View Full Version : General talk Monkey Pox

17-08-2022, 10:48 AM
Was reading this about how Monkey Pox is spread. Much more contagious than I thought. :startle:


Seem like it is very easy to pass on - can catch it off a toilet seat, touching genitals, sex, laying where someone else has laid, a massage etc

Thank god vaccinations are on their way.


17-08-2022, 02:08 PM
Sure, bro. And the CDC is a great source of information, being totally independent from the pharmaceutical industry, not owning any vaccine patents, having absolutely no conflicts of interest etc....

More reliable than this forum

17-08-2022, 03:30 PM
Wouldn't be so sure about that.
And the COVID vaccines have been working just great, haven't they....more COVID than ever, and ever more strange, 'inexpliquable' deaths in young and middle aged people, 'sudden adult death syndrom' SADS, for sure a total mystery.
Trust CDC, FDA and the likes to 'protect' you from totally hyped up BS diseases.

mate it's 2022. your baiting us with concepts that are years old and widely disproven. we are getting on with life and ignoring you.

17-08-2022, 04:23 PM
Wouldn't be so sure about that.
And the COVID vaccines have been working just great, haven't they....more COVID than ever, and ever more strange, 'inexpliquable' deaths in young and middle aged people, 'sudden adult death syndrom' SADS, for sure a total mystery.
Trust CDC, FDA and the likes to 'protect' you from totally hyped up BS diseases.

Mate if I want to read conspiracy shit written by morons I’d look on Facebook. We come here to discuss our sad lives paying money to attractive Asian ladies half our age that masturbate us till we achieve orgasm and the foils and pitfalls that come with such pursuits

17-08-2022, 08:25 PM
Hmm, sounds like a Donald Trump supporter.

18-08-2022, 07:48 AM
Its population control. There's too many people, so they use disease to tell us not to fk and make babies. Or they release diseases to kill people and thus again, less babies.

18-08-2022, 07:54 AM
Hmm, sounds like a Donald Trump supporter.

Little Donny will be put in jail soon enough. I met a trump voter once. American from NYC. Owned a renovation co. Anyway, Trump hired him to do work. He did the work and Trump refused to pay him. Turns out Trump specifically hires only republican white guys to renovate/repair etc Trump Hotels (that are mostly owned by his family and not Donny), not pay them in the hope theyll be too embarrassed as a republican to sue a republican president. Turns out most dont. Clever, and evil all at once.

18-08-2022, 01:07 PM
They are both assholes quite frankly!
These political parties do nothing but use schoolyard tactics to ensure they keep the power.
Time will reveal all truthes and Im quite sure it will be shocking stuff. Although a few will claim that they told us so☝️

18-08-2022, 06:59 PM
Wouldn't be so sure about that.
And the COVID vaccines have been working just great, haven't they....more COVID than ever, and ever more strange, 'inexpliquable' deaths in young and middle aged people, 'sudden adult death syndrom' SADS, for sure a total mystery.
Trust CDC, FDA and the likes to 'protect' you from totally hyped up BS diseases.

How come you are still alive mate?

18-08-2022, 08:03 PM
Everyone is entitled to an opinion. I have my opinion and I think Achigurh is wrong, but I'm sufficiently open minded to admit, perhaps, a very small chance, he may be right. Unfortunately Achigurh's 'type' usually don't share that openmindedness. Nothing personal Achi, respect.

18-08-2022, 10:40 PM
I agree with your perspective of the health system. I got screwed over by a surgeon with a fake cancer diagnosis. Nothing to do with my well-being just doctors covering up fuck-ups. I never would have believed it until it happen to myself. No one wants the pox though...

19-08-2022, 05:51 AM
mate it's 2022. your baiting us with concepts that are years old and widely disproven. we are getting on with life and ignoring you.

None of what he’s said are disproven at all. The Covid “vaccines” have been an abject failure. The gaslighting around excess deaths is Orwellian. Young, healthy adults just dropping dead is not normal. You can put your head in the sand all you like and keep getting jabbed, but they have been totally unnecessary for a disease that had a CFR of less than 1% for most age brackets.

19-08-2022, 08:58 AM
I do find it difficult to understand when people say vaccines don't work. Look at long list of diseases like smallpox and others, gone due to vaccines. There is so much evidence to support their effectiveness.

19-08-2022, 09:16 AM
I do find it difficult to understand when people say vaccines don't work. Look at long list of diseases like smallpox and others, gone due to vaccines. There is so much evidence to support their effectiveness.

Traditional vaccines have been amazing. These Covid jabs are not vaccines. They are gene therapies. They don’t prevent infection nor transmission. And some idiots are on jab number 5. Even after having the disease it’s supposed to VACCINATE them against 🤦🏽*♂️

19-08-2022, 10:06 AM
I spoke to some researchers at the Uni of Qld. They told me that Covid wipes your immune history memory. So, remember when you were a kid and your parents made you spend time with some kids who had the mumps, measles etc? Well they told me that Covid wipes your memory, so you can get all those diseases you were previously immune to, again. It functions similar to the German Measles that kids could get twice.