View Full Version : General talk An Unfulfilled Life - Sadhguru

18-05-2023, 12:33 AM

It's in English. :)

18-05-2023, 04:10 PM
What a boring old cunt!
This guy would have been cool in the 1960s when the Beatles went to India, but now he is just sad and old and tragic.
He needs to shave off his beard, pump some weights, make himself attractive and get his cock sucked by some young hotties :)
He has some potential. He is probably half handsome under that ugly old beard, and if he has been doing yoga all his life he is probably a mad fuck :)
He could be like an Indian George Clooney - with Yoga moves :)

18-05-2023, 04:20 PM
What a boring old cunt! He needs to shave off his beard, pump some weights, make himself attractive and get his cock sucked by some young hotties :)
He has some potential. He is probably half handsome under that ugly beard, and if he has been doing yoga all his life he is probably a mad fuck :)

Yeah and it’s even funnier how he’s got all his loyal followers nodding their heads in synchrony to the croc of shit he preaches. Like fuck off, as if. This weasel wouldn’t know reincarnation from masturbation. You never hear him say when asked something “I don’t fucking know.” Fucking scam artist.

18-05-2023, 04:47 PM
Yeah and it’s even funnier how he’s got all his loyal followers nodding their heads in synchrony to the croc of shit he preaches. Like fuck off, as if. This weasel wouldn’t know reincarnation from masturbation. You never hear him say when asked something “I don’t fucking know.” Fucking scam artist.

Feel sorry for the men falling for this bullshit.

18-05-2023, 04:51 PM
An unfulfilled life ... hmm no.

'''The Light and the dark flow into the same river but just in different direction''' ... Carl Jung

Enjoy your life, 'enjoy your sins' [ even sin doesn't really exist ] but take Full responsibility, excuses are for the weak. At the end Light and Truth only exist.

18-05-2023, 04:53 PM
The earth is slow but the ox is patient

18-05-2023, 08:51 PM
Do what thou whilst shall be the whole of the law. - Alistair Crowley

18-05-2023, 09:30 PM
"Fuck Yeah"... Team America.

19-05-2023, 12:25 AM
i'd rather learn from Hustler's University

19-05-2023, 09:25 AM
What a boring old cunt!
This guy would have been cool in the 1960s when the Beatles went to India, but now he is just sad and old and tragic.
He needs to shave off his beard, pump some weights, make himself attractive and get his cock sucked by some young hotties :)
He has some potential. He is probably half handsome under that ugly old beard, and if he has been doing yoga all his life he is probably a mad fuck :)
He could be like an Indian George Clooney - with Yoga moves :)
Probably has a fewRolls Royce’s in the shed.

19-05-2023, 10:52 AM
All these clowns turn out to be frauds,remember the leader of "The Orange People"with the 15 Rolls,they prey on the morons..........

19-05-2023, 06:53 PM
Unfulfilled life WTF! The cunt has 15 Rolls Royces, 24 carat rings on all his fingers, and an assortment of white chicks sucking his dick and kissing his decrepit brown sandals. Some people do have an unfulfilled life and are doing it tough.

20-05-2023, 08:58 PM
All these clowns turn out to be frauds,remember the leader of "The Orange People"with the 15 Rolls,they prey on the morons..........

They are predatory deceivers who prey on the vulnerable and play to their emotions.
People tend to be gullible. If he ever comes to Sydney I will publicly expose him in the media for the charlatan he is. Someone has to do it.

21-05-2023, 01:15 AM
They are predatory deceivers who prey on the vulnerable and play to their emotions.
People tend to be gullible. If he ever comes to Sydney I will publicly expose him in the media for the charlatan he is. Someone has to do it.

Oh too late Ghost, the geezer carked it 1990 age 58

There was also another character, Sai Baba who it was claimed could materialise stuff out of thin air..
I recall a surgeon friend who was a follower of this charlatan!

21-05-2023, 01:57 AM
India has a strong culture of praising gurus for thousands of years. Some religions such as Buddhism flourished because of this culture. But these days I think a lot of them are taking the guru business a little too far, taking advantage of not only their countrymen but also suckers all over the world.

Knowledge is free. There's no need to advertise your seminars and get students to pay subscriptions just to line your pockets. If you really are a miracle worker that can materialise gold or diamonds out of thin air then you wouldn't be telling people that - you could've disappeared and live on a yatch full of young gold diggers willing to spread eagle every time you present to them your crown "jewels" that you materialised from between your legs.