View Full Version : General talk What do you do when the girl forgets to collect the cash for her extra services?

17-07-2023, 10:09 PM
This happens to me surprisingly more often than not - usually with a new girl. Every time I have reminded them about it at the end as I'm about to leave. If I didn't, I probably would have an extra $1000+ today for the amount of times it's happened lol.

What do (or would) you guys do in this situation? Dine and dash? or be the honest man?

Kinda temping to just head out without paying but also risking being blacklisted in case it is some kind of test...
could feign ignorance and say I also forgot though.

17-07-2023, 10:10 PM
It's NEVER happened to me 🤣🤣

17-07-2023, 10:16 PM
It's happened a few times.
I always pay and they'll appreciate the honesty and are more likely remember you the next time.
What comes around, goes around.

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17-07-2023, 10:17 PM
Be better

Atreus to Kratos 2022

Always give them what they should earned. Despite good or not good.

17-07-2023, 10:28 PM
You can try that trick on a few restaurants and see how you go. It's the same system there, right? You pay your bill at the counter or ask for the cheque as you're leaving after your meal. Why should you "remind them" about payment? Just walk on out, who's gonna know?

17-07-2023, 10:34 PM
Pay for extras, they earned it.

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17-07-2023, 10:36 PM
You can try that trick on a few restaurants and see how you go. It's the same system there, right? You pay your bill at the counter or ask for the cheque as you're leaving after your meal. Why should you "remind them" about payment? Just walk on out, who's gonna know?

that's a good way of putting it. never thought of it like that. it's just that whenever there was an extra from more experienced ML or WL they would always straight out tell me at the end. just felt new to me having to "remind" girls of the payment as I was walking out.

asian slayer
17-07-2023, 10:36 PM
Hahhaha never happend to me

17-07-2023, 10:41 PM
This happens to me surprisingly more often than not - usually with a new girl. Every time I have reminded them about it at the end as I'm about to leave. If I didn't, I probably would have an extra $1000+ today for the amount of times it's happened lol.

What do (or would) you guys do in this situation? Dine and dash? or be the honest man?

Kinda temping to just head out without paying but also risking being blacklisted in case it is some kind of test...
could feign ignorance and say I also forgot though.

It’s not the responsibility of the ML to collect the tips After she delivered the extra services. It’s a business transaction , your money for her erotic services. If she hasn’t asked you to pay up front first and delivered the services your have promised to pay then you should keep up your end of the bargain and pay . It’s not a charity or good deeds, it’s the right thing to do, she earned that .

Just my two cents


17-07-2023, 10:49 PM
It's happened a few times.
I always pay and they'll appreciate the honesty and are more likely remember you the next time.
What comes around, goes around.

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I agree! You have more to gain by being honest with it compared to potentially souring a relationship.

17-07-2023, 11:02 PM
that's a good way of putting it. never thought of it like that. it's just that whenever there was an extra from more experienced ML or WL they would always straight out tell me at the end. just felt new to me having to "remind" girls of the payment as I was walking out.

I'm the opposite. I've rarely had an ML have to ask me for the money at the end of the sessions. On occasion, there are some MLs that demand payment upfront but they are very rare and almost always on a first meet.

So what I do is I always pay the tip the moment I've got enough clothes on me. Top on, pants on, grab my wallet from the counter, pay.

I do my best not to be asked to pay because I'm dealing with an Asian lady most of the time, it's about "saving face". When it gets to the point that she has to ask me for it, that's it, my standing in her view has just gone a few levels down. That's never a good thing if I can help it!

17-07-2023, 11:06 PM
I believe in karma though I am not a religious person, especially when my transactional partner put their body on the line. I do the right thing every time.

17-07-2023, 11:12 PM
I'm the opposite. I've rarely had an ML have to ask me for the money at the end of the sessions. On occasion, there are some MLs that demand payment upfront but they are very rare and almost always on a first meet.

So what I do is I always pay the tip the moment I've got enough clothes on me. Top on, pants on, grab my wallet from the counter, pay.

I do my best not to be asked to pay because I'm dealing with an Asian lady most of the time, it's about "saving face". When it gets to the point that she has to ask me for it, that's it, my standing in her view has just gone a few levels down. That's never a good thing if I can help it!

Absolutely, don't even need to be asked, pay as soon as decent, some ask to pay before service starts (probably been shafted previously) and that's fine, if that makes them more comfortable.
Fee agreed, service performed, pay without being asked.

17-07-2023, 11:15 PM
She might be too shy to ask, this happens to the new girls sometimes. I will try to pass the money as soon as I am dressed to avoid the embarrassment.

17-07-2023, 11:55 PM
She might be too shy to ask, this happens to the new girls sometimes. I will try to pass the money as soon as I am dressed to avoid the embarrassment.

I’ve had a recent case where I’ve tipped a WL half way through for allowing me to take some photos which is a fetishised of mine and perhaps considered as an extra. So I gave her 50 bucks and we resumed fucking. I dunno what she did with the note but at the end of the session it was lying on the floor amid torn fuck wrappers and one of my used condoms. Of course Impicked it up and gave it to her, she earned it!

18-07-2023, 12:23 AM
It’s not the responsibility of the ML to collect the tips After she delivered the extra services. It’s a business transaction , your money for her erotic services. If she hasn’t asked you to pay up front first and delivered the services your have promised to pay then you should keep up your end of the bargain and pay . It’s not a charity or good deeds, it’s the right thing to do, she earned that .

Just my two cents


Yes just fucking pay for the services provided!


18-07-2023, 12:24 AM
Don't be a cunt to someone who kindly let you play with theirs for a small fee. Can't believe we're discussing this.

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18-07-2023, 12:27 AM
Surely this is a rhetorical question
You pay the lady without hesitation

18-07-2023, 12:48 AM
Surely this is a rhetorical question
You pay the lady without hesitation

I’d like to agree with you here, but real world experience is that most people are absolute cunts

But +1 for pay the girl for any agreed extras. It’s a little murkier when a girl asks for payment after the fact if there has been no discussion of extras first though.

18-07-2023, 12:54 AM
I’d like to agree with you here, but real world experience is that most people are absolute cunts

But +1 for pay the girl for any agreed extras. It’s a little murkier when a girl asks for payment after the fact if there has been no discussion of extras first though.They are called extras for a reason, right? I think we're all pretty clear on when we should pay in the room for anything extra.

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18-07-2023, 07:05 AM
I’d like to agree with you here, but real world experience is that most people are absolute cunts

But +1 for pay the girl for any agreed extras. It’s a little murkier when a girl asks for payment after the fact if there has been no discussion of extras first though.

There's so much discussion about extras only an absolute newbie would be remotely justified in being unsure - so I'd say 99.99 % of punters would know exactly that they r doing the wrong thing by not paying - F*** Me is it really that difficult to be decent and honest

18-07-2023, 08:32 AM
There's so much discussion about extras only an absolute newbie would be remotely justified in being unsure - so I'd say 99.99 % of punters would know exactly that they r doing the wrong thing by not paying - F*** Me is it really that difficult not to be decent and honest
Yes, it's all about decency. When you take something off a rack in a Woolies, that's a commitment there to buy that product, you gotta pay the price even if you forgot to check the price tag.

A handful of times I got into really passionate sessions where there was no opportunity to talk about price. It became like making out with a GF, you don't talk $$$ in those situations.

What I do at the end of the session depends on the girl. If she's not very business-like, I just pay a rate that I know would make her happy, usually a fair bit more than the going rate. Some girls have returned part of the money to me when I did this saying I'm overpaying.

If she's business-like or a more experienced type, I just ask how much I owe her and pay up.

18-07-2023, 08:34 AM
This happened to me a few times. Usually I take out the money and pay before going. This one time we both forgot and I ended up going home. Remembered at night, messaged the shop and went back in and gave the tip to the girl. She was very happy that I came back. She was going back to Thailand for a month

18-07-2023, 10:37 AM
I've never been asked to pay a ML for extras up front. Some have told me the price for various extras and occasionally there's been some negotiation, but often the girl just agrees to what I request during the session and price is never discussed.
I always pay what I think the extras were worth at the end, sometimes if I'm not sure I'll ask "so what do I owe you for that?"
There's also the up-front house fee to consider.
If it's $70 for the hour I'll give the girl more for extras than if it's $130 for the hour inclusive of NHJ.

18-07-2023, 11:04 AM
This happens to me surprisingly more often than not - usually with a new girl. Every time I have reminded them about it at the end as I'm about to leave. If I didn't, I probably would have an extra $1000+ today for the amount of times it's happened lol.

What do (or would) you guys do in this situation? Dine and dash? or be the honest man?

Kinda temping to just head out without paying but also risking being blacklisted in case it is some kind of test...
could feign ignorance and say I also forgot though.

That could happen only if you're George Clooney or Leonardo Dicaprio. :)

18-07-2023, 11:25 AM
May be this is a good time to share again one of my own witness of good human nature and decency:

Happened at the good old QVB days , I was waiting for my girl Cherry 🍒 to finish up. An Indian gentleman buzzing the door and the Mamasan let him in. He knocked on the first room door and a young ML opened the door and the Indian guy handed over some money to her, can’t see how much but at least a $50 there I thought .

I found out later that the gentleman had a session with the young new girl (new as I haven’t seen her before!) obviously extra services were provided but the guy didn’t have enough cash on him so the young ML let him get dressed, went out to the ATM to bring cash back, all good.

True story .


18-07-2023, 11:30 AM
For me these days, 100% pay in full up front whether it was a RnT quickie or the works , so the lady knew exactly what I want for the day.

And I also do my due diligence up front if it was my first time with the ML, eg. Making sure the $50 is enough for a nude HJ, or the $70 will include breasts slides = Spanish (like when I saw 38 G Cups Anna the first time…….haha) . Etc Etc.


18-07-2023, 11:52 AM
I pay up front including any extras no question about it I would not feel right otherwise. Make sure you give the girl all the cash before you start.

18-07-2023, 12:41 PM
I always pay up front no matter new, regular etc.

I slip my Pikachu(s) under their santiser or tissue box in a very obvious spot that only a blind or wilfully ignorant person wouldn't notice.

That way there isn't any mood kill trying to find money in the middle or even sort of killing the post nut serenity by turning it into a "business" event by giving money at the end.

It shouldn't matter, but I don't like the ML "feeling" like it was purely a sex thing. We had a great time and I can just take off in good spirits rather then suddenly being, yeah you earned it, and this is what your worth. Not sure if that makes sense but just me

For WL I probably wouldn't care as much about when to give money.

18-07-2023, 01:06 PM
I pay up front including any extras no question about it I would not feel right otherwise. Make sure you give the girl all the cash before you start.

Regulars 100% - first time I'm hesitant unless good review because I've been burnt badly a few times (Ivy 2 Pope & Sunny Saigon Princess) and getting money back is almost impossible (Ivy did give me $50 back so fair due)

Am total believer in fairness so not a question of being cheap

18-07-2023, 01:09 PM
Always pay. I've run back in after I've realised afterwards as well

18-07-2023, 02:15 PM
I've heard this excuse used by some guys from some MLs. They go to a RNT shop with little cash and then tell girl to give them extra service with promise of payment later. Instead, they don't return at all. MLs need to be careful of these dodgy characters!

Who goes to a shop with just the basic amount for a massage only? Just lost for words!🙉

I always pay afterwards because I don't like mood killers. I also pay as soon as I am dressed. I don't want to embarrass the ML into asking. I also take lots of different denomination notes so that I always have the right money.

18-07-2023, 08:09 PM
The ML not asking is bonus points for service, it doesn't mean don't pay.

Can also be a tactic to get you to pay more in tips. Instead of quoting the standard price, it becomes how much YOU think her service was worth. If it's happening it must be working.

18-07-2023, 08:55 PM
I like paying for things up front. Get's it all out of the way so we can both get down to "business".

18-07-2023, 10:30 PM
True story.
Walking to a RnT many years ago and noted a gym rat, steroid type guy coming out and strollong off. Thought nothing of it but walked in to find an upset looking ML. I didn't know her, but asked if everything was okay. The gym rat c#nt had enjoyed his extras, goit dressed and walked out, despite her asking for her extras tip. He'd simply ignored her apparently and the ML, scared of his size, didnt push it. What a c%nt.

I'm no white knight, but i gave her the $50, despite her protests and settled in for my session. That's just wrong. Pay the proper $$ boys, make it a habit to leave the money on the table as she's doing the paper sheet thing. I hope karma got the prick at some point.

18-07-2023, 10:35 PM
I'm surprised how many in this thread prefer to pay up-front.
I've found that if the ML is having a good time and both of us are enjoying the session I sometimes get a lot more than I expected, and the uncertainty about how far the girl is willing to go adds to the excitement.
And I can and do adjust the tip according to the experience and level of services provided.

19-07-2023, 08:57 PM
Always pay.
Just remember this life lesson - 'fuck around and find out'.