said 10 minutes.

24-07-2023, 01:05 PM
Really bad when you get there and they tell you "available in 10 minutes", so you're happy to wait; then after that time "just another ten minutes"; then maybe even a third time.

24-07-2023, 01:26 PM
It can be a problem - I have tried to see a particular ML on three occasions - the first two times - I accepted the readily available and they were great - so not disappointed. The third time I was after a particular ML not available to 11.30am so I asked to book this ML who I had missed twice before but alas she was still at home and not available for another 90mins - so I rebooked the original ML for 11.30 - that service started 15 minutes late.
The popular MLS are hard to get - and even booking the night before can be problematic the next day I guess due to walk-ins - I guess the Cash in the hand is an immediate bonus, the booking is a “guaranteed” return

24-07-2023, 01:52 PM
If I have a booking, 10 minutes maximum. I understand there can be circumstances so if the shop explains it to me in a way that isn't "other punter extended" then I'll have some leniency, but no way am I waiting 40 minutes. I simply don't have time. I usually have to schedule my punting inbetween other things as it is.

If you're a walk in and they say to wait X minutes, double it, and if it's longer than 10 minutes (so 20 minutes applying the rule of double) and there are other options nearby, I'd try my luck elsewhere personally.

24-07-2023, 01:55 PM
For me 15 mins.

At renwick they said earlier booking was late then extended. Can i return in 1hr!!! So little respect for me after making the effort to arrange my diary and travel. What's the point of booking and arranging my day when they don't honour it? Sometimes the punting window is very small which these shops don't understand.

I walked out of course. They did apologies but only gave me 1 week for a courtesy discount which i couldn't redeem.

24-07-2023, 02:36 PM
5 minutes or I walk has always been my rule.

24-07-2023, 03:15 PM
Don't hand over your cash when they say 15 min wait. Only get to transaction when the girl gets free, otherwise you are held as captive for god knows how long and manager disappears from the floor!

24-07-2023, 03:52 PM
In the past I was a good boy and waited.
I think the longest I waited for 1hr at a private apartment at Liverpool.
I remember arriving and she said asked me to wait cause she was "showering" so I waited. Was abit annoyed cause it took 1hr but I traveled that far I might aswell. When I saw a guy walking out and then she messaged me I knew she just saw someone. Long story short she two popped me without me asking and I felt great.

Other times at shops, despite booking the girls either double booked or extended
I understand sometimes girls run late that's okay but anything more than 30mins especially if the girl allow extended means she cares more of the money than her clients.

24-07-2023, 03:52 PM
5 mins tops for me, I have a busy schedule and I usually have an "allocated" time for punting, so fuck no to waiting if I have made a booking, if they accepted walk-ins over my booking I'll tell them to f*ck off and walk out, booking is made for a reason, if they don't value my time I'll put my money elsewhere...

24-07-2023, 04:15 PM
This a real problem for me. Its like most shops don't value our time at all. One time, I was asked to wait 10 mins which ended up in 1 hour waiting. Even worse, I've once booked a girl 2 days prior and I took a day off for that day. Then I drove to the shops only to be told that the girl cancel because she's too tired. This particular case I don't blame the shop because it'll be no good to force the girl to work as well. But as a business, I feel like they should've give some credit to the customers who honour their booking but it was cancelled somehow, it can be some discount for next visit or extra time or anything the would value the customers time. However, this rarely happens, most of the time they just say "Sorry".

I myself never late or cancel my own booking so I don't know what shops will do for those cases, but I imagine they will not be forgiving as well.

24-07-2023, 04:17 PM
10 minutes
think with your brain and dont be a a silly cunt

pocket rocket
24-07-2023, 04:20 PM
Don't mind waiting about 15 mins, 20 mins max.

Like to see the other comings (no pun intended) and goings in the place - other girls, other punters, talk to mamasan / receptionist, or on occasion, if its a massage shop with curtains and walls not to the ceiling, then listen to any girls moaning or squealing, if they be getting done by their customer

Mr Bricks
24-07-2023, 04:26 PM
15 minutes max. Anything longer I walk out.

24-07-2023, 04:42 PM
Great responses here so far! Very enlightening.

Sadly I've fallen victim to the pay upon arrival and been told "just 5-10 minute wait" to get told that 2-3 times.

I think a good takeaway is to hold on to your money until they tell you your booking is ready. Also to try and listen to the big brain and not the one between the legs.

I also think being told "the previous customer extended" is simply unacceptable if you have a booking, and to accept it will lead to the shop simply thinking they can keep doing it to you moving forward.

24-07-2023, 05:33 PM
I am a patient man, and I've extended sessions with my ML at times. So if I'm waiting and my ML isn't ready yet due to another customer extending - 20 minutes max and I'm out.

24-07-2023, 06:16 PM
10 minutes then I simply walk and never come back.

It is not only the delay, but also it gives you an idea of how well run the joint is, and their quality standards.
I would start thinking, did the ML/WL wash/shower after clients, am I going to be touching the dry stain another man left behind, is she going to kiss or lick me with the mouth that carried god-knows-what from someone else.

24-07-2023, 06:34 PM
I guess gash is cash - I usually have a scedule and book ahead. I guess queuing theory doesn’t follow pussy principles, first in first served, bookings are a confirmed reality. I am planning a booking this Saturday with a hopefully future regular , which I will book Friday, see how I go the alternatives, two are highly fuckable - I am not afraid to switch - won’t let a switch fuck me up

24-07-2023, 06:46 PM
Previous Customer Extended

I would have thought that this was something that only happens rarely, but a few posts have mentioned that shops have used the excuse, that the booking was delayed because the previous customer extended.
It's as if they are trying to make out, that they don't have any control over the situation, and that the previous customer is to blame.

Knowing that it will stuff up the next booking.
Who actually gives the ok for these extensions? The girl or management?

24-07-2023, 07:00 PM
I’ve had the “last punter extended” response a couple of times and I’ve told them it’s not good enough. Also had the last guy turned up late but we still gave him an hour.

I’ve given the same response each time that I’ve made a booking so they can go in there and get her out now or I’m going. I think twice I’ve even offered to go into the room myself and carry them out.

24-07-2023, 09:35 PM
15 minutes then adios... Also have learned to not pay until she's available.

And another reason to have her WeChat contact. I'll contact her first when I want to see her. Some will make the booking themselves, others will ask me to. But then she knows. She can contact me directly if something happens on her side whereas the shop has an incentive not to just to get you in the door. The smart ones understand the value of repeat business...

Mr Fugly
24-07-2023, 10:13 PM
My longest wait before I walked was 45 minutes at 479... booked Ari for 5pm as I started work at 7pm that day. Arrived at 4.58pm... paid my $280 told she would be 10 min... Okay, no problem... 15 min later... sorry 10 minutes more... at the 30 minute point, sorry 10 minutes more... at the 45 minute point, I walked back to reception told them to return my money.. they ummed and ahhed and said "oh, she's ready now at 5.45pm... insisted and received my money back... I still had to be at work by 7pm... all other times the send me a message now

24-07-2023, 10:19 PM
A couple of times I've called to make a 1-hour booking for a specific girl at a specific time and been told sorry, she has another booking straight after, we can only do 45 minutes.
I respect this, as the shop shows honesty and commitment to the existing booking. And they're obviously allowing enough time between bookings for the girl to clean up properly.

25-07-2023, 12:43 PM
I'm ok if i have no plans afterwards but if i do then 5 mins

The prev punter if it was his fault eg late should have his time cut or do a 45 min instead of an hr

If it is the shops fault, $5 discount for every minute late after 5 mins

25-07-2023, 05:07 PM
15 minutes then adios... Also have learned to not pay until she's available.

And another reason to have her WeChat contact. I'll contact her first when I want to see her. Some will make the booking themselves, others will ask me to. But then she knows. She can contact me directly if something happens on her side whereas the shop has an incentive not to just to get you in the door. The smart ones understand the value of repeat business...

Hello, what do you mean by they make the booking themselves? Like the girl tells the mama-papasan they have a customer from x-x time?

25-07-2023, 05:20 PM
Hello, what do you mean by they make the booking themselves? Like the girl tells the mama-papasan they have a customer from x-x time?

I do this with regular girls. She knows to regulate the the previous customer to my booking, or she asks me to hold off arriving until that booking is due to finish, and she won't extend.
Sometimes at shops the mama-san tells me in advance that the girl has a following booking in less than an hour, and will offer to short-book me accordingly.

25-07-2023, 08:56 PM
Hello, what do you mean by they make the booking themselves? Like the girl tells the mama-papasan they have a customer from x-x time?Exactly. I never try to bypass the shop; the rendezvous will take place there. I just deal directly with her and she notifies the shop. Even if she asks me to make the booking to avoid conflicts, she now knows I'll be there at a certain time and knows to set her schedule accordingly.

25-07-2023, 10:19 PM
I walked today after 15 minutes. I am on time always. I do not see why other people should be allowed to extend. Mood spoiled. Though this time I think the shop had a difficult customer.

25-07-2023, 11:31 PM
Had to respond when posts are saying punters are actually handing over money when they arrive. This is not a night club. Are u serious? Learn some business skill guys

It's a game. Even trusted customers sometimes have to deal with this. Either the previous customer has over-extended their booking, or the ML/WL has been double booked (bad management)

Rule number 1

Is this a reliable shop for you in the past and has a good reputation on aus99?. If so, then be much more understanding

Rule number 2

If you are short on time and really need the booking to be honoured, ring ahead 30 minutes before your booking, and make sure they know you are on the way. Ask them if the girl will be running late. Say you will need to go elsewhere if the lady will be more than 10 minutes late, and say you won't accept a lesser alternative lady. If they can't be honest with you, or don't offer you a discount when you arrive, never deal with them again, unless you have booked during peak hour, when chaos is usually happening in most shops

Rule number 3 - very important

Do not hand over any money until you are in front of the lady you are about to do business with.
Never hand over the cash until you are walking into the room and you have seen the lady
This way you avoid a bait and switch ('Ms X is 5'7 and slim. Hang on she is 5'1 and a size 12)
You avoid the 'just another 10 minutes''Just another 10 minutes'
You have the option of ringing another shop and leaving
Money talks

Most of the time I choose reliable mamasans or papasans and I don't book when I'm in a hurry
Always be a polite customer. Never be a dick

As others said when you are a trusted customer, things work out in the end. Otherwise just walk and book elsewhere, that's punting.
Unless you trust the manager, never come back. So many options in Sydney
And don't book in peak hours

Rule Number 4

Always have a plan B that doesn't involve using your hand

If you have limited time, then there are other steps but that's for another thread

25-07-2023, 11:55 PM
Its a balance because we are there for a reason and usually the anticipation has built up. But also usually have other things lined up for after the job and sometimes Ive got another punt booked for later that day , so then it is a real pisser. Also Ive usually taken a day of work just for punting.15 mins is about my cut off often they offer another ML.

26-07-2023, 01:27 AM
Had this happened at Tokyo studio pre Covid. They had messed up my booking a few times in the past but I didn’t mind as I was semi regular there many times. And they were minor mistakes.

Once however I had a confirmed booking with them. But on arrival five mins early I was told that she was still busy and my booking was not taken. I was really mad cuz I had made time during that week busy schedule and was very looking forward to seeing this popular girl for first time. I guess the anticipation didn’t help.
And the most incredible thing was they actually confirmed the booking only an hour ago or so.

I suspected a VIP probably extended his booking but they didn’t want to tell me. I was determined to see her though so even when they said I had to wait about 30-45mins or so I said okay. Didn’t make a scene or anything. I got to see her finally and she was very nice. But after that I never returned. I mean they apologized for the mistake. Usually I would not mind if they made a genuine error like before. But I firmly believe this time they just screwed me cuz of another customer but lied to me about it.

26-07-2023, 02:28 AM
If there is a booking, 5 to 10 min is about it.

26-07-2023, 11:33 AM
@aussiegaigin @11Bravo

Very nice, sounds like you guys have a good relationship with your regulars. I hope I get to that point once I find a girl I like.

Hidden Python
26-07-2023, 04:25 PM
This is why you either be her first or last customer of the day, that way you don’t have any issues of missing out, if she is that good,
Plus its also a good time to try a different girl in the shop, if your regular is busy

26-07-2023, 04:54 PM
This is why you either be her first or last customer of the day, that way you don’t have any issues of missing out, if she is that good,
Plus its also a good time to try a different girl in the shop, if your regular is busy

First or last doesn't guarantee anything. Being first, you have to deal with girls being tardy. A few times, the girl arrived late for work. One time a girl even "forgot" she was rostered on and just went to school!

Being last, you could still have the second last guy extending over your booking.

26-07-2023, 05:03 PM
Had to respond when posts are saying punters are actually handing over money when they arrive. This is not a night club. Are u serious? Learn some business skill guys

It's a game. Even trusted customers sometimes have to deal with this. Either the previous customer has over-extended their booking, or the ML/WL has been double booked (bad management)

Rule number 1

Is this a reliable shop for you in the past and has a good reputation on aus99?. If so, then be much more understanding

Rule number 2

If you are short on time and really need the booking to be honoured, ring ahead 30 minutes before your booking, and make sure they know you are on the way. Ask them if the girl will be running late. Say you will need to go elsewhere if the lady will be more than 10 minutes late, and say you won't accept a lesser alternative lady. If they can't be honest with you, or don't offer you a discount when you arrive, never deal with them again, unless you have booked during peak hour, when chaos is usually happening in most shops

Rule number 3 - very important

Do not hand over any money until you are in front of the lady you are about to do business with.
Never hand over the cash until you are walking into the room and you have seen the lady
This way you avoid a bait and switch ('Ms X is 5'7 and slim. Hang on she is 5'1 and a size 12)
You avoid the 'just another 10 minutes''Just another 10 minutes'
You have the option of ringing another shop and leaving
Money talks

Most of the time I choose reliable mamasans or papasans and I don't book when I'm in a hurry
Always be a polite customer. Never be a dick

As others said when you are a trusted customer, things work out in the end. Otherwise just walk and book elsewhere, that's punting.
Unless you trust the manager, never come back. So many options in Sydney
And don't book in peak hours

Rule Number 4

Always have a plan B that doesn't involve using your hand

If you have limited time, then there are other steps but that's for another thread

You'd have to go through all those rules if you're dealing with dodgy operators or don't have a good relationship with them.

I don't frequent those shops. I only go to a handful of shops that I know the operators well and get along very well with them. I have cancelled out of bookings and gotten my money back from them on the occasions when the girl was too late. I just walked up to them and said I can't wait any longer, I've got commitments, etc. Never had an issue getting my money back.

26-07-2023, 05:29 PM
First or last doesn't guarantee anything. Being first, you have to deal with girls being tardy. A few times, the girl arrived late for work. One time a girl even "forgot" she was rostered on and just went to school!

Being last, you could still have the second last guy extending over your booking.

I had a reg who asked me to book her for 10.15am, that way she could catch a later train and get ready before I arrived rather than rushing (apparently the 15mins meant she could leave 30mins later because of train connections etc). The downside was if she wasn't feeling well, the shop used to fine the girls if they simply no-showed, so she would turn up, show she was really sick and then the shop would organise a girl to replace her while she did her first booking or two, meaning for those sessions she was well below par. I didn't mind too much as below par for her was still well over industry standard. And yeah, if they had a big night the night before, or are having a grumpy morning, you are first in the line of fire.

26-07-2023, 06:13 PM
I had a reg who asked me to book her for 10.15am, that way she could catch a later train and get ready before I arrived rather than rushing (apparently the 15mins meant she could leave 30mins later because of train connections etc). The downside was if she wasn't feeling well, the shop used to fine the girls if they simply no-showed, so she would turn up, show she was really sick and then the shop would organise a girl to replace her while she did her first booking or two, meaning for those sessions she was well below par. I didn't mind too much as below par for her was still well over industry standard. And yeah, if they had a big night the night before, or are having a grumpy morning, you are first in the line of fire.

Hahah, I like that last part. First one up against a grumpy girl is no joke!

27-07-2023, 12:47 PM
Wow I honestly didn't expect so many responses and I walk away with additional confidence in standing firm about not handing over my money too early. (Although I wonder how it would be received if I say I am not paying until my girl is ready at a brothel... an example where I don't think it will go down well is like a ATMC or Liaisons where I'm pretty sure the norm is to pay before you see the girls)

Sadly this seems to be a problem that is more common than I realised and I hope we as punters take the advice here to start holding these shops more accountable.

27-07-2023, 03:48 PM
Wow I honestly didn't expect so many responses and I walk away with additional confidence in standing firm about not handing over my money too early. (Although I wonder how it would be received if I say I am not paying until my girl is ready at a brothel... an example where I don't think it will go down well is like a ATMC or Liaisons where I'm pretty sure the norm is to pay before you see the girls)

Sadly this seems to be a problem that is more common than I realised and I hope we as punters take the advice here to start holding these shops more accountable.

I would confidently say they take your money first because your more inclined to take whatever is available even though they might not be to your usual standard. Like hell, if Ive made the effort and made the trip there, something has to go terribly wrong for me to back out. Lol

27-07-2023, 04:26 PM
Can only speak from ML shop perspective but learnt fast. Once told to wait 20 mins for booking with ML (3rd visit) decided to walk and booked unseen ML via Wechat but caught in traffic & hard to find parking. All rushed & late turned into dud punt. Now generally accept delay within 15 min which fortunately dont happen too often with my regular tried and tested shops.

27-07-2023, 04:35 PM
With anybody and anything, be firm but not abusive about your dissatisfaction.

If you're too nice about, ppl will continually abuse you.

I had a 2 hr booking. Mammasan called and said the girl will be 15mins late. I asked why, she said he came late 15 mins. I told her to cancel my booking as she shouldve made his booking 45 mins

When the girl found out i cancelled and i told her why, she went off at the mammasan and she had lost an hour.

At another shop , i was late 10mins for my booking, she made me do a 45 min session instead of the hour coz it was my fault. I accepted that

03-08-2023, 02:02 PM
What about wechat responses? How long do you guys wait for a response from the shop after you have messaged them before you say something like:

"Hello again I think you missed my message" or "Haha is the shop busy tonight"

03-08-2023, 02:27 PM
What about wechat responses? How long do you guys wait for a response from the shop after you have messaged them before you say something like:

"Hello again I think you missed my message" or "Haha is the shop busy tonight"I find the well managed shops reply fairly fast.
Shop's that are slow to reply are either not well managed or there is only a couple of girls working who are also looking after the phones.

Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk

Thomas Crown
03-08-2023, 03:04 PM
For me, zero wait.

15 minutes before my booking time, I always text the shop to ask if [name of girl] is good to start at the agreed time.

90% of cases reception says either “yes” or “they are ready now”. Great.

In the other 10% of cases when my booking is late, I don’t care what the reason is. I request another girl.

Most times they can offer another suitable girl who can start on time. On the rare occasion they can’t offer another suitable girl, I say I won’t be in today.

At this stage of the negotiation, you need to be prepared to walk.

Most of us are time poor, need to plan our sessions carefully, and are way too proud to sit in a cubicle or behind a curtain for 40 minutes with our cock in our hand paying for someone else’s mistake.

Fuck that.

03-08-2023, 03:53 PM
What about wechat responses? How long do you guys wait for a response from the shop after you have messaged them before you say something like:

"Hello again I think you missed my message" or "Haha is the shop busy tonight"

Depends on the situation - an example is when the roster comes out for a popular girl - in that example I probably only give it a couple minutes before I follow up. I will say it's usually not a problem I experience though...

03-08-2023, 03:58 PM
For me, zero wait.

15 minutes before my booking time, I always text the shop to ask if [name of girl] is good to start at the agreed time.

90% of cases reception says either “yes” or “they are ready now”. Great.

In the other 10% of cases when my booking is late, I don’t care what the reason is. I request another girl.

Most times they can offer another suitable girl who can start on time. On the rare occasion they can’t offer another suitable girl, I say I won’t be in today.

At this stage of the negotiation, you need to be prepared to walk.

Most of us are time poor, need to plan our sessions carefully, and are way too proud to sit in a cubicle or behind a curtain for 40 minutes with our cock in our hand paying for someone else’s mistake.

Fuck that.

Funny you say you msg before your booking. This isn't something I normally do but it saved me a 30 minute trip as I booked a girl early in the day eg. 10am for an after work session.
They confirmed my booking but later in the day I had this gut feeling something was wrong as she was no longer appearing on the Wechat roster, but was still on the AUS99 roster that was being updated.... so to be safe I msged to "double check" my booking before heading out.
Got a "sorry she is sick today" response.


03-08-2023, 04:55 PM
No more than 15 mins. Plenty of other shops to visit if have to wait too long especially if in city with plenty of options.

03-08-2023, 06:29 PM
15 minutes max for me as I'm normally against the clock, but by the 10 minute mark I normally know if it will be happening or not. Have walked away before and will probably walk away again in the future

03-08-2023, 09:15 PM

03-08-2023, 09:37 PM
15-20 mins, depending if I know the Mamasan or the girl... For a new place i definitely think waiting 15 mins is a bit too much

03-08-2023, 11:34 PM
Often it also comes down to how the receptionist handle the situation. One time I was asking about a WL on wechat, the receptionist said come take a look first. I knew something was off at that point, but still showed up because I'm dumbass. Could've believe my eyes when I walked in, fucking literally 3 groups guys were waiting, with 4 guys in every group. I ask the receptionist right away, like wtf, why did you ask me to come when there's no room. She just sheepishly smiled and said it's very fast. Like umm fuck no. I walked out right away, complete disrespect of customers time.

However, recently I went to the shop again. A different receptionist answered my msg. I booked the time, showed up, and again there were at least 7 people waiting. Since it was a different receptionist, he told me don't worry about the other guys, since I had already book with him, he saved a room for my time slot.

So there you, same shop, but 2 different outcomes with 2 different people handling the business.

07-05-2024, 07:44 PM
The longest I have waited is 2 hours, no bullshit. The shop was busy and this was a Friday night so understandably, the shop was busy. During that time, I was hanging out with the boss and having a drink. We got chatting about stuff and the 2 hours flew. Before I knew it, my regular was available and in I went. It was my fault because I rocked up to the shop with no booking.

07-05-2024, 08:17 PM
10 is no problem, 20 mins is okayish , 30 mins is a firm but polite "what's going on boss??" but from reading some punter opinions here, y'all acting like entitled queens.

Girls are entertaining you for the hour, after each hour she gets another guy, which this happens for quite a few hours in a row, jesus I mean the girl probably has to have shit at some point during the day and she ain't going to do it infront of you or cut your time short to snap one off, hence why she's late for your booking every now and then

07-05-2024, 08:47 PM
Couldn't give a concern, wait walk .. isn't that part of a punt.... myself

08-05-2024, 01:42 PM
10 is no problem, 20 mins is okayish , 30 mins is a firm but polite "what's going on boss??" but from reading some punter opinions here, y'all acting like entitled queens.

Girls are entertaining you for the hour, after each hour she gets another guy, which this happens for quite a few hours in a row, jesus I mean the girl probably has to have shit at some point during the day and she ain't going to do it infront of you or cut your time short to snap one off, hence why she's late for your booking every now and thenI understand that "shit happens" (pun intended), for either party. But time is money, for both parties. I understand her time is valuable, so I do my utmost to arrive 5-10 minutes early just so I AM there. In a number of cases, I'll send her a personal message that I'm en-route (and some have sent me reminders, no doubt due to my age). But my time is also valuable and with limited windows, I do have alternate targets. If she's a regular, she has more leeway, but then, if she's a regular, she KNOWS (personal direct contact) I've booked her, so she'll do her best to meet OUR schedule. If she's an unknown, less leeway and I'm more likely to bail after 15-20. Then it's a win-win; she gets a respite and I'm on my way to an alternate oasis.

Communication is key. If she lets me know she's running late, I can alter my schedule if possible (or let her know I can't). Same for the shop. If the shop lets me know what's going on, OK. But when you're just left sitting in a room, hanging, that's disrespectful.

Personally, I've experienced everything from
"Sorry, I'm sick so will not be working today" (even as I was en-route, but very much acceptable)
"Please delay your arrival by 15 minutes due to the previous customer arriving late" (no problem)
"Go ahead and shower, she'll be ready in 10 minutes". After a shower and 20 minutes, I asked where she was. "She said she's on her way but she's not here yet. I've tried, but she's not answering her phone". Bail, but I wished the shop would have been more up front initially.
At the front desk, "Sorry, this is her first day, she's not here and she'd not answering our calls." Bail (and she never showed up for work).

08-05-2024, 02:01 PM
I understand that "shit happens" (pun intended), for either party. But time is money, for both parties. I understand her time is valuable, so I do my utmost to arrive 5-10 minutes early just so I AM there. In a number of cases, I'll send her a personal message that I'm en-route (and some have sent me reminders, no doubt due to my age). But my time is also valuable and with limited windows, I do have alternate targets. If she's a regular, she has more leeway, but then, if she's a regular, she KNOWS (personal direct contact) I've booked her, so she'll do her best to meet OUR schedule. If she's an unknown, less leeway and I'm more likely to bail after 15-20. Then it's a win-win; she gets a respite and I'm on my way to an alternate oasis.

Communication is key. If she lets me know she's running late, I can alter my schedule if possible (or let her know I can't). Same for the shop. If the shop lets me know what's going on, OK. But when you're just left sitting in a room, hanging, that's disrespectful.

Personally, I've experienced everything from
"Sorry, I'm sick so will not be working today" (even as I was en-route, but very much acceptable)
"Please delay your arrival by 15 minutes due to the previous customer arriving late" (no problem)
"Go ahead and shower, she'll be ready in 10 minutes". After a shower and 20 minutes, I asked where she was. "She said she's on her way but she's not here yet. I've tried, but she's not answering her phone". Bail, but I wished the shop would have been more up front initially.
At the front desk, "Sorry, this is her first day, she's not here and she'd not answering our calls." Bail (and she never showed up for work).

very well said! there are times when things are out of control, for example train/bus cancellation, bad traffic etc... I don't have a problem to wait if I am informed in advance. However, I know there are certain shops that they intentionally accept overlapping bookings, mostly because of greed, and they make you wait, I consider this as a disrespectful act.

When I visit shops, I want to see a ML/WL, not being locked in the room looking at the wall.

08-05-2024, 05:01 PM
Depends on supply and demand but I would say 15mins.

Kiki kong
08-05-2024, 07:12 PM
No booking 20min
Booking 10min

17-06-2024, 11:57 PM
I have come to realise that it is not a professional industry and the owners do not care about making you wait.

They only care about the bottom line and realise we are horny buggers so we will just wait.

18-06-2024, 12:08 AM
I have come to realise that it is not a professional industry and the owners do not care about making you wait.

They only care about the bottom line and realise we are horny buggers so we will just wait.

Yes, it's ok to make us wait but if we are 5 mins late then they get upset.

I say wait 10 mins and walk, anymore means they double booked

18-06-2024, 10:46 AM
10 mins is my go to, after 5 I'll ask for an update and if its longer than 10 I'll ask if anyone else is available or leave

18-06-2024, 11:00 AM
15 minutes max, depends if it is one of your favourites.

18-06-2024, 04:48 PM
If its a new place or popular girl somewhere I'm traveling far for I'll message ahead to confirm the appointment is still on time. If i haven't rung ahead and they're running late I'll see who else is available, always happy to see a line up (seeing as theres so much ai/photoshop going on with girls photos these days). depending on whos available or how long the wait is I'll either wait (up to 15mins) or chose someone different... cant waste that blue pill!!

i've had a bit of a run around from shops around the city... i'm usually upfront and tell them look i've paid parking up to X time, so if they're going to be any longer i need to know now whether to extend my parking or not.

19-06-2024, 10:15 AM
If it's a long term regular then I'd be prepared to wait up to 15 minutes, no problem, it wouldn't even annoy me if they've always looked after me in the past.

If it's someone I've only seen a few times I'm probably going to suck it up but not bother to return to see her again.

40 minutes is a very long time to have to wait and it's pretty obvious the shop don't really value your repeat business over a walk in / the previous customer. No worries, you don't have to look after me and I don't have to return to the shop.