View Full Version : Question How do you feedback less than positive sessions

19-04-2023, 02:56 PM
Have had a few not so great sessions over the past month or so at one of the bigger establishments.

One was a girl who for the higher price and images just did not hold up to expectations. Now I know they are my expectations and others might think differently. In this situation when asked my reception how it was I said "good not great, expected a lot more for the higher price" low and behold next day same girl on the roster for less $$$. But zero recourse to myself.

Second situation was girl honestly treated a 45 min session like a 30 min one and actually said I'm tired and would only continue with a HJ vs BJ or FS at around the 20 min mark then proceeded to go on her phone.

I am akward enough even walking in and out of this place let alone stopping and giving feedback and after the first feedback experience just being met with a "OK cool whatever" vibe.

How do you guys deal with feedback?

22-04-2023, 01:21 AM
I've seen punters walking straight to receptionist after a session and full on complaining about WL's lousy services.

22-04-2023, 01:27 AM
I've seen punters walking straight to receptionist after a session and full on complaining about WL's lousy services.

I saw a mamasan having a heated conversation with a WL after a punter complained about her service.

I think she had a sored throat and couldn't perform the mouth job on him.

She should rest at home. But then she would lose a day's earning. Catch-22 situation.

22-04-2023, 01:57 AM
The only manager who took complains seriously was Jesse and Simon at good old days of 42G. The rest usually done give even a damn flying fuck! I don't say anything these days, no point.

22-04-2023, 08:14 AM
Jayden at 227 NSM & 41 Epping always takes feedback, acts promptly and with understanding & empathy if u justify your comments. If service bad I sensitively tell the WL during or at the end of the session telling her she won't see me again and giving her a chance to justify her actions - I've received sincere apologies / explanations that clarify why / refunds but some just don't care.
Like leghunters approach.

22-04-2023, 10:31 AM
Sometimes you end up giving "feedback" without wanting to. Some WLs I've met are too sensitive toward customers not enjoying their time with them, they get worried when I try to leave early. I had to come up with excuses like I'm hungry, etc. One girl even suggested I get takeaway and come back to the room to eat it there, lol!

22-04-2023, 12:04 PM
Mongering is 100% transactional. It’s the simplest form of economic activity: a service is for sale, you pay an agreed price. If the service is not provided then you are entitled to get your money back. All the rest, all the awkwardness, embarrassment, guilt…whatever else you feel, is your emotional baggage of which the seller takes advantage. Always got to remember that prostitution is legal. If you don’t get what you pay for then the provider is at fault. Of course, you need to negotiate with respect and awareness of the health and well being of the provider. You too, can’t take advantage of their emotional vulnerability just as they shouldn’t take advantage of yours. Just be honest and open with your expectations: you are there for relief of your sexual tension. She is selling her service as a reliever. That’s all. She doesn’t expect anything else nor should you.

22-04-2023, 04:57 PM
Sometimes you end up giving "feedback" without wanting to. Some WLs I've met are too sensitive toward customers not enjoying their time with them, they get worried when I try to leave early. I had to come up with excuses like I'm hungry, etc. One girl even suggested I get takeaway and come back to the room to eat it there, lol!

Sometimes girls are so busy that they don't have time to order lunch and eat it. In some shops, they can't even leave the room because they have to service their customers there.

Maybe this girl was in that situation and hoped she could have some takeaway during your paid time with her.

22-04-2023, 05:19 PM
Sometimes you end up giving "feedback" without wanting to. Some WLs I've met are too sensitive toward customers not enjoying their time with them, they get worried when I try to leave early. I had to come up with excuses like I'm hungry, etc. One girl even suggested I get takeaway and come back to the room to eat it there, lol!

Most of the few MLs who have given me lacklustre and indifferent service looks like they don't given care a F whether I will come back again or not.

They have made $150 from me is all they care.

Repeat business and regular clientele are not what they care about. Obviously they don't hold a MBA from Harvard Business School. :)

22-04-2023, 05:54 PM
I'm don't usually complain, I may give an honest feedback in the forums (I'm a member of another forum), but I don't really see much point complaining in the shop, I've had some bad punts in the past but I always smile and politely exit, when boss/receptionist ask I just tell them "it's aite" lol, I just don't choose the same girl next time (obviously), for private visits I usually make small talk before I leave to avoid the awkwardness :sweat:

22-04-2023, 08:51 PM
Fuck that! I always give feedback for poor service!! The bosses need to know and the girl made accountable for poor service. We're paying good money for expected good service.

22-04-2023, 09:02 PM
If the girl was having a bad day or is tired and the service isn't great, I build a bridge and get over it, there are plenty of other girls to try with. Very rarely do I have a girl who is straight up shit or has a princess attitude is when I say something to the receptionist and I find n5m and ginza do apologise and have a word to the girls.

Management doing something depends on what the punters are complaining about and whether it's just a legitimate complaint or a guy with too many beers, smells and can't finish.

Fred Flintstone
22-04-2023, 10:23 PM
Better to complain on this board where a thousand mongers will see it. The shops hate that cos it fucks up business. It’s like that Chinese chick that got a bad review from the Leb because her pussy stunk to high heaven. We haven’t heard from her since. Serves her right.

A bunch of you chivalrous pricks all claimed you were going to book this chick the next day in solidarity and endure her smelly pussy. But none of you did. As if you’re gonna throw away $300 LOL. So my point is, bad review do work

22-04-2023, 10:29 PM
Agreed. The only feedback that works is a negative review on a forum.

22-04-2023, 11:05 PM
Usually look for negative feedback here especially if it's a new place I've not tried.

Other than that, I just take my business elsewhere which they don't care about.

23-04-2023, 09:01 AM
Sometimes girls are so busy that they don't have time to order lunch and eat it. In some shops, they can't even leave the room because they have to service their customers there.

Maybe this girl was in that situation and hoped she could have some takeaway during your paid time with her.
Memory a bit murky now but pretty sure that wasn't the case.

23-04-2023, 09:35 AM
Sometimes girls are so busy that they don't have time to order lunch and eat it. In some shops, they can't even leave the room because they have to service their customers there.

Maybe this girl was in that situation and hoped she could have some takeaway during your paid time with her.
I think maybe we’re back to ML v WL debate. Expectations seem so high and disappointments so common in the WL reviews.
Look at out illustrious Allungor. Bigtits, a smile and some Spanish and he’s in heaven.
Expectations cause unhappiness in life and they do in a Brothel as well.
In massage land we should try to learn to balance our expectations. Pretty face, professional massage, Daty FS, lots of touching etc.
It’s tricky I’ll admit because when we get the full menu we complain about the price.
The other day I received a top massage of a lovely Thai lady who only offered clothed handjob. My thoughts were that it is so much nicer receiving a professional massage nude so it was great and cheap. However that been said those beauties I’ve visited at 41 and 227 raise the bar a bit.

23-04-2023, 02:35 PM
Sometimes girls are so busy that they don't have time to order lunch and eat it. In some shops, they can't even leave the room because they have to service their customers there.

Maybe this girl was in that situation and hoped she could have some takeaway during your paid time with her.

I was last customer of the day for a girl at ginza per her rostered hours. She was in a good mood until the end of our session when management buzzed her to say our time is up and there is another customer waiting for her for 1 more hour, she said she wanted to go home and he hassled her about staying and "all the extra money she can make", little bit of arguing back and forth over the intercom and then she reluctantly agreed after he pressured her. she sat on the bed and looked at me and she was extremely upset but got up and serviced that last punter.

23-04-2023, 02:58 PM
I was last customer of the day for a girl at ginza per her rostered hours. She was in a good mood until the end of our session when management buzzed her to say our time is up and there is another customer waiting for her for 1 more hour, she said she wanted to go home and he hassled her about staying and "all the extra money she can make", little bit of arguing back and forth over the intercom and then she reluctantly agreed after he pressured her. she sat on the bed and looked at me and she was extremely upset but got up and serviced that last punter. And what level of service did that Lady then deliver? So much more to know to a negative review.

23-04-2023, 04:20 PM
If you're paying, you'd expect a decent service from a WL or ML. Many times I get asked by the boss or receptionist if everything went ok. I tell them honestly. Why hide or just walk out unhappy if service was below standard?😞 Sometimes feedback needs to be provided to ensure any bad service doesn't continue. On the other hand, if the girl provides amazing service, it's worthwhile providing positive feedback.👍

It's where guys have high expectations and complain such as the girl not providing DFK despite providing everything listed on their profile appears to be harsh and unfair on the girl.