View Full Version : General talk How Much Productivities are lost due to punting/porn/gambling activities during work?

12-06-2012, 05:05 PM
Hi guys,

Not sure if this topic has been discussed before, I feel so guilty staying on line browing and posting in the forum during office hours.

And even if I have a session booked after work, I would still be thinking about it all day, so that certainly has affected my work - just like already tuned into a punting/playing/holiday mode, and not concentrating at work at all. Just like today, I have been thinking about Leng all day and her magical hands and what she is gonna do to me, not getting much work done at all................lol

Not to mention if I actually went out to have a massage or FS session during office hours, that just stealing company times right??

And then you have all those people who are watching porns or surfing porn sites at work or gambling, putting bets on TAB or whatever. I think the internet is great, but how much money was lost by business across the board due to the lost of productivities could be extremely huge!!

BTW, let's not forget all the OLs in my office that are on Facebook/Twitters all the time - but at least I guess those sites are "legal", but the effects and damages to company productivities though is equally bad!!

I think since I started to visit and post in this forum, my own productivity probably down 20-30% easily.

Don't know about you guys, hopefully my big boss is not visiting this site, or I will be totally fucked!!

What about you??


12-06-2012, 06:00 PM
Unfortunately, my work doesn't allow me to do those kind of stuffs during my working hour, bro... hahaha... so I still have my productivity, say 90%.
Except if I got some work to do at home, that was totally different story.. and I don't gamble. :)

12-06-2012, 07:46 PM
Yep im the same, i dont browse this website on the company network (work for aust gov, my agency monitors all website traffic) but im always thinking about yesterdays/todays/tomorrows massage or punt, frequently call in sick when i feel like visiting my fave ml, and am forever browsing this site and PMing bros on my iphone. Fortunately in the APS noone really cares about productivity and i cant get the sack lol

Mr Crash and Burn
12-06-2012, 11:42 PM
I dunno about work, but I do know that trawling these forums at night has really impacted on my housework and watching all those girly TV shows I used to love.