View Full Version : General talk The Thrill of The Punt

23-04-2022, 12:41 PM
I was having a few beers at the pub with a close uni mate of mine. We both tend to frequent establishments of all kind but the conversation moved on to more of a debate where i was saying that a punt itself is quite "dissapointing" in comparison to thill that excites you before you even get there.

Now dont get me wrong. I love getting my cock sucked by a hot girl any day of the week and i genuinly do enjoy the sex when i get there but maybe i wasn't being clear.

My point is that the thrill of punting is what keeps it interesting rather than the act of sex itself alot of the time. Many of us will have mistresses, wives, girlfriends, FWB, sneaky affairs which makes having access to sex relativley easy. I think if you wanted sex you'd just get into a relationship to maximise the amound of sex you can get. In contrast with visiting establishments you actually tend to have lets sex due to financial restrictions.

But more importantly than all of this i'm not sure about you guys out these but for me half the fun of a punt is when youre stroking your cock to some porn and you think to yourself "what if i got my dick wet this week inside some gorgous girl?". So you start jumping on the forums. You browse reccomendations, checking roster pics to find the girl that makes your cock hard as diamonds. You then form a shortlist of girls and places you wanna expereince. You start googling the address of establishments, checking street views and the most opitmal way to get there. Cant forget the ATM, you need cash to see these babes. You then start checking to see how and when you can dip from your schedule in the week. Will it be in your hour break where you dip from work, walk accross the road and unload your seed before sneaking back into work. Or maybe itll be before coming back home, a little detour wont hurt for 30 mins.

Then its the suspense. The day prior you shave your balls and clean your body extra good, get dressed, put on a little cologne and head out. The suspense getting to the place, withdrawing cash from an ATM, circling the joint with nerves rushing through your body, knocking on the door, seeing a papasan who will show you a harem of women who you can fuck.

IMO this buildup is what makes the punt worthwhile but id like to hear the opinion of other punters or similar experiences :)

23-04-2022, 08:36 PM
haha sounds like Blue Balls bipolar syndrome has kicked in and your little head is doing all the thinking for you,
you are basically over thinking things, its actually very simple your balls are full, you have money and instead of going on a dead end date and having nothing to show for it, you spend your money at a parlour and get what you want, once you have finished zero satisfaction will kick in and you start all over again

23-04-2022, 09:56 PM
That's the one that get addictive the thrill to meet new girls and thinking will she be awesome like in the review? Will she looks OK? Is the boobs enhanced? Is she has big bum like in the picture? Is the picture real? Etc etc. And the thrill will be greater when you arrive, and waiting in the waiting room.

But the main event itself will be less exciting
than the one above, because just be honest if you booking online chances are 50-70% you not sastified with the face or body etc of the lady, unless you do line up which is a bit rare today.

Then after the deed, whether it is good or not, you left with empty feeling again lol. But the question can I stop? It will be hard because of the addictive feeling of the thrill.

23-04-2022, 11:00 PM
Agree with OP, the thrill of going to meet a new girl in a punt is a fantastic rush, almost worth the cost of the punt itself.

OLD SNAKE, you sound like you're getting a bit jaded, maybe go dry for a few weeks to get the mojo back. That's as cynical a view about punting as I've ever seen. It doesn't have to be that way, dude. It's a fantastic feeling to be able to bed a head turning hottie for the cost of a few packs of ciggies.

I do have a slightly differring view about it though. I don't think it always has to be only about the build up to the session. If it turns out to be a cracker of a punt, the girl and tempo and what you did in it was exactly what you wanted, it could turn out to be the ultimate climax. I've had that multiple times in my punting life and of course, I've gone back to the same girls over and over if it was that good.

24-04-2022, 12:03 AM
To me the best part of the punt is your own control. You are the master of your destiny.

I have had 3 punts in an afternoon. Now I only do it once a week.

I have had FS with every recent Chinese MLs I've met. They are all willing partners. But now I only do part 2 with Thai girls.

I have had a regular ML whom I visit once or twice a week and blow a few thousands on her body and several boxes of rubber. I've stopped seeing her 2 weeks ago. She doesn't have the glow of the angel anymore. To be able to walkaway is part of the thrill.

In punting every expectation can be an anticlimax. Never plan too much and expect too much.

Even my regular she can let me kiss her one day, turn her face away the next day, or close her lips tightly so I can't get into the mouth or use her hand to block my approaching mouth. Being a romantic man I just kiss her fingers softly and converting the No into a pleasure and not a rejection.

I didn't know that kissing a ML's fingers could give her some pleasure. I did it with a new Thai ML again and she moaned (or put on a show for me).

The thrills of punting take many shapes and forms.

24-04-2022, 12:36 AM
To me the best part of the punt is your own control. You are the master of your destiny.

I have had 3 punts in an afternoon. Now I only do it once a week.

I have had FS with every recent Chinese MLs I've met. They are all willing partners. But now I only do part 2 with Thai girls.

I have had a regular ML whom I visit once or twice a week and blow a few thousands on her body and several boxes of rubber. I've stopped seeing her 2 weeks ago. She doesn't have the glow of the angel anymore. To be able to walkaway is part of the thrill.

In punting every expectation can be an anticlimax. Never plan too much and expect too much.

Even my regular she can let me kiss her one day, turn her face away the next day, or close her lips tightly so I can't get into the mouth or use her hand to block my approaching mouth. Being a romantic man I just kiss her fingers softly and converting the No into a pleasure and not a rejection.

I didn't know that kissing a ML's fingers could give her some pleasure. I did it with a new Thai ML again and she moaned (or put on a show for me).

The thrills of punting take many shapes and forms.

The moans , possibly derisory as she was trying too tell you whose ass they had been in , only moments before

24-04-2022, 01:27 AM
To me the best part of the punt is your own control. You are the master of your destiny.

I have had 3 punts in an afternoon. Now I only do it once a week.

I have had FS with every recent Chinese MLs I've met. They are all willing partners. But now I only do part 2 with Thai girls.

I have had a regular ML whom I visit once or twice a week and blow a few thousands on her body and several boxes of rubber. I've stopped seeing her 2 weeks ago. She doesn't have the glow of the angel anymore. To be able to walkaway is part of the thrill.

In punting every expectation can be an anticlimax. Never plan too much and expect too much.

Even my regular she can let me kiss her one day, turn her face away the next day, or close her lips tightly so I can't get into the mouth or use her hand to block my approaching mouth. Being a romantic man I just kiss her fingers softly and converting the No into a pleasure and not a rejection.

I didn't know that kissing a ML's fingers could give her some pleasure. I did it with a new Thai ML again and she moaned (or put on a show for me).

The thrills of punting take many shapes and forms.

Wow, I have been looking at the forum for the last few weeks and after reading this post I am starting to wonder about brother "Sibon"
I notice that maybe this brother is actually the alter-ego of brother "Warwick1" クレイジーな男


24-04-2022, 07:35 AM
GoldfishMan i might be a bit cynical, but a lot of the girls are just all the same, they just see me as an atm sugar daddy and only ask about my job and money, so i don't tell them too much, so they presume i have it, than they want to be my girlfriend, for me this is just a false emotional attachment that i don't want to get involved with,
but you are right maybe its time for a trip to the holy land Pattaya

25-04-2022, 10:44 AM
Sometimes if I haven’t made a booking, the line up is what gets me really excited. ESP at ginza empire when they are all lined up and you can look them all up and down at the same time knowing that 5 mins later you are going to be inside one or two of them…

25-04-2022, 01:15 PM
Wow, I have been looking at the forum for the last few weeks and after reading this post I am starting to wonder about brother "Sibon"
I notice that maybe this brother is actually the alter-ego of brother "Warwick1" クレイジーな男


Yes everywhere you go you see the shadows of Warwick1 in dream and awake.

Such fixation can be unhealthy but it's pleasurable for you. That's enough for us.

25-04-2022, 01:56 PM
Love this post. I think it’s very accurate for me in terms of building up with suspense and anticipation… Important to keep control of your actions and not overdo this hobby… keep it just that - a ‘hobby’, and don’t let it consume you.

25-04-2022, 11:39 PM
Def think there's a thrill in the build up... Still get that heart skipping a beat in anticipation.. This could be walking to the shop, waiting for the fav ML or WL in the room or even in the waiting room at Ginza.. Nice to feel alive...