View Full Version : General talk Any reccomendations for a newby

01-06-2023, 10:46 AM
Hey everyone,

I have been lurking in the forum for a while now but this will be my first post!

I have a question, I have seen some WL before, mostly "independent" escorts because I always thought of the places as not good enough. I recently had my first experience in 244 Paddington and it went great (not my best but still very good) so I want to try different sites and ladies now. Two questions here:

1. Which sites near the CBD and surry hills should I try? Any recommended ladies?

2. I'm a big Rim addict, any WL that do deep rimming really good that I should try?

Thanks in advance!

01-06-2023, 03:49 PM
This question appears almost weekly. This site is full of recommendations for shops and ladies.

Read through a few and maybe ask questions about specific girls later.

01-06-2023, 04:12 PM
12 Bellevue...............

01-06-2023, 08:57 PM
Short answer: RTFF
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