View Full Version : Question Losing your favourite ML/WL

11-08-2022, 04:18 PM
It seems some punters have found a favourite ML/WL or a 'Regular' lady they often like to visit to satisfy their fix. One punter in another thread claims to have visited their ML/WL 20 times. Then sadly when the ML/WL moves on without warning and disappears, the punter is left with a void and some regret.

So I'm wondering:

1. What held you back from asking your go-to ML/WL their contact details? If an attempt was made, what was the ML/WL reason to decline the request?

(Note: this is assuming both parties have established a rapport)

2. If any punter here do have their ML/WL contact details, how long or how many visits/bookings took place before making the decision to exchange contact details? Who made the approach?

The Sampler
11-08-2022, 04:39 PM
I don't normally store WL/ML contact information on hand for security reasons. And that's normally why I don't ask for details. Also favourites MLs/WLs tend to have a trackable schedule at venue so a lot of time to me there's no need to.

11-08-2022, 05:09 PM
A couple times the condom broke and I did accidental creampie.

Was so relieved that they didnt have any of my contact details lol. I tracked theit roster for a month to see they had 1 week break in the month before I went back LOL

11-08-2022, 05:25 PM
I don't normally store WL/ML contact information on hand for security reasons. And that's normally why I don't ask for details. Also favourites MLs/WLs tend to have a trackable schedule at venue so a lot of time to me there's no need to.

Security reason? Like to avoid being caught by your partner?

11-08-2022, 05:27 PM
A couple times the condom broke and I did accidental creampie.

Was so relieved that they didnt have any of my contact details lol. I tracked theit roster for a month to see they had 1 week break in the month before I went back LOL

Yikes! How stressful that would have been. Also, that happened on 2 occasions? Far out. Was it a condom provided by the WL or BYO?

11-08-2022, 05:40 PM
When the ML/WL decides to move on, good chance she won't feel any regret or void about losing her "loyal" customers.

If I click with a girl, I will often ask if they want to swap WeChat contacts on the first date. This simplifies making follow on bookings if I decide to go back.

11-08-2022, 07:46 PM
It’s transactional so better not getting that attached

11-08-2022, 07:50 PM
You just move on to your next "favourite/regular".

I never ask or give my contact details

11-08-2022, 08:19 PM
Getting a W/ML girls number is not that simple because they build up a defensive wall to protect their privacy, because they don't want work life interfering with their personal life, Also a lot of the girls just see you as a customer ATM, you are a way to fund their life here in Sydney,
but if you think that girl is special, you need to become friends with them, which isn't hard, just find out what their favourite snack is and bring it with you next time,
also in general conversation find out their roster and if they work at any other shops, if they are working like full time 6 days a week at 3 different shops, don't waste your time they are only after money,

11-08-2022, 08:32 PM
The wise words of the philosopher Beyonce once said, "Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Don't be mad once you see that he want it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, o-ohh".

11-08-2022, 09:24 PM
Don't think I've ever had regret when "losing" a regular. Some were prepared for, i.e. they advised they were stopping work, and I knew I was having a last punt, and others were sudden. Both types I reminisce and have fond memories of, but at the end of the day, no feelings of regret or FOMO. Some I had contact details for, and most of the time I initiated after multiple sessions, thinking I'll get some action outside of the shop. Some I've messaged after the fact and met up, but almost all were pretty platonic and did not progress to sex. One did, but was paid.

The Sampler
11-08-2022, 10:34 PM
Deleted. Double up

The Sampler
11-08-2022, 10:35 PM
Security reason? Like to avoid being caught by your partner?

it could be, but mainly anyone who you dont want knowing your habits but could also access your phone at anytime.

11-08-2022, 10:47 PM
2 times over the years of punting man.

Was stressful as fuk lol i went to get tested after just to be safe too. Condom was provided...

11-08-2022, 11:39 PM
Never actually felt tempted to be honest. I like to keep my punting life completely separate and private

12-08-2022, 12:28 AM
Never actually felt tempted to be honest. I like to keep my punting life completely separate and private
Such a excellent rule to go by!

12-08-2022, 12:36 AM
Never actually felt tempted to be honest. I like to keep my punting life completely separate and private

keeps the dream alive.

12-08-2022, 08:39 AM
Getting a W/ML girls number is not that simple because they build up a defensive wall to protect their privacy, because they don't want work life interfering with their personal life, Also a lot of the girls just see you as a customer ATM, you are a way to fund their life here in Sydney,
but if you think that girl is special, you need to become friends with them, which isn't hard, just find out what their favourite snack is and bring it with you next time,
also in general conversation find out their roster and if they work at any other shops, if they are working like full time 6 days a week at 3 different shops, don't waste your time they are only after money,Wise words as usual Old Snake. Not always a common phenomenon.

12-08-2022, 02:39 PM
I have no problem exchanging Wechat with any new ML I've seen. But I've stopped doing it. It serves no useful purposes except clogging my Wechat with numbers which I don't use.

What would I talk with an ML whose language is limited to Mandarin? A discussion of the flourishing of civilisations in terms of administration of empires and media of communication? Or a comparison of strobe with continuous lighting and their effects on different subjects in a studio environment?

12-08-2022, 04:41 PM
I have no problem exchanging Wechat with any new ML I've seen. But I've stopped doing it. It serves no useful purposes except clogging my Wechat with numbers which I don't use.

What would I talk with an ML whose language is limited to Mandarin? A discussion of the flourishing of civilisations in terms of administration of empires and media of communication? Or a comparison of strobe with continuous lighting and their effects on different subjects in a studio environment?
Most of the time the WeChat they give out isn't their main one anyways so chances are they're most of the time logged out on it unless they're working.

12-08-2022, 06:56 PM
It seems some punters have found a favourite ML/WL or a 'Regular' lady they often like to visit to satisfy their fix. One punter in another thread claims to have visited their ML/WL 20 times. Then sadly when the ML/WL moves on without warning and disappears, the punter is left with a void and some regret.

Almost all of the MLs will leave us one day. They are not our wives.

The regular ML I've been seeing for past one and half years has told me she'll be going back to China next year at the end of her student visa. She is the best I've seen and will be hard to be replaced. Most of all she is affordable and sometimes at a discount.

12-08-2022, 10:57 PM
Joey from snow lotus, she was my favourite for years. Irreplaceable.

You might meet one at dating app like I met someone I used to do date unexpectedly.It ended because her boss/friend got a strong influence on her.

13-08-2022, 02:59 AM
Yep. Had one regular I would often see. When she decided she was quitting for good, I got her number. We still keep in touch.

There are a few others who I would've liked to have kept in touch with though. Such is life though.

13-08-2022, 08:44 AM
I always get their WeChat/lines if I like girl incase they move shop !. Most the time they give out pretty easily nd No they don't think you are special It's like given out a business card . So just ask no big deal

Most girl hate talking or texting so don't wasted your time. Don't not send texts for a chat! Don't think they reply you bc they like you. If they reply you late or one word...you just $$$ to then. Go in fck them hard enjoying the time together.

Many of my regular has moved on is sad but there are plenty of nice pussies out there also. Some you cant replace they are just special! If they do makes a come back I probably won't see them again..Maybe kyoto Summer nd SS Star !

13-08-2022, 09:26 AM
Yep. Had one regular I would often see. When she decided she was quitting for good, I got her number. We still keep in touch.

There are a few others who I would've liked to have kept in touch with though. Such is life though.

Good to hear Nejums. So her quitting was the trigger for the contact exchange? And this is after how long or how many sessions? Curious, post ML work you guys just platonic friends now?

13-08-2022, 09:35 AM
Also a lot of the girls just see you as a customer ATM, you are a way to fund their life here in Sydney,

It’s transactional so better not getting that attached

I always get their WeChat/lines if I like girl incase they move shop !. Most the time they give out pretty easily nd No they don't think you are special It's like given out a business card . So just ask no big deal

Most girl hate talking or texting so don't wasted your time. Don't not send texts for a chat! Don't think they reply you bc they like you. If they reply you late or one word...you just $$$ to then. Go in fck them hard enjoying the time together.

Good advice here treat these physical interactions with ML/WL simply as 'transactions'. Go in, pay for service and leave. Any contact provided are merely 'business cards'. Critical mental reminders to keep emotions in check.

13-08-2022, 12:02 PM
Pretty easy to move past losing a favorite, simply get yourself a couple of new favorites. There is plenty of fish in the sea, enjoy the fishing journey to find some new favorites.

14-08-2022, 06:57 PM
Pretty easy to move past losing a favorite, simply get yourself a couple of new favorites. There is plenty of fish in the sea, enjoy the fishing journey to find some new favorites.
That is so true, no point dwelling in the past just enjoy the memory and create new ones.

05-11-2023, 09:12 AM
Getting a W/ML girls number is not that simple because they build up a defensive wall to protect their privacy, because they don't want work life interfering with their personal life, Also a lot of the girls just see you as a customer ATM, you are a way to fund their life here in Sydney,
but if you think that girl is special, you need to become friends with them, which isn't hard, just find out what their favourite snack is and bring it with you next time,
also in general conversation find out their roster and if they work at any other shops, if they are working like full time 6 days a week at 3 different shops, don't waste your time they are only after money,

Everyone is after money. It’s the basic need. Some just need it more than others.

05-11-2023, 12:36 PM
It seems some punters have found a favorite ML/WL or a 'Regular' lady they often like to visit to satisfy their fix. One punter in another thread claims to have visited their ML/WL 20 times. Then, sadly, when the ML/WL moves on without warning and disappears, the punter is left with a void and some regret.

So I'm wondering:

1. What held you back from asking your go-to ML or WL for their contact details? If an attempt was made, what was the ML/WL reason to decline the request?

(Note: this is assuming both parties have established a rapport.)

2. If any punters here do have their ML/WL contact details, how long or how many visits or bookings took place before making the decision to exchange contact details? Who made the approach?

Good question! I think it’s often a combination of factors that determine whether or not punters get an ML or WL's contact details. Generally, if the two parties have established a rapport and trust each other, there is likely to be more familiarity on both sides. If this is the case, then typically the ML/WL would be more likely to provide their contact details. On the other hand, if there is no indication of trust or a strong rapport between the two parties, then it’s more likely that the ML or WL would decline any request for their contact details. Ultimately, though, it really comes down to what both parties are comfortable with and willing to agree to.

05-11-2023, 02:14 PM
It seems some punters have found a favourite ML/WL or a 'Regular' lady they often like to visit to satisfy their fix. One punter in another thread claims to have visited their ML/WL 20 times. Then sadly when the ML/WL moves on without warning and disappears, the punter is left with a void and some regret.

So I'm wondering:

1. What held you back from asking your go-to ML/WL their contact details? If an attempt was made, what was the ML/WL reason to decline the request?

(Note: this is assuming both parties have established a rapport)

2. If any punter here do have their ML/WL contact details, how long or how many visits/bookings took place before making the decision to exchange contact details? Who made the approach?

3 visits and I had her phone number and email about ten years ago. Been seeing her for years, seeing her tomorrow. I don't think there is any chance of her vanishing. She keeps messaging. It also makes a big difference if they know your well off I think they will more likely stick with you.

05-11-2023, 09:03 PM
3 visits and I had her phone number and email about ten years ago. Been seeing her for years, seeing her tomorrow. I don't think there is any chance of her vanishing. She keeps messaging. It also makes a big difference if they know your well off I think they will more likely stick with you.

I’ve offered plenty of money to one WL.

It’d shock everyone on this site how much.

It got me nowhere.

She declined.

Money is worth zero until someone values it.

Very frustrating.

05-11-2023, 09:14 PM
I’ve offered plenty of money to one WL.

It’d shock everyone on this site how much.

It got me nowhere.

She declined.

Money is worth zero until someone values it.

Very frustrating.

Maybe I just got lucky with the one I got we have a good secret friendship. I am sure If I was broke she would not have been interested though. She loves that I am a rich business man.

05-11-2023, 09:16 PM
i was wondering any of you guys ask your fav to have session outside working hours or private?

05-11-2023, 09:20 PM
Maybe I just got lucky with the one I got we have a good secret friendship. I am sure If I was broke she would not have been interested though. She loves that I am a rich business man.

Well you lucked on, I didn’t. I have other irons in the fire and just may go with one of them if I don’t get a result soon from her. As the sailers say “any port in a storm”.

05-11-2023, 09:22 PM
i was wondering any of you guys ask your fav to have session outside working hours or private?

No. I could but chose not to. Silly but I have loyalty to many businesses and I support them. If I want private I go to privates. Last private was almost two weeks ago.

01-07-2024, 08:33 PM
A favourite of mine Asahi hasn’t turned up on the Ginza roster for a while, wish I had manage to get her contact details before she disappeared. Or that she’d come back 🥲

02-07-2024, 12:00 AM
I think there is about 50 of us on here that regret not seeing viet Helen a few more times while she was here....nothing lasts for ever, was too complacent

02-07-2024, 03:38 PM
A favourite of mine Asahi hasn’t turned up on the Ginza roster for a while, wish I had manage to get her contact details before she disappeared. Or that she’d come back 🥲
Those of us who came of age in prehistoric times (AKA land-line only :startle:) remember the difficulty of finding someone who had changed offices :confused2:. Only if a co-worker, still on the job, recognized you and knew your status, MIGHT you find out where she'd gone.:question:

On the arrival of mobiles (SIMPLE mobiles, voice and sms), their value was quickly learned for the advantage of direct contacts :cool2:. Even if her English was MINIMAL, she could give an SMS to a (human) translator who would translate and then return an answer. Still, it was limited to sim cards (as in local), so you just might get a different voice when you called her number, she having sold the card, with her contacts, to a colleague on her departure. :cry:

With smart mobiles and apps, all that has changed. Now independent of sim cards. Still subject to account termination (either she closing account intentionally on departure :cry:, or accidentally with a mobile being dropped in some body of water, usually a toilet :startle:), but accounts do have a tendency to be kept, even business ones.

Point is, take advantage and ask for the contact. Easier to delete than having to pine wondering, "where, oh where, is..." :cry:


03-07-2024, 08:27 AM
Yep. Had one regular I would often see. When she decided she was quitting for good, I got her number. We still keep in touch.

There are a few others who I would've liked to have kept in touch with though. Such is life though.

Same here , though have been given their private numbers and real names and actually now have learnt to have a stable of favourites and not rely on one .
Sadly they retire for a number of reasons or move and when they do retire it is a bit of a loss especially when no further contact is made . Have had condonless punts at various stages though a bit concerned not that worried about any further complications . Good to keep in touch by sms occassionally given the excellent punt service I*ve been given over time with them .

03-07-2024, 08:32 AM
i was wondering any of you guys ask your fav to have session outside working hours or private?

Yes , definitely and have no problems in getting their private numbers . Usually arrange meetings 3-4 days ahead so plenty of notice is given . Personally it*s like having a friends with benefits situation even though I*m paying for he benefit

03-07-2024, 09:38 AM
Those of us who came of age in prehistoric times (AKA land-line only :startle:) remember the difficulty of finding someone who had changed offices :confused2:. Only if a co-worker, still on the job, recognized you and knew your status, MIGHT you find out where she'd gone.:question:

On the arrival of mobiles (SIMPLE mobiles, voice and sms), their value was quickly learned for the advantage of direct contacts :cool2:. Even if her English was MINIMAL, she could give an SMS to a (human) translator who would translate and then return an answer. Still, it was limited to sim cards (as in local), so you just might get a different voice when you called her number, she having sold the card, with her contacts, to a colleague on her departure. :cry:

With smart mobiles and apps, all that has changed. Now independent of sim cards. Still subject to account termination (either she closing account intentionally on departure :cry:, or accidentally with a mobile being dropped in some body of water, usually a toilet :startle:), but accounts do have a tendency to be kept, even business ones.

Point is, take advantage and ask for the contact. Easier to delete than having to pine wondering, "where, oh where, is..." :cry:


Go back further bro. Remember the humble pager?

03-07-2024, 02:04 PM
Go back further bro. Remember the humble pager?

Pager? I'm not a number, I'm a free man...

03-07-2024, 04:29 PM
Remember the first mobile phones, you had to carry a briefcase

03-07-2024, 04:56 PM
Pager? I'm not a number, I'm a free man...

I personally prefer the "balance" of pagers over full on mobile phones. Especially the one way pagers where you have to ring a call centre to get your message.

People can still get in touch with you for emergencies, but you can take your time to contact them back due to N-number of reasons for the delay. It was a win-win situation.

03-07-2024, 05:01 PM
Remember the first mobile phones, you had to carry a briefcase

Thankfully not old enough to remember that. My first mobile phone was an Ericsson EH 237 bought in 1994. Don't even remember why I bought it, lol...

03-07-2024, 05:59 PM
i use to meet my regular ML for dinner and then a fuck in my hotel then she goes back to work the next day. But not anymore

03-07-2024, 10:07 PM
Out of interest At what visit number people asking for their private number etc ?
And are you offering a $ price per meet straight up ?

03-07-2024, 10:32 PM
Don’t ask, have it offered to you. First time they offered me I was surprised, it hadn’t even crossed my mind to ask. To me it happened a few repeat visits, perhaps around 4 or 5

03-07-2024, 11:20 PM
Don’t ask, have it offered to you. First time they offered me I was surprised, it hadn’t even crossed my mind to ask. To me it happened a few repeat visits, perhaps around 4 or 5

same , though was given to me after 2nd or 3rd session

04-07-2024, 12:16 AM
Yeah I was surprised. I never asked. But when some of my regular WLs were about to retire from shop routine they'd tell me a few weeks ahead and give me their number asking to do privates. I think you can create a business whatsapp or just separate sim

04-07-2024, 09:25 AM
Don’t ask, have it offered to you. First time they offered me I was surprised, it hadn’t even crossed my mind to ask. To me it happened a few repeat visits, perhaps around 4 or 5

Yeap - same here mate...

04-07-2024, 10:09 AM
Out of interest At what visit number people asking for their private number etc ?
And are you offering a $ price per meet straight up ?Answer below is NOT for dating, but for business, office visits.

Given my history, and given I'm transient, I ask. After just 1 visit, I know, with some, she'll be a regular, so I ask. Others, I know it'll be a "one and done'" so I don't bother. With others, where there's a potential, I'll give her another shot (pun intended), and if there's potential, I'll ask. She can always decline, but most do provide. Just good business, the smart ones understand the benefits of a client list and repeat business. I don't try and bypass the shop, but a direct contact, for me, is more useful. Makes her easy to find, easy to book, and an early notice if there will be any service limitations on that day. Win-Win. The Covid gap years, not a problem. With favs, kept in touch during the gap. With keepers, when travel returned, just messaged, reintroduced myself (NOT a cold call), found out where they were working, and Bob's Your Uncle.

The caveat? The feelings, (business), have to be mutual, where she sees YOU as having potential. If she thinks you're just collecting contacts for ego, then she'll most likely decline.


04-07-2024, 10:19 AM
I've had a regular for almost 5 years. I've lost count how many times I've seen her, but it's definitely over 100 times. I have her number, she has mine. I don't want a ml as a girlfriend. We message each other every now and then. She will leave late next year. But has invited me to visit her back in her country. I don't think about when she is leaving, I just enjoy the now while she is here.

04-07-2024, 11:34 AM
Only twice in over 20 years of punting I have experienced a girl give me her phone number. Was flattered and surprised. A Malaysian girl at former 582Harris St wrote her number on a scrap of paper and said if you want it for free call me. I nursed that beautiful perfumed scrap of paper with her lovely sweet handwriting for 2 days until I came to my senses, screwed it up and threw it away. dodged a bullet. For a guy there is no such thing as getting it for free. Accept it and move on.

04-07-2024, 11:36 AM
She will leave late next year. But has invited me to visit her back in her country.
Don't discount the worth of that invitation. Certainly it can fade with time, as she gets on with her life, but if serious and still valid... She speaks the language, she KNOWS how things work, and you'll never pay the tourist price or be ripped off. You can set the itinerary and she'll handle the logistics. Nothing better than seeing a place with a local...

04-07-2024, 01:58 PM
Don't discount the worth of that invitation. Certainly it can fade with time, as she gets on with her life, but if serious and still valid... She speaks the language, she KNOWS how things work, and you'll never pay the tourist price or be ripped off. You can set the itinerary and she'll handle the logistics. Nothing better than seeing a place with a local...

Yeah I'm not taking the invitation serious. If it happens it happens and having a local show me around would be great.

05-07-2024, 09:00 AM
I had a significant number long session with my regular last Sunday &we had a nice lunch out too.

She mentioned at one stage that at another significant number we could go away for a few days together & asked me for suggestions on where we could go. We had a nice chat about that & I'm still mulling over that...

05-07-2024, 06:50 PM
Only twice in over 20 years of punting I have experienced a girl give me her phone number. Was flattered and surprised. A Malaysian girl at former 582Harris St wrote her number on a scrap of paper and said if you want it for free call me. I nursed that beautiful perfumed scrap of paper with her lovely sweet handwriting for 2 days until I came to my senses, screwed it up and threw it away. dodged a bullet. For a guy there is no such thing as getting it for free. Accept it and move on.

I see it as a way of them nurturing a business relationship, that is all.