View Full Version : General talk Seeing your long ago favourite ML return

The Sampler
28-06-2022, 01:59 AM
Just sharing an experience that i think some people here might relate to.

I started punting in the early 2008, and my 4th ML quickly became my favourite and i became a regular of hers.
A lot of my initial great experiences were with her, like tackle tickle during a massage, double shots (when i was young and had stamina!) and after a while she was my first FS at a massage place which at the time i didnt fathom was a thing.
She'd knew how i liked my massages, and then how to get me horny throughout the massage, go for a round of FS, relax me with a massage again, build me up hard again for a HJ finish...all without me asking, and i loved every moment of it.

Eventually after a 1 year or so of debauchery that shop closed down, but months later i found her at another shop and we recognised each other. She went through the same routine with me as before even though this particular shop was strictly no FS. Another year of fun and this shop closed down too, i never had her number because it was never static. A months go by and i peek my head into a new shop in the area, and there she is! But this time shes a mamasan / owner now, shes happy to see me but she passes me onto her other girls, they all seem to have learned a similar routine to hers or maybe she told them to treat me that way i dunno.

Every now and then, she would service me on the non busy days. I loved every moment of it, and i think she was just happy to have a regular that was paying and nice to her and the girls (unlike the rougher clients that are common in my area).
She half jokingly said she had a younger hotter cousin from China that was going to be in the country soon and shes looking for a husband, that i should marry her cousin. "But then i can't have fun with you if i do that" is said cheekily but she would say that its not a problem, that its just physical health and that i should treat her like a doctor and her cousin as my wife, the former making the latter happier lol.

This went on for a few more years, she would sell her shop and then open a new one somewhere else, rinse and repeat 3-4 shops later and i just completely lost track of her. No idea where she went and none of the girls at the old shops had her number or one that was working. Oh well, i moved onto other ladies by now and had new fun experiences.

Fast forward years later to CNY this year. I was about to go try a new ML a member of this forum gave me, but when i tried to book she wasn't available, oh well, went for a drive and decided to scout a different shop i have never been to before just within my area. Long and behold, my old favourite ML is at the reception desk! The years have been kind to her, shes rocking a fit bod and longer hair from what i remembered. She greats me warmly, i'm excited at the thought of reliving my one of best past experiences again! We talk and catch up a bit, shes once again opened and running the current shop. I make sure to swap numbers.

I strip and get into the massage, it was....a dud, about 10 minutes in, without asking she strips off too and starts a CBJ, im disappointed to see shes heavilly tatooed up now (im not a tattoo person, sorry). The CBJ is sloppy and doesnt get me hard, she gets on top of me to ride me, her pelvic bone is hard and sharply digs into my body causing pain, so i put her in the mish and start pounding away but everything just feels loose and a total turn off. Had to close my eyes and think of other things to cum and even then it was a soft cum if you know what i mean. I left quickly as i was just totally bummed at actually finding my past favourite ML to find out shes no longer the ML she used to be. On top of that she also tried to guilt trip me on giving her 'double' extras because it was CNY and that it was good luck and all that bs.

Shes desparate too, always messaging me on WeChat to come to the shop, see her other girls etc. Had to just block her.

I share this because im sure there are punters out there with similar experiences waiting on a favourite lady with either shit or great experiences.
And also because like a lot of people here, am waiting for the return of the legendary 'Mimi @ Burwood' im my god i do not want that to be the same experience as what i had with my ex-fav ML.

Happy punting everyone!

28-06-2022, 02:00 PM
For girls in the industry that I have a soft spot for the perfect farewell is the Affleck/Damon ending in good will hunting. Just turn up one day and she's gone forever. No tears, no goodbyes

28-06-2022, 07:41 PM
That was a delightful read, thanks for sharing Sampler.

Moral of the story OP, if you like someone and you feel it's mutual, stop and ask for their number!
Who knows where you might've ended up

29-06-2022, 10:19 PM
Sometimes its best to have the good memories and move onto newer other experiences. Not the OP went out of his way to find his old favourite but best to keep the perfect MP4 file in the mind without it getting corrupted.

30-06-2022, 12:21 AM
you write like a professional

The Sampler
30-06-2022, 01:18 AM
For girls in the industry that I have a soft spot for the perfect farewell is the Affleck/Damon ending in good will hunting. Just turn up one day and she's gone forever. No tears, no goodbyes

I couldn't agree more!

you write like a professional

hah thanks!, but im not sadly.

30-06-2022, 09:20 AM
For girls in the industry that I have a soft spot for the perfect farewell is the Affleck/Damon ending in good will hunting. Just turn up one day and she's gone forever. No tears, no goodbyes

Agree. A few times over the journey I've had tips that an old fave has popped up again somewhere, and invariably I decline to pay a visit. It's better to remember things as they were than to discover the magic is gone.