View Full Version : General talk ML/WL offering to service you outside the shop

27-05-2023, 10:25 AM
I am wondering how often this has happened to you. You become a regular with your favourite ML/WL say for 4 or 5 times, then she drops hints or tells you outright that she is available to see you outside for a fee. In my case, one girl asked if I live alone and when I asked why she's asking, she said because she "feel comfortable to see you in a better environment and it won't cost any more". Another a few years back offered to meet at her place during the daytime (her flatmate at work then) for 2 hours (instead of 1 at the shop). I took up the offer and went to her place once a week when she was not working at the shop. In the end I upped the amount to 400 because we spent 3 hours each time and she always had a bottle of wine. She was Caucasian. The first girl was Thai (the one that needed a place).

Anyone with similar adventures?

27-05-2023, 10:39 AM
I am wondering how often this has happened to you. You become a regular with your favourite ML/WL say for 4 or 5 times, then she drops hints or tells you outright that she is available to see you outside for a fee. In my case, one girl asked if I live alone and when I asked why she's asking, she said because she "feel comfortable to see you in a better environment and it won't cost any more". Another a few years back offered to meet at her place during the daytime (her flatmate at work then) for 2 hours (instead of 1 at the shop). I took up the offer and went to her place once a week when she was not working at the shop. In the end I upped the amount to 400 because we spent 3 hours each time and she always had a bottle of wine. She was Caucasian. The first girl was Thai (the one that needed a place).

Anyone with similar adventures?

Years ago (well before covid), actually say early this century, used to happen as the girls could cut the shop take. Also with a cauc having a cauc at home was easier than an asian who is moving around and sharing etc...
Obviously with the rental situ nowadays...

I have a lady who has regular local clients she messages which hotel she is at for the week as she moves around. (the whole east coast, not just sydney).

She is cauc, well into he 60's and more lke an old friend.

27-05-2023, 11:28 AM
2 girls from the same shop who I saw regularly visited me at home, one used to drive the other I would pick up from the station, good times and no rush, both have moved on....In actual fact one of the girls asked me for money during lockdown and offered to clean my house and extras, I was ok with that and she honoured her commitment which I thought was really cool.............

27-05-2023, 01:20 PM
most of the times it is just the girls looking for a sugar daddy, they will say things like i be your girl friend and won't work in the shop or see other guys if you pay my rent and school fees, some are looking for that permit visa too

27-05-2023, 01:50 PM
most of the times it is just the girls looking for a sugar daddy, they will say things like i be your girl friend and won't work in the shop or see other guys if you pay my rent and school fees, some are looking for that permit visa too

Nah , never got that BS, they were nice girls.........

27-05-2023, 02:04 PM
most of the times it is just the girls looking for a sugar daddy, they will say things like i be your girl friend and won't work in the shop or see other guys if you pay my rent and school fees, some are looking for that permit visa too

Very rare to hear this especially the girl saying she'll give up her work to be my girlfriend or I support her. The only time I heard a girl request some financial assistance during a session was to provide extra money to pay her rent and it was a no no from me.

27-05-2023, 02:17 PM
Have had it suggested twice by ladies.

First time was many years ago, a Caucasion lady who I had seen a couple of times at the shop and we just seemed to connect in conversation terms. The conversations covered a lot of info during which we discussed where I was living and working (suburb wise) and after the second visit she asked me to come around to her house some days as her place was a few kms from my work (I was living 80kms from work at the time), but she asked I call first. Called and popped around a few times but never anything sexual, all platonic not that I was to worried as it did give me a place to rest and she was a good chick.

Second time, Wollongong area and was a Thai massage lady. Started out as straight massage and she started to explore herself and, well, in her words found herself getting stupidly horny (yes, knew full well she likely said this to many customers). Saw her around 6 or so times in the shop, each time she would get friskier and so forth and she gives me her mobile number and asks me to call her sometime on a day she was off. Thought why not so tried the luck as she was just dynamite in a lot of ways with a firecracker fun personality, got invited around to her unit and we had fun a few times. She was already married to an Aussie so there was no attempt to get me to be that dude but she just wanted to have some extra fun away from the shop, although we did also catch up socially a number of times. We did this off/on for a few months and after a while she left the shop and went into a full service job in one of the local brothels and we kind of drifted as whe was now getting paid to be that firecracker frisky self (she never asked me for money when I visited). Last time I saw her socially, she was still married but had slowed down her working hours to a few days per week.

I should add here that on both occasions I was (and still am) married and my wife was fully aware as our relationship is quite open. That aspect does make things far easier in many ways as for me anyway, there is no drive for a long term emotional type commitment as I already have that and more

27-05-2023, 05:19 PM
most of the times it is just the girls looking for a sugar daddy, they will say things like i be your girl friend and won't work in the shop or see other guys if you pay my rent and school fees, some are looking for that permit visa too

As soon as you hear the word "Visa" or "money for family back in xxxx country" then run screaming out the door.

I'll do the private thing & I couldn't give a flying fuck if they're still working in the shop. Shouldn't deprive herself of income for me, I don't want that on me, again, sounds too "boyfriend-ish", fuck that for a joke.

However for a multiple sweaty fuck out of shop in public locations, bring it on skippy.

28-05-2023, 01:03 AM
2 girls from the same shop who I saw regularly visited me at home, one used to drive the other I would pick up from the station, good times and no rush, both have moved on....In actual fact one of the girls asked me for money during lockdown and offered to clean my house and extras, I was ok with that and she honoured her commitment which I thought was really cool.............

Ah yeah I remember that. You totally fucked up a perfect arrangement by getting paranoid about other punters. You thought you were the one! Have a nice day!

Back to the op, definitely not uncommon. I think it happens even more these days because shop life ain't so profitable.

28-05-2023, 01:11 AM
I’ve had this offer a ton of times in the last year or so … generally it starts when I pay extra using PayID instead of cash because I’m too lazy to go to an ATM before I head into these joints. PayID needs a mobile number then they ask me to message them so I oblige and it starts from there. You gotta be real careful though. I had one Thai lady wanting to meet up and I book a hotel in the CBD and stay with her for the night and on top of that she wanted like $2k. Haven’t replied since. To be honest, I just want an hour to an hour and a half tops. I’ve got no interest in sticking around. If you are like me and you don’t want someone hanging off you like that, just stick to seeing them in a shop. You can go in, see them for an hour, leave and you dont have to worry about anyone getting attached to anything

28-05-2023, 01:50 AM
Ah yeah I remember that. You totally fucked up a perfect arrangement by getting paranoid about other punters. You thought you were the one! Have a nice day!

Back to the op, definitely not uncommon. I think it happens even more these days because shop life ain't so profitable.

was not talking about Bella and yes I stuffed that up, it was well after that, post covid lockdown, Bella was during lockdown because she worked out of a hotel as well and was rented out by the shop in Willoughby as you know, all ancient history.......

28-05-2023, 04:55 AM
2 girls from the same shop who I saw regularly visited me at home, one used to drive the other I would pick up from the station, good times and no rush, both have moved on....In actual fact one of the girls asked me for money during lockdown and offered to clean my house and extras, I was ok with that and she honoured her commitment which I thought was really cool.............

Yes you ended up marrying one of them. :)

The biggest bullshit artist in the forum ever. :)

28-05-2023, 05:57 AM
Yes you ended up marrying one of them. :)

The biggest bullshit artist in the forum ever. :)

No dumbfuck all real, like my family and life, everything you have posted is fantasy which you admit and how are your imaginary wife and kids and your regulars you give expensive gifts to and one week your broke and living on bowls of rice, think before you post your crap moron...

28-05-2023, 11:06 AM
I've done this with a few girls, but most of the other ones I just take their contact when it is offered but I never take up the offer. I mean, it's a lot of trouble for me to organise a meet outside of the shop just to see her.

It takes a very special girl that would make me want to go through that trouble. Most girls I'd be happy for them to stay at the shop and just do them when they're available there, no hassles.

28-05-2023, 11:44 AM
I've done this with a few girls, but most of the other ones I just take their contact when it is offered but I never take up the offer. I mean, it's a lot of trouble for me to organise a meet outside of the shop just to see her.

It takes a very special girl that would make me want to go through that trouble. Most girls I'd be happy for them to stay at the shop and just do them when they're available there, no hassles.

Unless my family visit i have the house to myself and since my puppy dog died recently it's pretty empty, so it was always convenient to have the home visits.....

28-05-2023, 12:04 PM
Unless my family visit i have the house to myself and since my puppy dog died recently it's pretty empty, so it was always convenient to have the home visits.....
Yeah, for sure if you've got the place to yourself it's a great arrangement to have. I'm green with envy at those that can do it.

For me, having to book a hotel and then having to deal with the tardiness of these girls is a real pain. I can remember 2 times where the girl just didn't turn up when I was waiting in the hotel room.

I think because it is an "outside arrangement", they tend to be less disciplined. Gotta remember that you're not their boss. They sure wouldn't pull a stunt like not turning up in the shop cos there's a boss there.

28-05-2023, 12:14 PM
I've had "home service" ML for a few years, from girl I initially met in a shop. But always at her place, not mine, although she does visit some other clients.

Much more informal and relaxing than in a shop. Often go for meal/coffee before or after the session. She tried to get me involved in her personal life, but I had no intention of getting into a relationship.

28-05-2023, 12:16 PM
Totally independent of the shop, on their days off, except the thai girl I saw during covid lock down which was arranged through a local shop, which I stuffed up!

28-05-2023, 12:54 PM
I had one Thai lady wanting to meet up and I book a hotel in the CBD and stay with her for the night and on top of that she wanted like $2k. Haven’t replied since

Thanks for the story.
The sad thing is, she has probably succeeded with this $2K offer with other less educated customers

28-05-2023, 12:57 PM
For me, having to book a hotel and then having to deal with the tardiness of these girls is a real pain. I can remember 2 times where the girl just didn't turn up when I was waiting in the hotel room.

I think because it is an "outside arrangement", they tend to be less disciplined. Gotta remember that you're not their boss. They sure wouldn't pull a stunt like not turning up in the shop cos there's a boss there.
Interesting observations
I bet they are late because they have more important priorities including relationships
Hotel books aren't cheap
Much easier to use the shop, take the limited time, and save the hassle

Btw there is no chance any lady from punting is getting my home address details
Wouldn't be happy if they decide for a random turnup for cash when I am home with a gf
'I left something at your place'

28-05-2023, 01:19 PM
Interesting observations
I bet they are late because they have more important priorities including relationships
Hotel books aren't cheap
Much easier to use the shop, take the limited time, and save the hassle

Btw there is no chance any lady from punting is getting my home address details
Wouldn't be happy if they decide for a random turnup for cash when I am home with a gf
'I left something at your place'

Just make it clear to them that you don’t own your place, you’re on a short rental lease, etc. they wouldn’t risk turning up to a place to find a different tenant there.