View Full Version : General talk Prostitution laws qld

28-08-2021, 04:43 PM
I heard radio seen laws will hopefully be getting changed mid next year with some new inquiry.. fingers crossed gets like nsw

28-08-2021, 10:54 PM
About time. Legalise it completely, don't just decriminalise

29-08-2021, 09:36 AM
About time. Legalise it completely, don't just decriminalise

Agree but its QLD dont hold your breath

29-08-2021, 12:18 PM
About time. Legalise it completely, don't just decriminalise

It is already legalised in Qld, just heavily regulated.

It will never be deregulated to the point that some people want it to.

30-08-2021, 02:47 PM
might explain why there has not been a lot of enforcement action on shops.

30-08-2021, 04:19 PM
Actually I hear there is still a bit of activity around. 8 cops going into a shop to do a "COVID19 check" in every room.

30-08-2021, 04:46 PM
I decided to go try shop at Gabba today where rosemary was looks like closed down already. were 2 cops vans parked close not sure for that I didn’t stick around ..

14-02-2024, 08:07 PM
Its being looked at now. The new Guv is looking to either decriminalize it or make it legal

14-02-2024, 09:30 PM
Yes, it fell by the wayside previously but with new boss it has been pushed back onto the agenda. But as always it is wait and see, although I suspect the new boss will want to make it go away so will pass it through.

16-02-2024, 10:28 PM
Who is the boss?

17-02-2024, 09:07 PM
Mid this year I would say - before the October election.

18-02-2024, 12:17 PM
NSW decriminalised it 35 years ago. Hurry the fuck up. Nanny state QLD where you can't even get a wank in a massage shop without fear of gaol.

18-02-2024, 12:19 PM
The Right Honourable S. Miles M.P., Premier of the Colony of Queensland

Reverend Lovejoy
19-02-2024, 10:58 AM
NSW decriminalised it 35 years ago. Hurry the fuck up. Nanny state QLD where you can't even get a wank in a massage shop without fear of gaol.

Welcome to Qld.
Don't forget to wind your watch back 1 hour and 30 years.

20-02-2024, 02:25 PM
The bill is going through a final committee inquiry which reports to parliament on 12th April, hopefully the bill should be passed soon after.

30-04-2024, 08:39 PM
Update: Decrim bill final debate is set for this week and the bill should likely be passed on Thursday. Laws won't immediately come into effect though until commencement date which hasn't been announced yet, hopefully will hear more info soon.

01-05-2024, 01:10 PM
Thanks a173217 .. lets hope it goes through. How long is the usual delay between passing a bill and the commencement date?

What should we expect to change though? Will prices go down? Will more and better girls now be working now that it is less risky?

01-05-2024, 02:05 PM
Thanks a173217 .. lets hope it goes through. How long is the usual delay between passing a bill and the commencement date?

What should we expect to change though? Will prices go down? Will more and better girls now be working now that it is less risky?
Hope to see like in Sydney, safer for the girls = more shops & girls = more competition = better prices.

01-05-2024, 04:03 PM
Thanks a173217 .. lets hope it goes through. How long is the usual delay between passing a bill and the commencement date?

What should we expect to change though? Will prices go down? Will more and better girls now be working now that it is less risky?

Unsure about the usual delay for the commencement date, from what I've read it seems to be a case by case basis, they'd have to factor in the time to dismantle the current regulation body and reimburse the brothels for the paid licencing fees. I'd expect more details about timings to come out pretty soon in any case.

And yeah ideally the lack of legal risk should make sex work more appealing to more women and hopefully drop prices a bit. Also brothels no longer having to pay licencing fees may also help with prices too.

Probably the most direct changes will be that unlicenced businesses will no longer be illegal so you can visit a massage shop without fear of a cop ruining the fun.

Other changes include private sex workers no longer having to work alone and being able to share their residence with other workers.

It also repeals against laws regarding advertising, sex workers will be allowed to include more details of their services in their ads.

One perhaps more controversial change is that sex workers will also no longer need a mandatory STI check every three months. Tbh not a huge deal in my opinion, this was essentially an unenforceable law anyway, I'd imagine most sex workers who were already getting regularly tested would continue to do so. Also if you mostly visit massage shops, they were already illegal anyway so not like the mandatory check mattered for them lol.

The Earl
03-05-2024, 01:15 PM
Statement released yesterday. About time

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence
The Honourable Yvette D'Ath

Queensland Parliament has passed laws to decriminalise the sex work industry
The legislation will improve the rights and personal safety of sex workers
Existing criminal offences relating to sex workers will be repealed
The laws were formed following an independent review into the decriminalisation of the sex work industry.
The health, safety and workplace rights of Queensland’s sex workers will be vastly improved, thanks to new laws passed today.

Under the legislation, the sex work industry will be decriminalised and criminal offences applying specifically to sex workers will be repealed.

The Criminal Code (Decriminalising Sex Work) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 will also protect sex workers from unfair discrimination, create new offences to protect children from involvement in sex work, and specifically prohibit a person being coerced to perform sex work.

The Bill implements the findings of the Queensland Law Reform Commission (QLRC), which was commissioned to review the decriminalisation of the sex work industry.

The QLRC review incorporated evidence-based research and feedback from consultation with the public and key stakeholder groups.

It examined the experiences of jurisdictions where sex work is already decriminalised, including New South Wales, Northern Territory, Victoria and New Zealand.

The reforms also reflect feedback from the sex work industry, particularly in relation to current laws criminalising strategies that keep workers safe.

Quotes attributable to Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence, Yvette D’Ath;

“Every worker has the right to feel safe, including sex workers.

“The Bill is designed to improve the rights of sex workers while considering the needs and expectations of the community.

“The new laws ensure workers have access to the same human rights and workplace health and safety protections as other Queensland workers.

“Sex workers should not have to choose between operating legally with safety risks and operating safely with legal risks – they will now be able to operate both safely and legally.

“These reforms will make the sex work industry safer, fairer and reduce stigma and discrimination experienced by sex workers.”

Quotes attributable to Queensland Council of Unions General Secretary, Jacqueline King;

“Today is a historic day for sex workers in Queensland.

“The passing of this bill, decriminalising all forms of sex work across the state, is a massive step forward in ensuring sex workers’ health and safety will now be treated with the same protections as every other worker in Queensland.

“These reforms reverse antiquated legislation that for too long left sex workers unsafe, vulnerable, and unprotected.

“Queensland Unions commends the Miles Labor Government on its decision to enact this framework and support workers in their ability to attend workplaces that are safeguarded from violence.

“For too long, the safety of sex workers has taken a back seat to draconian laws that many governments were happy to see left in the shadows.”

Quotes attributable to Respect Inc State Coordinator, Lulu Holiday;

"Respect Inc welcomes the passage of the Bill as it will provide wide-ranging improvements to the health and safety of sex workers in Queensland.

"Importantly, laws criminalising sex worker safety strategies, including working together, letting another sex worker know your location and checking-in to say you are okay at the end of a booking, are repealed by this Bill.

"Under current laws sex workers are reluctant to report crime. Barriers to accessing justice are reduced when sex work is no longer criminalised.

"Sex workers experience excessive levels of discrimination. Decriminalisation, including anti-discrimination protections, will send a message that it will no longer be tolerated.”

Quotes attributable to DecrimQLD Campaign Leader, Janelle Fawkes;

"Sex work is work and the framework set out in this Bill both repeals criminalisation and provides protections for sex workers.

"Decriminalisation doesn't increase the size of the industry, it extends protections to every workplace.

"Sex workers are part of the Queensland community and while it will take some time to reverse the profound impacts of criminalisation, this reform is an essential step to achieving that.

"The Miles Government has listened to sex workers and by enacting the recommendations from the QLRC report is ensuring workers have the protections needed within a well-regulated industry.”

03-05-2024, 05:33 PM
Great news. Does anyone know when it will take effect?

03-05-2024, 06:21 PM
Great news. Does anyone know when it will take effect?

Yet to be announced but Scarlet Alliance and Respect Inc (the main organisations who pushed for this legislation) are calling for a commencement date of 1st July.

03-05-2024, 06:31 PM
Better hope it comes into effect before the next election because the LNP voted against it, and will no doubt throw it out if they gain government.

03-05-2024, 07:19 PM
Better hope it comes into effect before the next election because the LNP voted against it, and will no doubt throw it out if they gain government.

Have conservative governments done that in NSW?

And I doubt that law enforcement will be wasting any resources on prosecuting illegal sex work related offences when those won't be illegal anymore in a few months.

03-05-2024, 09:55 PM
Update: Decrim bill final debate is set for this week and the bill should likely be passed on Thursday. Laws won't immediately come into effect though until commencement date which hasn't been announced yet, hopefully will hear more info soon.

Apparently the bill was passed today but no effective date announced yet. In Victoria the effective date was a few months after the bill was passed so they will probably bring it in around September but that could change depending on whether they think it might have an effect on the election results or not. I've been following the overall situation in Victoria a fair bit and was there in February. There have been a couple of shops who have upped the level of service that they offer but in general not much has changed other than they can operate without the fear of being raided. Of the shops that are now offering full service as a new item they are charging a hefty premium and given that prices in Brisbane are already fairly high I wouldn't hold out a lot of hope for prices to go down, about the best you can hope for is to get more extras for the same money.

04-05-2024, 08:36 AM
Apparently the bill was passed today but no effective date announced yet. In Victoria the effective date was a few months after the bill was passed so they will probably bring it in around September but that could change depending on whether they think it might have an effect on the election results or not. I've been following the overall situation in Victoria a fair bit and was there in February. There have been a couple of shops who have upped the level of service that they offer but in general not much has changed other than they can operate without the fear of being raided. Of the shops that are now offering full service as a new item they are charging a hefty premium and given that prices in Brisbane are already fairly high I wouldn't hold out a lot of hope for prices to go down, about the best you can hope for is to get more extras for the same money.

I agree. Why would they cut their prices when people pay for that amount already. At best it will slow price increases.

05-05-2024, 12:21 AM
I think that hopefully it will make service better and increase participation numbers. More safe clean brothels also. Also it might mean a few very very good service gals from Sydney might move down here also

05-05-2024, 06:41 PM
I agree. Why would they cut their prices when people pay for that amount already. At best it will slow price increases.

I agree with RLC, if they were going to cut price, Sydney ML and WL would have given discount here in Brisbane already. The only way price comes down is large amount of new shops open and large amount of workers started working. The most important is punters like us HOLD on the high price they wanted now. As discuss at the other thread http://www.aus99forum.com/showthread.php?129151-Anybody-noticed-recently the OP noticed as they stop punting due to numbers of factors, the price ML demanded have came down. I would like to reward the discounting ML and avoid the high price ML in my future punting.

06-05-2024, 04:40 PM
Decrim laws come into effect on 1st August according to Steven Miles https://twitter.com/DecrimQLD/status/1787309861459673221

07-05-2024, 07:42 PM
Good stuff. About time. Good new for the ladies in the Industry. heard about what happened in the past on a local radio show today. It was ridiculous

10-05-2024, 10:50 AM
Decrim laws come into effect on 1st August according to Steven Miles https://twitter.com/DecrimQLD/status/1787309861459673221

There is no content on that link and I can't find anything with a bit of a search, have you got any other source for that date?

10-05-2024, 11:31 AM
There is no content on that link and I can't find anything with a bit of a search, have you got any other source for that date?

The link does work, and Mr Miles does announce the 1st of August as commencement date.

Massage hunter
10-05-2024, 11:51 AM
The link does work, and Mr Miles does announce the 1st of August as commencement date.

It says that the link does not exist

10-05-2024, 12:52 PM
It says that the link does not exist

You’ll need a Twitter account to see the tweet - blame Elon Musk for being a little bitch and ruining Twitter.

The tweet says “Premier Steven Miles just announced s3x werk decrim commences 1 Aug 24 in QLD”, and it includes a video of Steven Miles making the announcement to a crowd, including the Aug 1st date.

14-05-2024, 05:50 PM
I wonder if there will be any last hurrah raids before the law changes.

14-05-2024, 07:21 PM
Does this mean that reviews don't need to be so cryptic from the 1st Aug?

14-05-2024, 07:49 PM
I wonder if there will be any last hurrah raids before the law changes.
Now that would be a waste of resources.
The new laws won't change the Visa checks though, so assume raids by Immigration will continue.

15-05-2024, 07:18 PM
But should happen is though ladies will be able to not worry as much as they can work together in a house. Before it was a crime for one lady to even phone another one.
I think it will be a while before it gets alot better but it will happen. BBBJ will not be illegal etc.

15-05-2024, 07:20 PM
I am not great at posting links but there was a good little bit on 4ZZZ radio station I think last week or the week before. It was quite telling just how bad it was for the girls but now they can look after each other and protect each other and report any dickhead punters too.