View Full Version : General talk Bad Punts, Good Punts

07-11-2022, 12:29 PM
Maybe the MLs and shops don't realize it. We remember bad punts more than good punts. Bad punts have a longer effect on us.

MLs that told us they could be like girlfriends to us in the reception but once inside the room and after money changing hands they started to say you can't touch this or that. Or complained that you have been touching them in one place for too long etc.

Most MLs have poor business sense. They don't value the benefits of returned customers. I run a small business and I know how important one consistent and regular customer is better than 10 small customers who only use my service once. They are prepared to pay more because they know your quality and service.

Today I have $300 in my pocket and I like to punt on Mondays when business is slower and shops are quieter. But when I think about the recent bad punts I have I say no way to myself. I'm not going to put up with an unknown new ML who looks different from her photo online and the chances of having a miss than a hit is as high as 80%. I've decide to stay at home, turn the radio on, tidy up some files, do a few test shots, paint a few props for new jobs and go out and have a nice lunch. Whatever it happens I still keep the $300. :)

I started to punt a year and half ago. I think the novelty have worn off. Not really keen for daty or FS these days. You need two persons to play this game. And finding the right ML to play with is not easy.

Happy punting guys. If you're enjoying it you're lucky and don't give it up.

07-11-2022, 11:59 PM
Wish I can be in your frame of mind. I want to quit punting. And for me, it's the opposite; the bad punts are very forgettable, but I keep coming back for the good ones.

Hemingford Gray
08-11-2022, 12:41 AM
Maybe you're doing it too often lately, the sense of excitement and novelty is long gone by now. I personally haven't been with too many ML (I think 5 max, all privates) but I had FS on every occasion. I think you're expecting disappointment everytime you are looking for someone new, so perhaps it's a good idea to check good ML reports here beforehand.

rubit moore
08-11-2022, 10:16 PM
I haven't been for a couple of months now. Has made me realise how much better off I am and seeing my money go to better use. Already booked an overseas holiday with what would have gone down the 'extras' plughole. Putting together all of the elements from the threads on here relating to this side of punting and reading some of the dud-punt after reports has helped make my mind up too. Had a look on here earlier and flicked through the Sydney shop rosters then just fuckin' got disinterested looking at the same old, same old predictable shite. The General Talk section is always worth a laugh anyway. Went out and did something more rewarding.

Each to their own and carry on Bro's - but 'checking good ML reports', smothering the ML/WL with compliments in attempts to get a better session, haggling prices with someone who's clearing double/triple tax-free what legit masseuses earn, all in a vain attempt to get jerked off by someone who's not even relationship material.

Oh, by the way - my holiday booked is in Asia. Never said anything about not punting there did I :slobber::exciting: Can't wait!

Peace out!
Rubit Moore.

09-11-2022, 01:00 AM
I haven't been for a couple of months now. Has made me realise how much better off I am and seeing my money go to better use. Already booked an overseas holiday with what would have gone down the 'extras' plughole. Putting together all of the elements from the threads on here relating to this side of punting and reading some of the dud-punt after reports has helped make my mind up too. Had a look on here earlier and flicked through the Sydney shop rosters then just fuckin' got disinterested looking at the same old, same old predictable shite. The General Talk section is always worth a laugh anyway. Went out and did something more rewarding.

Each to their own and carry on Bro's - but 'checking good ML reports', smothering the ML/WL with compliments in attempts to get a better session, haggling prices with someone who's clearing double/triple tax-free what legit masseuses earn, all in a vain attempt to get jerked off by someone who's not even relationship material.

Oh, by the way - my holiday booked is in Asia. Never said anything about not punting there did I :slobber::exciting: Can't wait!

Peace out!
Rubit Moore.

You are our Hero.

Enjoy your Asian trip and report back. :)