View Full Version : General talk Hot wife

10-05-2023, 08:46 PM
How hot your wife?

11-05-2023, 08:50 PM
my mates give my wife about 8.5/10. so i guess not too bad in the looks dept..... too bad shes a typical woman though.
if they didnt have something bewteen their legs that men want they would be stacked higher than the fridges at the tip.

11-05-2023, 09:53 PM
My wife is the leggiest girl I've ever met in my life. Not only that she had a great tight round arse that I could play with all day.

Sure, she's put on a bit after having my son, but back then.... I travelled with her to a nearby country for a long weekend of sex and debauchery.
It was one of the most memorable times of my life. I think we spent hardly 3 hours outside of the hotel in that trip. My best was fucking her 8 times in 1 day.

11-05-2023, 10:29 PM
Not hot + separated, that's why I punt...

11-05-2023, 10:40 PM
romerophilip! What a champion. One post and asking in broken English "How hot your wife" . With some of the descriptions so far he must be tugging on his Indian cock by now

11-05-2023, 10:50 PM
hahaha you might be on to something here

11-05-2023, 11:30 PM
my mates give my wife about 8.5/10. so i guess not too bad in the looks dept..... too bad shes a typical woman though.
if they didnt have something bewteen their legs that men want they would be stacked higher than the fridges at the tip.

Sounds like true love!

12-05-2023, 12:03 PM
I'd rate my wife a 9 but judging from all the reviews here, she is an 8....

12-05-2023, 12:07 PM
my mates give my wife about 8.5/10. so i guess not too bad in the looks dept..... too bad shes a typical woman though.
if they didnt have something bewteen their legs that men want they would be stacked higher than the fridges at the tip.

Judging by your attitude towards women, one would not blame her if she's fucking all your mates............

12-05-2023, 12:39 PM
Hey romerophilip...might as well jump on the bandwagon so you can have another wank today. My wife is a blonde italian gilf. Big tits, Fs. still turns heads. If you want can pm you a picture of them with or without cum on them. Let me know.

12-05-2023, 03:35 PM
I'd rate my wife a 9 but judging from all the reviews here, she is an 8....

But man does she put in an effort !

12-05-2023, 03:48 PM
But man does she put in an effort !

haha, just pulling a leg, not married to a ML/WL or dating any...

12-05-2023, 03:54 PM
Geez, you can be a miserable old bastard.

13-05-2023, 06:48 PM
Can measure my wife's libido on the Kelvin scale = ZERO, or in plain Celsius -273C

14-05-2023, 01:50 PM
Have never been married

Can someone explain why women's libido falls so much after marriage?
Men continue to work long hours after marriage, and have the stresses of paying bills and dying sooner than women, and still have sex drive

So dont say that it's because of having children and being busy kills womens sex drive

The few interview videos on YouTube, about Japanese women and sex, women were happy with little or no regular sex

14-05-2023, 02:27 PM
Men get dad bods which is not a good look, wives lose attraction in the same way men lose attraction to their wives after pregnancy.

Don't believe anything a Japanese woman says lol!

15-05-2023, 07:37 AM
Have never been married

Can someone explain why women's libido falls so much after marriage?
Men continue to work long hours after marriage, and have the stresses of paying bills and dying sooner than women, and still have sex drive

So dont say that it's because of having children and being busy kills womens sex drive

The few interview videos on YouTube, about Japanese women and sex, women were happy with little or no regular sex

But it IS partly because of having kids. Even just the act of giving birth to a child is hugely different between a man and a woman. The physical and mental postnatal changes that occur to a woman cannot be underestimated.

That's the first stumbling block that could kill the sex life in a marriage. The next one is the effect of having kids on the couple's love life. It would be a lot harder for them to go out on dates, watch a movie together, etc. No romance = no libido, that's how most women roll.

15-05-2023, 09:21 AM
As mentioned above + You gotta understand a woman's cycles and the rise and fall of their oestrogen levels as they age. When they hit menopause the oestrogen levels drop and they become as dry as the Sahara.

The Japanese view of romance is hand holding whereas the western view of romance is raw dog c/w cream pie, so horses for courses.

15-05-2023, 10:09 AM
As stated above, never doubt the effect the daily grind of parenting can have on a woman's libido. The "I earn money so just give me some pussy" mentality will get you a frying pan over the head and another night on the couch. Kids are energy parasites. Having kids is a massive physical and mental change for women to start with, but that is only the beginning. Understanding their needs, desires etc will get you much, much further. "I've been at work all day so I want a hot meal on the table." guarantees a cold shoulder. "Honey, why don't you go sit down, I'll do the tidying up and get the kids to bed tonight, here I poured you a glass of wine." = win. Of course then you actually have to get the kids to bed, which can be like teaching a goldfish to do cartwheels. Which is the point. Kids. Are. Difficult. Even the good ones. People who think having kids will save a stuttering relationship are totally misguided, it will actually expose the flaws.

And of course It's not exactly a turn on for her that you have to sync diaries to schedule a session together, again women don't work like that.

Of course there are exceptions to the above. I spend most of my time socialising with mums more than Dads, and I hear the same thing over and over. Don't talk about "my money" in any context, don't assume you're owed sex because you work, don't ever ask "what do you do all day?" or say "I'd LOVE to stay home instead of working." They're all cancer to a relationship, and to your chances of a horny wife. The Korean mums have the most to say on this, the husbands expect their wives to be like their mums were, if the women are to be believed. And the wives closed up shop once the last kid was born, as in, virtually zero sex once they've decided no more kids, to the point of sleeping in separate rooms so the husband doesn't try middle of the night shenanigans. I was at a coffee meeting with 10 or so Korean women who ALL laughed about sleeping in with their kids so the husband would leave them alone. On the other side, husbands lose their game, when you were dating you took time to try and pleasure her, sex would last longer and be more passionate, and a complaint I hear very, very regularly is that the effort is lacking. Add to that the kids could walk in at any minute, a mums worst nightmare.

I'll say again, there are always exceptions.

A survey was done on happiness in couples, couples were at their happiest just before they had kids, then it falls off a cliff, and doesn't get close to that peak again until they've all left home, if the relationship makes it that far. Make of that what you will.

Anyway, to deny that males and females are wired differently is ludicrous. Men have a sex drive because we do. Our DNA drives us to continue our species, once women have had kids that need is fulfilled and so that drive is gone. Yes, both men and women enjoy sex, but women are far more circumstantial.

15-05-2023, 10:32 AM
Have never been married

Can someone explain why women's libido falls so much after marriage?
Men continue to work long hours after marriage, and have the stresses of paying bills and dying sooner than women, and still have sex drive

So dont say that it's because of having children and being busy kills womens sex drive

The few interview videos on YouTube, about Japanese women and sex, women were happy with little or no regular sex

The reality is, sex is natures way for mammals to procreate. Once a woman has a child or two, the job is done. Males are programmed to hunt for women to procreate so they keep going. We are all victims of nature.
Nature or God (if you believe in one) didn't really plan for anyone to enjoy sex and have an orgasm. It's all about getting sperms to meet eggs...

15-05-2023, 11:01 AM
The reality is, sex is natures way for mammals to procreate. Once a woman has a child or two, the job is done. Males are programmed to hunt for women to procreate so they keep going. We are all victims of nature.
Nature or God (if you believe in one) didn't really plan for anyone to enjoy sex and have an orgasm. It's all about getting sperms to meet eggs...

just so true. !!

I actually wonder how many here have been fucking the hot wives of others without giving a thought to it.

Just this last weekend I was at a friends for lunch and met his new wife. Yes she is/was a wl working only daytime. Did he know ? (of course thats where he met her).

15-05-2023, 01:14 PM
Yes. The answer is yes

15-05-2023, 02:10 PM
Very well said, bro asiafever.

Here's something to think about. My old Mum had always told me that it was better for a man to have a younger wife. She never specified how much younger they should be, but back then I'd always ignored her advise thinking that it was a leftover "traditional Asian" mindset. Of course, at the time I was deeply in love with a HK girl who was the same age as me.

Well, I ended up marrying her under the most undesirable conditions (career still in infancy, no money to speak of, etc). We had a few great years together as a couple, great sex life, went on romantic dates and holidays, etc.

Then one day, it just happened. Her biological clock just ticked over and all of a sudden she had just 1 objective in life, to have a kid. While I was still my same old self, immature and just wanted to have fun. See where this is going?

The moral of the story is, I guess, never wave of advise from an older generation and think that you had everything figured out.

15-05-2023, 04:25 PM
As stated above, never doubt the effect the daily grind of parenting can have on a woman's libido. The "I earn money so just give me some pussy" mentality will get you a frying pan over the head and another night on the couch. Kids are energy parasites. Having kids is a massive physical and mental change for women to start with, but that is only the beginning. Understanding their needs, desires etc will get you much, much further. "I've been at work all day so I want a hot meal on the table." guarantees a cold shoulder. "Honey, why don't you go sit down, I'll do the tidying up and get the kids to bed tonight, here I poured you a glass of wine." = win. Of course then you actually have to get the kids to bed, which can be like teaching a goldfish to do cartwheels. Which is the point. Kids. Are. Difficult. Even the good ones. People who think having kids will save a stuttering relationship are totally misguided, it will actually expose the flaws.

And of course It's not exactly a turn on for her that you have to sync diaries to schedule a session together, again women don't work like that.

Of course there are exceptions to the above. I spend most of my time socialising with mums more than Dads, and I hear the same thing over and over. Don't talk about "my money" in any context, don't assume you're owed sex because you work, don't ever ask "what do you do all day?" or say "I'd LOVE to stay home instead of working." They're all cancer to a relationship, and to your chances of a horny wife. The Korean mums have the most to say on this, the husbands expect their wives to be like their mums were, if the women are to be believed. And the wives closed up shop once the last kid was born, as in, virtually zero sex once they've decided no more kids, to the point of sleeping in separate rooms so the husband doesn't try middle of the night shenanigans. I was at a coffee meeting with 10 or so Korean women who ALL laughed about sleeping in with their kids so the husband would leave them alone. On the other side, husbands lose their game, when you were dating you took time to try and pleasure her, sex would last longer and be more passionate, and a complaint I hear very, very regularly is that the effort is lacking. Add to that the kids could walk in at any minute, a mums worst nightmare.

I'll say again, there are always exceptions.

A survey was done on happiness in couples, couples were at their happiest just before they had kids, then it falls off a cliff, and doesn't get close to that peak again until they've all left home, if the relationship makes it that far. Make of that what you will.

Anyway, to deny that males and females are wired differently is ludicrous. Men have a sex drive because we do. Our DNA drives us to continue our species, once women have had kids that need is fulfilled and so that drive is gone. Yes, both men and women enjoy sex, but women are far more circumstantial. And that is why a woman can handle a breakup n bounce back better than men as she can be happy n content in raising n nurturing her children. As God intended.