View Full Version : Question Punting Spectrum

11-11-2022, 12:09 PM
I was probably the stereotypical corporate punter. Tried every vice, typical work week long hours, stress, gym, shitty bosses, alcohol, late nights and of course punting regularly up to 3 times/week.

Post payout though none of the above apply wish I exercised more though and am still trying to keep the punting alive, kind of with a use it or lose it mentality.

Question is it's pretty easy to see where the desire to punt originated from I guess what can I replace that with to experience the same drive. Probably one for the retirees or some that have switched to predominantly wfh

Unfortunately I can't put it down to the girls, the service, attitude that I receive is ok

11-11-2022, 12:47 PM
Is it perhaps the voyeurism, seeing well dressed ladies out and about all day or the flirtation and banter with women at work especially if you were working at different locations and constantly meeting new people?

Yeah I think that's a big part actually. Some of my best work was after work drinks followed up by a punt lol. Guess I need to hit up my city drinking buddies

11-11-2022, 08:30 PM
Try working in Barangaroo one day a week... when every asian fin services hottie now puts on her best gear, cos just once a week... and prances about freely knowing not one single male is ever going to say or do anything because HR will send the stormtroopers running if he so much as breathes in her direction. Does my head in. There are so many hotties in my spank bank, ive run out of bandwidth.

True story. Two hotties in the same worker bee pod as me discussed quite openly whether their skirts were too short for Teams cameras. And asked a colleague on camera if she could see their undies. I leaked so much pre cum it was embarrassing.

11-11-2022, 09:20 PM
Holy crap! I need a job there picking up paper clips.

12-11-2022, 08:02 AM
My theory about Asian hotties, 18 - 25 is this. Culturally sex, sex talk, sex before marriage is highly restricted... Their parents, grandparents etc would throw a blue fit if they thought their little princess was indulging in the pleasures of the flesh. Consequently, your princess is quite repressed, and dreams of forbidden fruit. So she plays it out in her dress code. Outwardly horrified that anyone would notice that short skirt, that tight top, that thigh split, that purple bra with lacy red frills. She's protected from horny middle aged fuckers like me by draconian workplace rules. Inwardly she's dripping at the thought of every man in view mentally undressing her and bending her over the table.

That's the theory anyway. Long live asian hottie princesses, keeping blokes hard since 2003.

12-11-2022, 08:59 AM
My theory about Asian hotties, 18 - 25 is this. Culturally sex, sex talk, sex before marriage is highly restricted... Their parents, grandparents etc would throw a blue fit if they thought their little princess was indulging in the pleasures of the flesh. Consequently, your princess is quite repressed, and dreams of forbidden fruit. So she plays it out in her dress code. Outwardly horrified that anyone would notice that short skirt, that tight top, that thigh split, that purple bra with lacy red frills. She's protected from horny middle aged fuckers like me by draconian workplace rules. Inwardly she's dripping at the thought of every man in view mentally undressing her and bending her over the table.

That's the theory anyway. Long live asian hottie princesses, keeping blokes hard since 2003.
Nah, not as restricted as you think. They do fuck around well before marriage, at least the East Asians do, not so sure about South Asians. They have BFs and play around. Just take a look at any K-drama, J-drama, or C-drama shows (with sub-titles of course).

And the Asians born or raised here are even more "adventurous". I'm sure you've seen highschool girls walking around in their school uniforms around the city, with their skirts looking way too short for regulation. That is because they've deliberately rolled up the waistbands of their skirts to get that sexier look!

What they rarely do is hookup with "horny middle-aged fuckers" because that's not what they usually lust for, especially at that 18-25 age. These girls would be looking for men that fit a certain criteria: young, good-looking, good career, being rich is a bonus. Only then can they have lots of sex and still be able to take their men out to party all night, show off to friends, etc.

12-11-2022, 11:56 AM
Couldn't agree more. But still the reality of it bites. Just keep the dream alive!

12-11-2022, 02:38 PM
It is important to separate punting from real life.
If you are punting and you are paying for a WL then there are no limits, you can be the oldest, fattest, ugliest guy in the world and still fuck the youngest, cutest, hottest girls in the world.
Of the 1,500 to 2,000 or so WLs I have fucked I reckon less than .01% of them I could have fucked if I wasn't paying for it.
To keep a grip on reality you have to always ask yourself "would this girl fuck me if I wasn't paying for it" and 99.99% of the time the answer is NO! And that's perfectly fine and OK. That is the whole point and essence of punting.

12-11-2022, 07:35 PM
For me to keep a grip on reality I have 2 moments. Lady#1. Always welcoming, affectionate, happy and attentive. My fantasy. Later a text from her "I don't do that job anymore I'm so happy!" Her reality was not my fantasy.
Lady#2. Talking of her struggles n demons in her private life because of the job. Me leaving feeling somewhat complicit her words "I've known a lot of men, made a lot of money". My thoughts yeah, but at what cost to you. I never to return because her reality not my fantasy. Will I stop punting? No it's my fantasy. So good night all, I'm off home to my family...my reality!!

13-11-2022, 06:32 AM
For me to keep a grip on reality I have 2 moments. Lady#1. Always welcoming, affectionate, happy and attentive. My fantasy. Later a text from her "I don't do that job anymore I'm so happy!" Her reality was not my fantasy.
Lady#2. Talking of her struggles n demons in her private life because of the job. Me leaving feeling somewhat complicit her words "I've known a lot of men, made a lot of money". My thoughts yeah, but at what cost to you. I never to return because her reality not my fantasy. Will I stop punting? No it's my fantasy. So good night all, I'm off home to my family...my reality!!

Bravo. Very well put.
Thanks Axe

13-11-2022, 08:12 AM
It is important to separate punting from real life.
If you are punting and you are paying for a WL then there are no limits, you can be the oldest, fattest, ugliest guy in the world and still fuck the youngest, cutest, hottest girls in the world.
Of the 1,500 to 2,000 or so WLs I have fucked I reckon less than .01% of them I could have fucked if I wasn't paying for it.
To keep a grip on reality you have to always ask yourself "would this girl fuck me if I wasn't paying for it" and 99.99% of the time the answer is NO! And that's perfectly fine and OK. That is the whole point and essence of punting.

Yes. Who would fuck my small dick. Thankyou girls. Too easy.

13-11-2022, 08:55 AM
It is important to separate punting from real life.
If you are punting and you are paying for a WL then there are no limits, you can be the oldest, fattest, ugliest guy in the world and still fuck the youngest, cutest, hottest girls in the world.
Of the 1,500 to 2,000 or so WLs I have fucked I reckon less than .01% of them I could have fucked if I wasn't paying for it.
To keep a grip on reality you have to always ask yourself "would this girl fuck me if I wasn't paying for it" and 99.99% of the time the answer is NO! And that's perfectly fine and OK. That is the whole point and essence of punting.

Keeping it real ✅✅✅💯

13-11-2022, 10:02 AM
Yes. Who would fuck my small dick. Thankyou girls. Too easy.

A small dick! Your so lucky. My once mushroom dick is now button mushroom dick. Easiest $$$$ any lady will earn.

13-11-2022, 10:49 AM
A small dick! Your so lucky. My once mushroom dick is now button mushroom dick. Easiest $$$$ any lady will earn.

I know right, doesn't matter, we are still happy It gets touched

13-11-2022, 12:23 PM
Yes. Who would fuck my small dick. Thankyou girls. Too easy.

I know a nursing home with Nepalese student nurses. I'm gonna end up there. Small hands you know.

Fred Flintstone
14-11-2022, 06:20 AM
No need to replace it with anything. We are wired to chase pussy. Punting keeps us alive. As I get older I need to see more and more hookers. It’s expensive, but it’s just the cost of living. Good for me mental health as well.

The thing that comes close to replacing hot Asian hookers is cars, especially when you’re retired and have some money. Buy a classic or hot car and join a car club. There you can meet with blokes your age, talk cars, and other shit without worrying about the HR gestapo. Hardly any women join car clubs so it’s great

14-11-2022, 10:12 AM
I don't know punting was also a great option over an affair, obviously much cheaper and less messy. It seems withput seeing office hotties daily I don't want to cheat anymore ...

14-11-2022, 11:12 AM
I don't know punting was also a great option over an affair, obviously much cheaper and less messy. It seems withput seeing office hotties daily I don't want to cheat anymore ...

This is right. Punting means no real need to chase an affair. Empty nuts, happy marriage, everyone secure. Cheaper, far less dangerous to your emotional well being and you get to sit back in your rocking chair counting off the 100s of hotties you've fucked over the years. Winner winner, village chicken dinner.

14-11-2022, 08:51 PM
I don't know punting was also a great option over an affair, obviously much cheaper and less messy. It seems withput seeing office hotties daily I don't want to cheat anymore ...

Wouldn't go near anyone in any offices I've worked at no matter how much I would like to plow them doggy style over desk. It never ends well.

Punting is a peaceful pastime I've always found.

15-11-2022, 01:07 AM
It is important to separate punting from real life.
If you are punting and you are paying for a WL then there are no limits, you can be the oldest, fattest, ugliest guy in the world and still fuck the youngest, cutest, hottest girls in the world.
Of the 1,500 to 2,000 or so WLs I have fucked I reckon less than .01% of them I could have fucked if I wasn't paying for it.
To keep a grip on reality you have to always ask yourself "would this girl fuck me if I wasn't paying for it" and 99.99% of the time the answer is NO! And that's perfectly fine and OK. That is the whole point and essence of punting.

Fortunatley for me most of the MLs I made love to told me I was good looking and they had missed me.

:) :) :)

15-11-2022, 08:40 AM
A few years back a work, there were a few redundancies happening.
This office girl was a family friend of one of the managers so missed out, so she made a few accusations against two of the males in the office. While one guy laughed it off, the other got a lawyer friend to be ready to fight it. That lawyer found out this girl had done it at a previous work place to get a good redundancy.

I see punting is a place far from normal life, with some agreement on what goes on.

17-11-2022, 07:12 AM
I was probably the stereotypical corporate punter. Tried every vice, typical work week long hours, stress, gym, shitty bosses, alcohol, late nights and of course punting regularly up to 3 times/week.

Post payout though none of the above apply wish I exercised more though and am still trying to keep the punting alive, kind of with a use it or lose it mentality.

Question is it's pretty easy to see where the desire to punt originated from I guess what can I replace that with to experience the same drive. Probably one for the retirees or some that have switched to predominantly wfh

Unfortunately I can't put it down to the girls, the service, attitude that I receive is ok

I've never understood why so many guys once they take up golf become totally obsessed with it, but maybe that's an option? I guess because it's one of those past times that you have to pump a lot of hours in to to start enjoying it, as you start to play well, and it's something you can do with a group of mates and have a few beers after as well.

I fall more under Fred's idea, I love cars, am in the process of changing mine and may get something that I can occasionally track etc.

Temptation is a factor for my punting too I guess. It is much easier than a relationship, I took up one hobby that was free of temptation, mostly blokes with considerable years on me and a few women of absolutely no sexual interest to me, and then this stunning half Korean half Philippino girl joined and ruined everything. I even do all my exercise either at home or at the park to avoid constantly being distracted by gym hotties.

I'm now thinking of cutting down on my punting volume for the moment, and hoping next to move on to a stage where I have a few go to girls (both massage and fs) that can scratch whatever particular itches I may have at any given time. Punts like my session with Porsche the other week are becoming rarer to find in my experience.