View Full Version : General talk Confidence

29-09-2022, 06:31 PM
Who here can approach any girl/woman they fancy face-to-face and spark a conversation (whatever the intention might be such as picking up, compliment them for something, buy drinks,ask for number so on). I'm talking about regardless of:

~ surrounds/setting - in a shop, restaurant, bar, street... (Excluding punters shop)
~ Situation - they're by themselves, with a friend or in a group with others
~ Reaction - get rejected or not, sobbed or not, gives you dirty or not

You can just without hesitation, fear, or nervousness and in sober state walk up to a chick look them in the eye and make your move?

We've all seen someone who catches our eyes and we've all want a piece but we play it out as fantasy in our minds. It's safe to assume most of us don't have the balls to do anything there and than.

If you have this level of confidence, share us your story and perhaps some lessons :)

29-09-2022, 10:47 PM
If I had that level of confidence, I wouldn't be prowling around on this forum.

29-09-2022, 10:49 PM
Bro! WTF? We are guys who pay girls our hard earned money to suck our dicks.
You may as well go on a carnivore forum asking for vegan recipes.

29-09-2022, 11:00 PM
Not here in Sydney. You could probably get away with this in SEA.

29-09-2022, 11:16 PM
Not here in Sydney. You could probably get away with this in SEA.

True bro, and the reason for that is that basically in SE Asia you are a punter.
You could be in a bar, or night club, or cafe, or MacDonald's, or on a plane or, or walking down the street, or on a bus, but basically in SE Asia you are a punter and the girls are WLs. It's all about money.

29-09-2022, 11:36 PM
Lol rooter, yes we are guys who pay chicks to suck our dicks. But, I'm sure someone in this forum who is that ballsy, especially the older punters who may be like this during their prime.
That aside, shouldn't we all try to at least aspire to build our own confidence higher than what it current is?

30-09-2022, 12:20 AM
Who here can approach any girl/woman they fancy face-to-face and spark a conversation (whatever the intention might be such as picking up, compliment them for something, buy drinks,ask for number so on). I'm talking about regardless of:

~ surrounds/setting - in a shop, restaurant, bar, street... (Excluding punters shop)
~ Situation - they're by themselves, with a friend or in a group with others
~ Reaction - get rejected or not, sobbed or not, gives you dirty or not

You can just without hesitation, fear, or nervousness and in sober state walk up to a chick look them in the eye and make your move?

We've all seen someone who catches our eyes and we've all want a piece but we play it out as fantasy in our minds. It's safe to assume most of us don't have the balls to do anything there and than.

If you have this level of confidence, share us your story and perhaps some lessons :)

Yes I have lots of cionfidence.

The other day I saw a beautiful old lady with a walking stick and helped her walk across the street.

Then I found out she has 6 grandchildren and we exchanged Wechat details.

Would I call her up to fix a date? Give me a break guys.

30-09-2022, 02:08 AM
Sorry, wrong image:cry:

30-09-2022, 11:06 AM
Not here in Sydney. You could probably get away with this in SEA.

100 % confirm you can do this in SEA. “You’re so pretty and you have a great body” never, ever got a bad reaction from a girl.

30-09-2022, 12:49 PM
Just don't worry about what others think.

And know that the other guys who sneer and want you to fail wished they had the balls to do what you do when you walk up to a pretty girl and start talking to her.

01-10-2022, 11:30 AM
Yes I have lots of cionfidence.

The other day I saw a beautiful old lady with a walking stick and helped her walk across the street.

Then I found out she has 6 grandchildren and we exchanged Wechat details.

Would I call her up to fix a date? Give me a break guys.

Who gives a rat's whether you call her or not...BS as usual.........

01-10-2022, 02:06 PM
I think most people over estimate how people view you, good or bad. Most people are too self absorbed to notice or care. You really shouldn't care what others think, live your best life.

In saying that, a memorable moment was early 2000s, in a cafe with the work team. A cute young filo waitress was taking our orders. It was my turn and gave it to her. After getting it down she said something like is that all, that's when I simply asked if I could have her number. It was successful to the amusement of my colleagues.

Fast forward to the evening after a few text exchanges, all PG (really trying to weave some magic). I get a call from her, well her number. IT WAS HER FUCKING HUSBAND. He definitely wasn't filo but was pissed, I was and still think it was some old white bloke that married and brought her here. I just played dumb to avoid any issue for her. Never spoke again. Anticlimactic but I still have a good chuckle over it.

This is what may happen when older men marry younger women especially from Asia. They have this insecurity and fear that their young wife may be cheating with a younger man behind his back.

02-10-2022, 02:05 AM
If you have this level of confidence, share us your story and perhaps some lessons :)

To be honest not many girls like to be approached in public regardless of what you look like. Some girls don't have the confidence to answer or make eye contact with a guy who suddenly want to start a conversation with her and those confident enough are usually too snobbish to let any guys come up to her.

My encounter with women in public is either accidental or "accidental".

The actual accidental ones are when I don't mean to talk to the person but by chance we end up talking. For example, I once lived in a shared house and a normal looking girl that I never spoken to had her laundry in the washing machine. I had to use the washing machine but felt bad for leaving her wet clothes (and panties) bundled up in the basket so I hanged her clothes for her. Since then she didn't just tried striking a conversation with me a few times but also left her dirty laundry with used panties in it near my room. The used panties were visible as you look at the top of the basket.

Another accidental ones was when I was walking to the train station during my uni days. A hot young Aussie-born Korean was doing her morning jogs and we crossed paths. Ever since then whenever we cross paths she would up her eye contact game.

"Accidental" ones happens whenever a woman who has slightly higher confidence but didn't want to make it obvious approaches me. They'll obviously fake stuff up such as saying that my face is familiar or that I wear the same jumper as someone they know just to start a conversation. With these ones not all of them are of my type but if they were I would simply ask for a contact number, FB or Insta to connect.

And then there was my ex-wife who was introduced to me by a friend's wife. She was looking for a husband but none stayed, and after one year into the marriage I started noticing why... So she quickly became my ex-wife in the second year.

There's no surefire way to hit on women these days. MILFS are more likely to respond and will definitely text you back without making you wait whereas young unmarried ones have zero confidence yet want someone who will keep trying to woo them as long as they're not a creep. However, it is hard to know what these women considers as creeps and they'll most likely pull an AVO on you just for being ugly. I usually stop pursuing when they immediately go hot + cold at the start.

My piece of advice however is to stop chasing women and start working on yourself - workout more, save heaps of money, learn to invest, upskill yourself and get a higher paying job. That way you'll get more "accidental" encounters - women like men with definition but not necessarily six packs. And learn how to dress up immaculately, no one digs basketball shorts and sneakers.

02-10-2022, 02:16 AM
True bro, and the reason for that is that basically in SE Asia you are a punter.
You could be in a bar, or night club, or cafe, or MacDonald's, or on a plane or, or walking down the street, or on a bus, but basically in SE Asia you are a punter and the girls are WLs. It's all about money.

Aren't the normal ladies here also into the money? My ex-wife was about to empty my bank account but because she made more money than me she was so anxious that I served her a divorce letter she made me write a signed statement that I wouldn't take her to court just to empty out her bank account lol

In SEA some do marry out of love or just because they're approaching their 30s and scared that they'd be too old to have kids. Those ones are usually from the more conservative countryside folks rather than your typical Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Bangkok or Saigon chicks. I find many Myanmar girls marriage material but unfortunately their country is off limits ATM.

07-10-2022, 07:27 PM
And then what happened? Was kind of expecting more to this story....

Since it was just eye contact and all the way back in your uni days and you still thinking about it, I'm guessing you still regret not taking your shot?

Went for her contact details, talked a bit but I stopped talking to her after a few months.

It was a waste of time. She makes a lot of excuses whenever I ask her out, she would ghost me and reply with very short sentences after a week, she pretends not to see my messages by turning off read receipts and made me feel as if I'm in the friend zone.

I don't waste my time with such women, especially when they put nothing on the table. Looks and sex appeal doesn't last forever. The worst partner to get stuck with is the kind that doesn't enjoy sex and only loves eating expensive fancy foods - they look so appealing before marriage just because they suppress their appetite but once you marry them they let their beasts mode out and they become twice your size. And if you have kids with them you'll realise that your kids will end up getting neglected and grow up to be like them.

What makes you think that I still think of her? I only mention her because that's how most encounter with women are like. I've got dozens more encounters that I haven't even mentioned because it's either similar or irrelevant.

Labia Vortex
07-10-2022, 08:16 PM
Sorry to bother you… but you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen
Walk away…buy yourself a drink… and wait
In my youth 90% success
I was 30 yrs old … said it to a hot 45 yr old whose husband was neglecting her
She fucked me wickedly for the next six months
Loved quiet little fucks in public places
Never wore knickers and dresses that could be easily but discretely raised
Memories of the GODs

Labia Vortex
07-10-2022, 08:25 PM
Before Cell phones
20cents in your hand… offer to the young lady… this is to call your Mum… to tell her you won’t be home tonight ..
All said with a laugh and smile…and a “ sorry couldn’t resist”

08-10-2022, 06:16 PM
What is confidence?
Some would say visiting an unfamiliar house/apartment, knocking on the front door and not knowing who is lurking behind it. Then proceeding to enter a dark lit room, meeting a stranger for the first time, undressing, and lying face down butt naked in a foreign bed.

What is confidence?
Some would say seeing countless of naked female bodies, fucking hundreds of pussies raw, touching and licking countless of clitorises, groping and sucking a thousand tits, slapping a hundred arses, and sticking your tongue inside every orifice of the female body.

Confidence is relative to the individual, and the circumstance.
But complete confidence is being able to swallow a whole coconut and trusting your anus.

12-10-2022, 01:44 PM
Oh its because I assumed that your Uni years was a long time ago and to still reflect on the encounter even though nothing happened but eye contact, made me think you regretted not doing anything or there was more to the story.

Fair enough. A girl told me once that when guys approach her and ask for a number, even if she is not interested she would still give her number but just ignore their messages. I guess if a girl initially engages in conversation and then ghosts you she may have initially been trying to suss the guy out and the ultimately decide not to proceed and break comms.

Some girls want to be chased and that is why they are ignoring you and not sending read receipts etc. I usually delete these girls but it is funny because these girls sometimes message out of the blue months later after I already forgot about them.

I do have quite a few who occasionally stalk me on IG and FB after years of no contact. During my poor uni days I have no idea that these girls were ghosting me (but didn't block me) and putting me in the friend zone just so that I would chase after them. However, after learning about all that I still play it safe by not chasing them.

I had one Thai chick whom I've known more than a decade ago. She was chasing after my attention, and after she got my attention by kissing and cuddling me on a couch one day I started hearing all kind of stories from mates that knew her. She was dating an Aussie and an Afghan at the same time, and she got me into trouble by calling the cops on me and threatening AVO just because I broke up with her. During our time together she did the ghosting thing, and I sent her some sexually explicit messages at the time because we were already sleeping together and the fact she didn't say anything about those messages made me thought she consented to it. Guess what? She showed my messages to the cops claiming I was sexually harassing her and that she was afraid to tell me off.

I stopped talking to her. A year later she randomly messaged me asking to meet up. After some hesitation I went to meet up with her. Turns out the Afghan bf had knocked her up and they broke up. She was 5 weeks preggo. But she tried fooling me, saying she just got fat. I immediately returned her favour and ghosted her. Then I heard that she went through an abortion and went back to Thailand. She found my FB, added me and I approved as long as we don't talk. She married a local guy but divorced 2 years later. After that, she still targeted me. She messaged me telling me that she still likes me and want me to visit her in Thailand. I continued ghosting her lol.

That's my story of why I don't chase girls and exchange horny texts even when we've practiced together all the positions found in the Karma Sutra book. With my current fiancé we're quite straightforward - she wanted a husband with whom she can make babies with, I like her and I still have active seeds, therefore I proposed to her. She can be as dramatic as she wants because she puts something on the table right at the start of the relationship. She knows about my occasional punting habits and open relationship thing but recently I've been slowing down on the punts and seeing other girls. Gotta save my seed for the wedding night!

12-10-2022, 02:06 PM
Perhaps I should also break down some of my best ways to start a relationship (no cheesy tactics):

Always upgrade yourself. A bachelor's degree or TAFE diploma by itself isn't enough to make you lots of $$$. Get yourself qualified with all kinds of trades or Sigma Delta whatever training courses that'll attract companies willing to pay big bucks to have you take on all the responsibilities and blames on behalf of the company.

Big muscles are better than big cocks. Not everyone is born with a big cock, and not every girl would be able to tell your size unless you walk naked in public. But if you can do a minimum of 100 pushups a day, 7 out of 10 girls on the street would drool at you provided that your guts are small enough for you to be able to look at your own cock.

Dress smart, drive better looking cars. You don't need a Rolex, but a good looking Seiko Prospex looks elegant enough. Or even a G-Shock CasiOak. And no need for a Tesla if you can't afford it yet, just a 2010 Honda Accord and above is good enough to make you look like you have taste.

And lastly, manners. If you can't say "thank you" and "you're welcome" as a minimum in front of a supermarket cashier chick, what makes you think you're approachable?

Keep in mind, these are the minimum you need to be a little bit more confident and have less chances of getting rejected when approaching girls. No need to conjure cheesy pickup lines, just give a compliment and show kindness. Ever wonder why some arseholes always gets the girl? Because they're not arseholes in front of girls lol

09-12-2022, 07:17 AM
when i was younger, mum opened lingerie shop, and my aunt has music school... after school, i was pushed to make myself useful and go watch the shop or help around the school... so i surrounded myself with girls without any feeling towards them..... yes i can open bra with one hand, in case you are wondering, because thats part of the job when showing girls some bras...

I think first thing first, you gotta surround yourself with girls that you are not interested with... those big sisters or aunties at work can be a good starter if u dont know how to talk to girls... pay attention to how you are when you talk to these aunties, take notes, and try to apply it with the pretty girls you like... little by little... hope this helps