View Full Version : Girl info Price change ?

26-03-2022, 04:23 PM

Not 19 but still a smoking hot body ----- I LEFT ----- not because of that ----- but because THE PRICE WENT UP UPON ENTRY !

26-03-2022, 04:37 PM

Not 19 but still a smoking hot body ----- I LEFT ----- not because of that ----- but because THE PRICE WENT UP UPON ENTRY !

good. standing firm. i hate when they put their prices up when you show up. if only we could all learn to walk when that happens.

26-03-2022, 05:07 PM
good. standing firm. i hate when they put their prices up when you show up. if only we could all learn to walk when that happens.

Any bullshit and I walk ... I was really happy to leave this particular one ...

26-03-2022, 05:22 PM
well done for walking - tell these bitches if you don't get the money someone else will - ha ha you loose.

26-03-2022, 07:11 PM

Not 19 but still a smoking hot body ----- I LEFT ----- not because of that ----- but because THE PRICE WENT UP UPON ENTRY !
How much did it go up by and was there a reason given? (Not that there's a good reason to do this).

Ken Tuckyfriedchicken
26-03-2022, 08:22 PM

Not 19 but still a smoking hot body ----- I LEFT ----- not because of that ----- but because THE PRICE WENT UP UPON ENTRY !
How much did the price go up? Did you mention the advertised price and thats all you were willing to pay?

26-03-2022, 08:28 PM
How much did the price go up? Did you mention the advertised price and thats all you were willing to pay?

No reason given ... so I walked

Ken Tuckyfriedchicken
26-03-2022, 09:35 PM
No reason given ... so I walked

What did she quote you?
Her ad says:
120 for 15 mins
150 half hr
250 hr
also I do body rub and suck with condoms
100 half hr
200 hr

26-03-2022, 11:38 PM
I walk quite often. When you can get a rub and fuck from any brothel for $200 it really doesn't compete when a ML starts quoting a fist full of pineapples for the same. Just walk!!!

27-03-2022, 08:55 AM
I’m simply over the fucking games - not expecting a model at $100 but seriously putting up “verified” pictures, talking the talk and then being a dirty filthy scammer is just that - lies - THEN to complain about the shit they get - sorry - demand more and call out your own industry and make a better system but don’t hide behind the bs

I am generally beyond the games and walk a bit but a. It’s fucking obvious in hindsight b. For many reasons walking becomes a pain in the arse

They know this and the people behind them know this hence it’s scamming at it’s worse

I know you lot don’t like sharing but the games of saying you have a raft of perfect girls on speed dial is weird at best

The whole process used to be much more simple but we’ve all turned into a bunch of turds

If you are finding your way - expect to trawl through mostly crap shops and attitudes to “find a gem” then as it’s so rare come on in here and brag about it in code

MOST privates are crap unless the rate is such you think about it then it’s still a battle - any decent girl knows how pathetic things are and charges $600 plus an hour - the real good ones keep pushing this boundary - supply and demand..

Most shops are ok as you can walk but you have to deal with the bs - they can also easily add money and have you at ransom - going soft while you negotiate is weak as piss and paying through the nose to keep that moment is wasting money - it’s not good economics

Most brothels are ok in that they are actually designed with no pressure but the whole experience is a bit clinical