View Full Version : Question Have you ever given gifts to ML/WL. If so what?
07-07-2022, 04:05 PM
Damn I am learning so much about punting through this forum. So apparently guys give them gifts. I don't actually understand why, but I suppose if you give them something you may get a better session I suppose.
So, have you ever given your ladies gifts? If so what?
P.S. Your shlong is not a gift, it is a tool of the trade!
07-07-2022, 04:29 PM
Never ever give gifts to the girls they'll think you're infatuated with them and string you along for better gifts.
Having said that that I was guilty once, it was Moon from 5 star many many years ago. She complained that the constant showering was giving her bad eczema so I bought her hand cream and body lotion on one occasion.
07-07-2022, 04:33 PM
Never ever give gifts to the girls they'll think you're infatuated with them and string you along for better gifts.
Having said that that I was guilty once, it was Moon from 5 star many many years ago. She complained that the constant showering was giving her bad eczema so I bought her hand cream and body lotion on one occasion.
Did that lead to expecting gifts and resulting in a worse service when they don’t get one?
07-07-2022, 04:35 PM
Never ever give gifts to the girls they'll think you're infatuated with them and string you along for better gifts.
Having said that that I was guilty once, it was Moon from 5 star many many years ago. She complained that the constant showering was giving her bad eczema so I bought her hand cream and body lotion on one occasion.
I don't intend on buying anything, just curious!
07-07-2022, 04:35 PM
Slippery slope ... Tipping, gifting. Can lead to expectations
07-07-2022, 04:35 PM
Did that lead to expecting gifts and resulting in a worse service when they don’t get one?
Good question, it is setting expectations right?
07-07-2022, 04:40 PM
No, Moon was a pretty cool chick. If you ask some of the other older guys she's a legend.
I remember a girl last year who I was with for the third time told me "now you see me three times you my boyfriend". She then pulled out her phone went to the Gucci website and showed me which handbag she wanted me to buy her "give me your number and I send you link". I didn't even shower, I got dressed and walked out never to see her again.
07-07-2022, 04:48 PM
Good question, it is setting expectations right?
Personally, i keep things as transactional as possible. It makes things simpler to deal with. Unfortunately, emotions can creep in either party (punter and/or WL/ML).
Giving gifts can also be misinterpreted as for something more when the intent was a tip for a great service. Hence my reluctance to give physical gifts.
Re: expectations - I think this could send the wrong precedence with the WL/ML which could turn ugly
07-07-2022, 04:58 PM
No, Moon was a pretty cool chick. If you ask some of the other older guys she's a legend.
I remember a girl last year who I was with for the third time told me "now you see me three times you my boyfriend". She then pulled out her phone went to the Gucci website and showed me which handbag she wanted me to buy her "give me your number and I send you link". I didn't even shower, I got dressed and walked out never to see her again.
Damn, I would have done the same. Get out of there quick smart
07-07-2022, 05:43 PM
No, Moon was a pretty cool chick. If you ask some of the other older guys she's a legend.
I remember a girl last year who I was with for the third time told me "now you see me three times you my boyfriend". She then pulled out her phone went to the Gucci website and showed me which handbag she wanted me to buy her "give me your number and I send you link". I didn't even shower, I got dressed and walked out never to see her again.
If you are her boyfriend you can for free sex then. Gifts only come after that, or never.
07-07-2022, 05:44 PM
Never ever give gifts to the girls they'll think you're infatuated with them and string you along for better gifts.
Having said that that I was guilty once, it was Moon from 5 star many many years ago. She complained that the constant showering was giving her bad eczema so I bought her hand cream and body lotion on one occasion.
Buying hand cream or body lotion in response to what occurred may be ok. It's the thought that counts. Unfortunately little or mediocre items such as above don't have much significance for most working girls thanks in part to what other guys do for them.
What is of concern is when some wealthy guys shower girls with expensive and designer label items. Guys buying gold jewellery or watches in the thousands of dollars or taking them shopping so they can purchase designer label clothes or shoes. It's basically putting the girls on a pedestal treating them like princesses. The girls then adopt the mentality that they are doing guys a great favour by having sex for money. They're already getting paid a lot and not paying any tax. Why give them more gifts especially when the girl will never see you as a friend? You will learn very quickly (if you're not a fool) that the girls will see you as a customer and you'll always be one regardless of what favours or gifts you give them.
07-07-2022, 06:01 PM
I usually buy things in bulk for business purposes, could be anything from fragrances, wine, chocolates, candles or some other things. There are deals you get extra stuff with it.
Don't need the spare so why not give it to the WL/ml.
I only gift to regulars I see often and by often I have know them for years so I may know what they like or dislike. and we have some sort of a professional relationship.
End of the day I don't regret it.
I don't gift anything luxurious or extravagant like a car nor to girls I only just met.
07-07-2022, 06:19 PM
I got a gift from a Korean ML once,... 7 years ago. we even went out a few times. i paid dinner.
07-07-2022, 07:40 PM
How about this :
Paid for a suite in a 5 Star hotel as a gift for the night before her wedding day for her to get ready , do her hair and made up and got dressed for the ceremony the next day.
07-07-2022, 07:57 PM
How about this :
Paid for a suite in a 5 Star hotel as a gift for the night before her wedding day for her to get ready , do her hair and made up and got dressed for the ceremony the next day.
Did she marry you?
07-07-2022, 08:09 PM
Never actually gave an out and out gift but would bring him a bottle of good sparkling white in a cooler with me when I did long sessions with a particular regular wl
07-07-2022, 08:10 PM
Whoops not him lol Damm autocorrect I meant her
07-07-2022, 09:35 PM
Whoops not him lol Damm autocorrect I meant her
We don’t judge here mate. Just kidding
How about this :
Paid for a suite in a 5 Star hotel as a gift for the night before her wedding day for her to get ready , do her hair and made up and got dressed for the ceremony the next day.
Did you marry a working lady did ya AL?
07-07-2022, 10:19 PM
i gave the whole team of thai girls at 429 winter hoodies when i had a box full from a supplier. it was winter too!
07-07-2022, 10:37 PM
On the odd occasion where a semi-regular ML has surprised me by doing something particularly kind or generous for me I have always sent some kind of gift the following day. Especially if I was already of a mind to make our meetings even more regular. I never thought of my gift as an investment in the relationship -I would have sent it even if thought I’d never see the lady again. Gratitude is gratitude - and a well-considered gift always demonstrates gratitude and appreciation more than words can..
That said, there were 2 occasions where what I interpreted as spontaneous kindness and generosity from different ladies, was merely a very elaborate inserting of a hook with which they slowly tried to reel in. Both those occasions put me off punting for a long while. The second one permanently - though I’ve returned here out of morbid curiousity. I still do not regret giving those 2 ladies gifts though, after all a gift always says something about the giver - no matter how it is received.
On another two occasions where I had given ladies small gifts of appreciation for something specific, it was not long afterwards that I told the ladies that I would not be their customer or patronise their stores any longer (for various reasons unrelated to the ladies themselves). To my enormous surprise, both ladies asked to remain friends and “just friends” we have been ever since. With no sexual element to our relationships. Interestingly it was only these 2 ladies I had once given a modest gift to that wanted to know me after the money stopped. Other ladies, who had probably received a lot more money from me in terms of hours booked, couldn’t seem to care less about never seeing me again.
07-07-2022, 10:44 PM
On the odd occasion where a semi-regular ML has surprised me by doing something particularly kind or generous for me I have always sent some kind of gift the following day. Especially if I was already of a mind to make our meetings even more regular. I never thought of my gift as an investment in the relationship -I would have sent it even if thought I’d never see the lady again. Gratitude is gratitude - and a well-considered gift always demonstrates gratitude and appreciation more than words can..
That said, there were 2 occasions where what I interpreted as spontaneous kindness and generosity from different ladies, was merely a very elaborate inserting of a hook with which they slowly tried to reel in. Both those occasions put me off punting for a long while. The second one permanently - though I’ve returned here out of morbid curiousity. I still do not regret giving those 2 ladies gifts though, after all a gift always says something about the giver - no matter how it is received.
On another two occasions where I had given ladies small gifts of appreciation for something specific, it was not long afterwards that I told the ladies that I would not be their customer or patronise their stores any longer (for various reasons unrelated to the ladies themselves). To my enormous surprise, both ladies asked to remain friends and “just friends” we have been ever since. With no sexual element to our relationships. Interestingly it was only these 2 ladies I had once given a modest gift to that wanted to know me after the money stopped. Other ladies, who had probably received a lot more money from me in terms of hours booked, couldn’t seem to care less about never seeing me again.
How thoughtful and considered. I appreciate your approach. Always dangerous with MLS/WLs, you can never know their intention. Good on you mate!
07-07-2022, 11:39 PM
I mean, I have given small items like a snack, a coffee, etc plenty of times, and had same reciprocated. Actual gifts though, I can only think of 3 girls over 16 or so years.
Girl 1 I was discussing a book with, so on next visit I brought in a copy for her. The next time I saw her we spent most of the massage discussing the book etc as she had read it on every break she got etc. It was a small gift, but greatly appreciated, and she in turn gave me a copy of her favourite book, which I still have. We ended up going out for a while before reality caught up with us both. She's back in Korea now..
Girl 2, I had known for some time, she was the classic story of the girl here earning money to send home to her family. Her birthday was approaching and it was her 30th, she had nothing special planned and didn't buy gifts for herself, had no boyfriend, wasn't the type to ask for gifts etc. So I looked up her birthstone, and remembered she had said how she prefers silver over gold when she saw my rings, and so I bought her a silver bracelet with her birth stone, not expensive, just something to make her feel a little special for that day. Our "relationship" was only ever in shop, never swapped numbers etc, but she was one of the greats. My longest running regular, I guess I saw her for over 3 years. She bought presents for me when she went home, and would often bring me in food during a session when she thought I had lost weight...
Girl 3 I had become a regular, got to know her well, she told me about an issue she had which worried me (perhaps a Superman, or Captain America, complex issue of mine). I wondered whether it was made up, as many stories can be in this game. When I found out it was true I got her something I hoped would help with the situation. It was not long after that I stopped seeing her, so never got to find out if it helped. In my mind I like to believe it has, the things we tell ourselves to make us feel better hey?
Would I do it again? Never say never. It's easy to say all working girls are money hungry vixens who will chew you up and spit you out, but there are always exceptions to the rule.
07-07-2022, 11:51 PM
How thoughtful and considered. I appreciate your approach. Always dangerous with MLS/WLs, you can never know their intention. Good on you mate!
Thanks. To be honest I did second guess myself a few times and started reading AR/Reviews of ladies I thought enough of that I might gift them something like that or consider as potentially a real friend. While reading some of that was sometimes a bit gut churning, it generally confirmed that my experience of the ladies I particularly liked was different to their reviewers. Which gave me a little more confidence about thinking of them as genuine friends. When all her reviews say she’s a clock watcher but you keep finding your self waking up next to her half an hour after your time’s finished and all you get is a hug and suggestion to take your time getting dressed rather than angry mama-say battering down the door with a credit card machine. The first time alone requires an offer to give her and the boss the money they are not asking you for. But the second requires something more thoughtful to be delivered the next day.
But you need to be careful with the third time….I’d just say thanks for that one and check myself over for hooks.
The Sampler
07-07-2022, 11:57 PM
maybe a red pocket on CNY and $25 Lotto/Scratchie pack!
08-07-2022, 09:15 AM
Moon was something else. A Star.
08-07-2022, 09:37 AM
I bought all the ladies a 10am coffee at a massage shop once not really thinking anything of it. The mamasan was so pleased, as I refused any money that she thought she’d come in on the middle of the massage and have a conversation and look when I was in the middle of part two, much to the embarrassment of the other younger ML. They are still nice to me. I guess it’s the thought that counts.
08-07-2022, 11:05 PM
Yeh same if u call small gifts of less than $5. Given chips many times as the ML loves them - but always after the sess.
08-07-2022, 11:57 PM
Over last 10+ yrs ...I probably have give out gifts about 4 times all under $150....a scarf my first gift ever - she didn't even say thank you. A perfume not even thanks like nothing happened to her probably get it alot. A $100 gift card she didn't give a shit . another $100 voucher for Christmas thanks God she appreciated was really happy nd became one of my favorite of all time.
Always Red packet for CNY - $20 $50 $100
Most the time just snacks chocolate food etc
08-07-2022, 11:58 PM
Did you marry a working lady did ya AL?
Nooop, I wasn’t that lucky guy. Just a little something for my friend to make her wedding day a little bit more comfortable.
One of a very popular and well known ML was her make up artist on the day BTW.
09-07-2022, 12:12 AM
Never actually gave an out and out gift but would bring her a bottle of good sparkling white in a cooler with me when I did long sessions with a particular regular wl
This reminded me in one of the good old place of At Michelle’s at 29 Newland, years ago a French babe called Emmanuelle was really something and she was the only ML in AM that didn’t do Spanish for me but she was so sexy and those killer French accent and her awesome bum , it was near Xmas time and for the first time I booked her for 2 hr, went shopping at East Gate before and I bought her a bottle of Moët, king prawn , smoke salmon, cheese and bread 🥖 and some nice Belgium chocolates for lunch .
She put out some French music and we had a pre Xmas picnic on her level 5 studio.
She didn’t do anything special for me that day nor it was expected , just really nice company and we finished the bottle of course.
Things we did when we were younger!
09-07-2022, 12:14 AM
I've been seeing the same ML for almost 3 years. I gave her some perfume last Christmas and a dark chocolate easter egg for Easter this year. But I did have a ML Thai girl that I use to see regular and she gave me some boxer shorts that she brought back from Thailand. But I never gave her anything.
09-07-2022, 12:14 AM
I suspect this thread is started by a working lady. Most WLs and MLs I know are the ones asking for gifts and phone numbers from their favourite customers. If you really want to buy a gift for someone why not do a tax deductible donation to UNICEF or UNHCR?
09-07-2022, 10:20 PM
On Chinese new year bought fruit for all the WLs and MLs I saw
09-07-2022, 10:44 PM
I gave chocolates to M/L at Easter time.
09-07-2022, 11:56 PM
I give my regulars Christmas and birthday presents and they reciprocate
10-07-2022, 09:47 AM
This reminded me in one of the good old place of At Michelle’s at 29 Newland, years ago a French babe called Emmanuelle was really something and she was the only ML in AM that didn’t do Spanish for me but she was so sexy and those killer French accent and her awesome bum , it was near Xmas time and for the first time I booked her for 2 hr, went shopping at East Gate before and I bought her a bottle of Moët, king prawn , smoke salmon, cheese and bread 🥖 and some nice Belgium chocolates for lunch .
She put out some French music and we had a pre Xmas picnic on her level 5 studio.
She didn’t do anything special for me that day nor it was expected , just really nice company and we finished the bottle of course.
Things we did when we were younger!
For someone who loves to do Spanish, wouldn't you have given out plenty of pearl necklaces to the ladies?
10-07-2022, 10:01 AM
I suspect this thread is started by a working lady. Most WLs and MLs I know are the ones asking for gifts and phone numbers from their favourite customers. If you really want to buy a gift for someone why not do a tax deductible donation to UNICEF or UNHCR?
I am not a girl, just a beginner in this hobby so seeking knowledge from the most experienced fellas
10-07-2022, 10:17 AM
No way. It’s transactional with these girls.
I have given the odd pearl necklace though
10-07-2022, 10:34 AM
I once gave a Sydney ML two packets of chocolate flavoured condoms.
one packet for me and other who cared. she suck the flavour out of them and for the finale too it off and cim.
OK, she never took any extras off me when using them.
10-07-2022, 12:11 PM
Never. But I’ve reaped the benefits I.e. using a gifted toy on my fellow ML [emoji16]
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10-07-2022, 03:10 PM
I suspect this thread is started by a working lady. Most WLs and MLs I know are the ones asking for gifts and phone numbers from their favourite customers. If you really want to buy a gift for someone why not do a tax deductible donation to UNICEF or UNHCR?
Help the poor animals that are being inhumanly treated by humans. At least you will feel good about doing a good deed for them.
10-07-2022, 07:04 PM
Help the poor animals that are being inhumanly treated by humans. At least you will feel good about doing a good deed for them.
Or you could tell them that you made a donation to the Human Fund on their behalf. What girl doesn’t want that?
11-07-2022, 11:39 AM
i often bring something.. especially on a long booking or really late at night (usually ask a few regualars if they want anything) or some fruit, food, chocolate, kfc, some fresh flowers from the garden. Apart from it being courteous, its a shit job and it brightens them up (and their rooms that they live in) also the hours suck, and they rarely get time to eat. Besides, its always a better punt if they are smiling a little. (and i dont mind a snack too)
11-07-2022, 12:10 PM
i often bring something.. especially on a long booking or really late at night (usually ask a few regualars if they want anything) or some fruit, food, chocolate, kfc, some fresh flowers from the garden. Apart from it being courteous, its a shit job and it brightens them up (and their rooms that they live in) also the hours suck, and they rarely get time to eat. Besides, its always a better punt if they are smiling a little. (and i dont mind a snack too)
Good man, something to keep in mind. The sugar will give an instant energy boost for all involved and everyone deserves to be treated well. We do it at normal jobs, why not for them.
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11-07-2022, 12:18 PM
Or you could tell them that you made a donation to the Human Fund on their behalf. What girl doesn’t want that?
Many wouldn't care these days. Too focused on luxuries and items for themselves.
I once bought and changed a light globe for a private girl once
11-07-2022, 02:45 PM
I once bought and changed a light globe for a private girl once
You reminded me of an old story of mine.
Years ago I visited a private Korean in Rhodes. It was my first visit, she opened the door, lead me to her room, sorted finances and then took me to have a shower. I stripped off as she brought in towels. I was about to put one on her towel rack and she stopped me. "It's broken." I took a look at it and saw what the problem was quickly.
"Do you have a screwdriver?"
She looked a little startled for a second, ran out, and came back in a few moments with a little pink tool kit. So asian, so cute. Anyway, standing there totally naked, dick swinging, I started the very easy task of refitting the rack properly, while showing her and explaining what I'm doing and why it had come loose, so she could fix it herself when it happens again (my rack does the same thing every so often). I was in a very serious "I'm teaching you something" mode and she just burst out laughing. "You should start a special handyman service! Naked handyman! I think many wives will like it." I laughed and made a self deprecatory comment, she followed it up along the lines "I think husbands will get suspicious when things keep breaking in their house every day.."
Anyway, fixed the rail, tested it just to be sure, hung my towel, she stripped off and joined me and the session began...
11-07-2022, 03:12 PM
Only a little bouquet of flowers from the exquisite high-end flower shop named Coles for my regular lady I've been visiting for 4 years or so. Cause last time she mentioned she was graduating soon so figured I'd congratulate her for it.
11-07-2022, 03:25 PM
You reminded me of an old story of mine.
Years ago I visited a private Korean in Rhodes. It was my first visit, she opened the door, lead me to her room, sorted finances and then took me to have a shower. I stripped off as she brought in towels. I was about to put one on her towel rack and she stopped me. "It's broken." I took a look at it and saw what the problem was quickly.
"Do you have a screwdriver?"
She looked a little startled for a second, ran out, and came back in a few moments with a little pink tool kit. So asian, so cute. Anyway, standing there totally naked, dick swinging, I started the very easy task of refitting the rack properly, while showing her and explaining what I'm doing and why it had come loose, so she could fix it herself when it happens again (my rack does the same thing every so often). I was in a very serious "I'm teaching you something" mode and she just burst out laughing. "You should start a special handyman service! Naked handyman! I think many wives will like it." I laughed and made a self deprecatory comment, she followed it up along the lines "I think husbands will get suspicious when things keep breaking in their house every day.."
Anyway, fixed the rail, tested it just to be sure, hung my towel, she stripped off and joined me and the session began...
And what did she do for you in return?
11-07-2022, 03:32 PM
And what did she do for you in return?
The session was good, nice girl. Didn't see her again as Covid hit and she moved to Newcastle or interstate I think. Anyway, give without expectations of return, the fact it was appreciated is enough for me.
11-07-2022, 05:29 PM
The session was good, nice girl. Didn't see her again as Covid hit and she moved to Newcastle or interstate I think. Anyway, give without expectations of return, the fact it was appreciated is enough for me.
I would've thought that was the perfect opportunity for a "paying back in trade" joke. Good for a laugh!
11-07-2022, 05:41 PM
The session was good, nice girl. Didn't see her again as Covid hit and she moved to Newcastle or interstate I think. Anyway, give without expectations of return, the fact it was appreciated is enough for me.
No discount, freebie or extra time?
11-07-2022, 05:44 PM
No discount, freebie or extra time?
Wouldn't ask for a discount or freebie, we may have gone 5 mins over. She needed it done and I was happy to do it.
11-07-2022, 08:17 PM
Giving gifts - Fuck that, men should only give gifts to their grandmother, mother or daughter/s, and this should be limited to special occasions like birthdays, Xmas, Mother's day etc
The only gift you should give other woman eg wife, mistress, girlfriend, SB, ML, or WL is your dick; as eloquently put by Tha BossMack Topsoil.
If you know how to give dick then all the gifts become superfluous.
12-07-2022, 01:39 PM
Giving gifts - Fuck that, men should only give gifts to their grandmother, mother or daughter/s, and this should be limited to special occasions like birthdays, Xmas, Mother's day etc
The only gift you should give other woman eg wife, mistress, girlfriend, SB, ML, or WL is your dick; as eloquently put by Tha BossMack Topsoil.
If you know how to give dick then all the gifts become superfluous.
If you really want to make an impression then give it to a single girl working in a cafe, restaurant or supermarket ( as examples) and not working in a FS or massage shop who doesn't make lots of money. At least they may take you seriously and appreciate the gift. WLs or MLs are surrounded by guys who many try to sweep them off their feet. They become accustomed to gifts (sometimes very expensive) and feel like princesses by some punters.
12-07-2022, 02:41 PM
Nooop, I wasn’t that lucky guy. Just a little something for my friend to make her wedding day a little bit more comfortable.
One of a very popular and well known ML was her make up artist on the day BTW.
She was the 'one' who got away from you. 😆
12-07-2022, 03:13 PM
She was the 'one' who got away from you. 😆
Nooooop, yours truly is happily married and RnT has always been just a need for my back pains plus a bit of life style and stress releases.
And when I got a nice rapport with the lady and she was moving forward in her life at the time , so a bit of pleasant gestures I suppose.
12-07-2022, 06:11 PM
If you really want to make an impression then give it to a single girl working in a cafe, restaurant or supermarket ( as examples) and not working in a FS or massage shop who doesn't make lots of money. At least they may take you seriously and appreciate the gift. WLs or MLs are surrounded by guys who many try to sweep them off their feet. They become accustomed to gifts (sometimes very expensive) and feel like princesses by some punters.
Don't encourage it Mr Cuteguy....the way some of these punters behave it'll come off as stalking or being too creepy.
12-07-2022, 06:45 PM
Don't encourage it Mr Cuteguy....the way some of these punters behave it'll come off as stalking or being too creepy.
Yeah I kinda agree with that. Waitress will prefer a tip. I guess industry girls will prefer the tip as well (unless you're giving high end stuff).
Giving a gift to a waitress might come off like that movie clip that does the rounds here every so often where the guy tries to ask the waitress on a date and it goes hopelessly awry and is so cringeworthy if you listen closely you can actually hear your skin crawl..
12-07-2022, 06:52 PM
A ML I was seeing for a while at Juliet's Burwood bought me a watch on my birthday when I went there to see her.
A regular ML from Midas also bought me a gift for Christmas. She was extremely popular but still a good gesture for her regulars
13-07-2022, 04:49 PM
Although I’ve given plenty of gifts that were thoroughly deserved and humbly appreciated, i think many of the risks and unexpected problems caused by giving whore’s gifts depend as much on the culture of the shop and it’s Mamasan as they do the character of the whore.
There was a seemingly nice called Cindy, in her early 50s but still kind of cute, at a shop near Annandale one day I visited against my better judgment. We had a good time when we met. Then the next day the shop boss called me and sent me a bunch of messages saying how impressed this lady had been with what a “gentleman” I’d been and really wanted to see me. But I politely declined because i had a sweet deal with my regular lady/shop that cost me a few hundred less for the kind of leisurely visit I liked most. Next thing, the boss of Cindy calls back and tells me this girl cindy would cut her share so I could pay the same at her shop “even though this shop has never before given a discount to anyone” .
Since i am very easy to flatter, a basically straight-dealing person who gives most people the benefit of the doubt, and never one to look a gift-whore in the mouth, I was back that night. I could not get this girl to give me a straight answer as to whether the boss had forced the discount on her or she had genuinely wanted me to come back. The GFE and encouragement to go bareback (she’d have to go get a condom from downstairs if I really wanted one - seemed to say the latter. But the well known way this boss grinds maximum profit out first-timer ladies who know no better also made the former pretty likely.
Whichever it was, the service I got from the girl was way more than I could have reasonably expected (even if I did continually decline her endless kind offers to help myself to what looked like enough chemicals and pharmaceuticals to fuck her non-stop all the way to Christmas. So i gave her a combination of a cash tip I left and a couriered gift the next day altogether worth maybe $100 more than the discount would have cost her. Basically I just wanted to say “thank you for being so generous to me” - when it seemed like she had never treated another customer this way.
…then begins a long and terrible saga in which BerasAsing couldn’t through more than a few days back in the arms of his small band of loyal, trustworthy, and very affectionate MILF’s without his inbox and voicemail being completely filled by very sharp hooks cleverly baited by Cindy’s boss with hard to to ignore woeful tales of “Sad Cindy”. Whether this Cindy was complicit or not I in this strategy I did learn a couple of important and admittedly far too expensive lessons about playing in brothels (separate, but not entirely unrelated, to the valuable lessons I learned about gonorrhoea around that time).
So I pass these on to punters who may imagine most whores are just regular ladies who have had a little less luck in their lives then they did. Or that whoring is just the same as any other job and whore should be treated just the same way you would other working professionals, like your doctor, lawyer, or properly certified, accredited and insured tradie.
Giving a gift can often, but not always, be perceived by the whore and her boss with the same sense of wonder and greed the early prospectors did the first time they finally saw flecks of gold in the bottom of their pan..,the kind of prospectors who are soon jumping claims, cutting throats, rigging scales and doing everything else they can to get at that gold besides putting in an honest day’s work to dig it up.
So if you are a gift-giving kind of guy you need need to bear the following in mind and check whether they apply to you:
Even if a man genuinely enjoys the company of a whore more than he does fucking her, he should spend any less tham 80 % of his visit wordlessly fucking her. Any thing less than that and he creates both motivation and opportunity for the whore to put a hook in. A man like this should lose the dangerous delusion that there could be friends-he-just-hasn’t-met-yet in a brothel. The remaining 20% of time is best used by you speaking and the whore listening attentively to the several way you expect her to improve her performance and give a fuck actually worth coming back for if you give her another chance sometime. Which will only be after you fuck a couple of her colleagues to see if they offer better value for money (it’s prudent to first discover which colleague is her bestie. Fuck that one next.
If a man would not be comfortable bumping into his colleagues when in the company of his Pint-sized Chinese Meth Addicted Drug Peddling Chemsex Promoting new-but-best-friend-ever, then he needs to take a little time out to reflect on what the word ‘friend’ actually means. Clue: actually quite different things in English vs Mandarin!
Even if a man quite enjoys slow, intimate, gentle, and mutually enjoyable sex with a whore, he should restrict himself to fucking her as vigorously as possible and preferably in positions where eye contact is impossible. Even if he thinks bareback anal with a final ass-to-mouth finish is beyond disgusting he should offer a slowly increasing amount of money for it every time he fucks her during that essential long bit in the middle where he’s holding one of her arms behind her back to ensure she’s biting a big mouthful of pillow and wondering how much longer her cervix can survive knocks like this. Start with an offer of $10 on your first visit and keep upping it by $5 each subsequent visit. This significantly reduces both motivation and opportunity for her hooking anything ever again hopefully a Mandarin speaking pro-bono gynaecologist cum reconstructive surgeon. In a worst case scenario where your offer each visit has already grown to 3 figures or more don’t worry. Because at the point she finally accepts your offer, whether you then go ass-to-mouth or not your infatuation will die an instant death as will all your memories and fantasies regarding this lady.
Don’t have conversations in person or via messages with whores or bosses. A message should say no more than “I want to give you/Cindy a good fucking for 20 minutes tomorrow at 10 AM. Confirm availability please?”
14-07-2022, 09:53 AM
Giving gifts - Fuck that, men should only give gifts to their grandmother, mother or daughter/s, and this should be limited to special occasions like birthdays, Xmas, Mother's day etc
The only gift you should give other woman eg wife, mistress, girlfriend, SB, ML, or WL is your dick; as eloquently put by Tha BossMack Topsoil.
If you know how to give dick then all the gifts become superfluous.
Well said. Everything else's just capitalism brainwash ****.
14-07-2022, 11:15 AM
This whole practice of gifting and tipping service providers is twisted and fucked up!
It seems that somewhere and somehow, the script was flipped (by Disney and RomComs) and we find punters paying for a service and then tipping or gifting WLs, MLs and SBs with expensive presents......fuck that!
Show me a customer that after being serviced, they tip or give gifts to their dentist, accountant, optometrist, physiotherapist, mechanic, plumber, doctor, barber etc If they do they'll be looked at strangely and called fools.
Imagine a customer seeing their optometrist or physiotherapist and midway through the booking the customer decides to extend his session for an extra hour.
Imagine a customer tipping their dentist or lawyer for their services, or a customer taking a bottle of wine, some nibblies and a sexy underwear when seeing their doctor or psychologist.
Imagine a customer taking a bunch of flowers, lingerie, a Gucci hand bag, an expensive perfume, or a box of chocolates when seeing their barber or solicitor.
In terms of shops, imagine placing an order for an Apple iphone and when you rock up, the shop does a switcheroo and they present you a Samsung phone instead, or imagine ordering a wagyu beef burger with the lot and they give you a plant based burger instead - that is some fucked up shit right there!
In the real world if you are happy with the service/s that a business, a shop, technician or a person delivers, then you reward them with your loyalty, repeat business, with positive reviews, feedback, and you recommend them to others.
In the business world, customers that give all their business to a service provider, it is the service provider that showers those customers with gifts, lunches/dinners, hampers, wine, tickets to sporting events, travel junkets, polo shirts, bags etc....This is normal practice and is a gesture of appreciation for their ongoing business and loyalty.
So for the lads that have commented on receiving gifts from their RnT shops, WLs and MLs , kudos to you and reward those shops and ladies with your dick and continued business.
14-07-2022, 12:56 PM
If there is a financial or social cost which doesnt dent your pocket in anyway but such action can advance your bigger goal. Do you say no because it is against your principle? Or would you do it anyway because you are getting a bargain even though it is against your principle?
Easy question for me to answer but I appreciate some people abide to their principle no matter what. They are, in a way, what holding our values together.
I ride motorcycle on a daily basis, when the light turn green, it not an indication for me to go, I look left and right twice before rolling my wrist. My best friend, he is a great principle man, said to me when the light turn green you have the right of way and if someone hit you they are 100% at fault. I didn't bother saying anything after that because I knew we are so far apart..
Gift. No gift. We don't have to agree. But i think the world is big enough for both.
14-07-2022, 06:51 PM
This whole practice of gifting and tipping service providers is twisted and fucked up!
It seems that somewhere and somehow, the script was flipped (by Disney and RomComs) and we find punters paying for a service and then tipping or gifting WLs, MLs and SBs with expensive presents......fuck that!
Show me a customer that after being serviced, they tip or give gifts to their dentist, accountant, optometrist, physiotherapist, mechanic, plumber, doctor, barber etc If they do they'll be looked at strangely and called fools.
Imagine a customer seeing their optometrist or physiotherapist and midway through the booking the customer decides to extend his session for an extra hour.
Imagine a customer tipping their dentist or lawyer for their services, or a customer taking a bottle of wine, some nibblies and a sexy underwear when seeing their doctor or psychologist.
Imagine a customer taking a bunch of flowers, lingerie, a Gucci hand bag, an expensive perfume, or a box of chocolates when seeing their barber or solicitor.
In terms of shops, imagine placing an order for an Apple iphone and when you rock up, the shop does a switcheroo and they present you a Samsung phone instead, or imagine ordering a wagyu beef burger with the lot and they give you a plant based burger instead - that is some fucked up shit right there!
In the real world if you are happy with the service/s that a business, a shop, technician or a person delivers, then you reward them with your loyalty, repeat business, with positive reviews, feedback, and you recommend them to others.
In the business world, customers that give all their business to a service provider, it is the service provider that showers those customers with gifts, lunches/dinners, hampers, wine, tickets to sporting events, travel junkets, polo shirts, bags etc....This is normal practice and is a gesture of appreciation for their ongoing business and loyalty.
So for the lads that have commented on receiving gifts from their RnT shops, WLs and MLs , kudos to you and reward those shops and ladies with your dick and continued business.
In a nutshell you’re just saying you’re a tight arse lmao
14-07-2022, 07:03 PM
Many years ago I convinced a Thai girl it was safe to drink Sydney water.
That was my gift to her. Saved her hundreds of dollars in not buying bottled water.
14-07-2022, 11:13 PM
Many years ago I convinced a Thai girl it was safe to drink Sydney water.
That was my gift to her. Saved her hundreds of dollars in not buying bottled water.
nothing wrong with warragamba springs!
15-07-2022, 09:34 AM
Many years ago I convinced a Thai girl it was safe to drink Sydney water.
That was my gift to her. Saved her hundreds of dollars in not buying bottled water.
But, my dude, she would've paid it all back in the diarrhoea medication costs and GP visits if she's not on Medicare.
15-07-2022, 12:23 PM
I spoke with a girl about this once, and she mentioned getting weird as shit stuff from people like bags of nuts and other food stuffs.
Personally the only thing I’ve saved to gift the girls is my semen. And sometimes some serious savings too. Other things would be awkward to give unless a regular lady. But I’ve not seen a girl more than twice so just buckets of cum from me so far.
15-07-2022, 12:58 PM
I spoke with a girl about this once, and she mentioned getting weird as shit stuff from people like bags of nuts and other food stuffs.
Personally the only thing I’ve saved to gift the girls is my semen. And sometimes some serious savings too. Other things would be awkward to give unless a regular lady. But I’ve not seen a girl more than twice so just buckets of cum from me so far.
Idk why I laughed so hard when you said "buckets of cum" but let me add on money as well
15-07-2022, 01:08 PM
But, my dude, she would've paid it all back in the diarrhoea medication costs and GP visits if she's not on Medicare.
Sydney water is safe bro. You don't get gastro from Sydney water.
15-07-2022, 01:20 PM
Generally speaking yes, but with all the floods this year there have been a few alerts about water quality.
03-08-2022, 08:06 PM
Damn I am learning so much about punting through this forum. So apparently guys give them gifts. I don't actually understand why, but I suppose if you give them something you may get a better session I suppose.
So, have you ever given your ladies gifts? If so what?
P.S. Your shlong is not a gift, it is a tool of the trade!
I think it's a good suggestion. (
04-08-2022, 09:15 AM
Cool one Mr Rooter. This thread needed a leveller.
04-08-2022, 02:42 PM
Flattery is the best gift. Cheap as chips and I have never met a woman that did not like it. Invest some with the better Mamasans too, it can pay off, They might tell you off, but it will be with a smile and a giggle at least..
04-08-2022, 02:53 PM
A couple of accidentle cream pies as we didnt know condom broke until finished lol
04-08-2022, 03:20 PM
A couple of accidentle cream pies as we didnt know condom broke until finished lol
Hopefully she was on the pill or used the morning after pill and didn't have your mobile to reveal you were the daddy of her kid.
05-08-2022, 05:49 AM
Oh mate i was super paranoid I did tip them quite a bit to go get morning aftet pill.
After that I watched their roster for a few weeks and saw her off roster for abit for what I guess was period break.
Saw the girls after that, thank god no dramas and no way Im giving my number lol
06-09-2022, 12:37 PM
Have only ever given them a kid and a hug. But seriously never gotten that close with anyone as I keep changing them.
06-09-2022, 02:52 PM
Have only ever given them a kid and a hug. But seriously never gotten that close with anyone as I keep changing them.
A kid? How many you gave so far?
06-09-2022, 04:13 PM
A kid? How many you gave so far?
Damn my bad a kiss 😘
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