View Full Version : General talk Insight into shops

24-04-2021, 05:09 PM
Borders being shut for more than 12 months most of shops are keeping on recycling their talents. I , for myself, have considsrably reduced number of my visits because whereever you go its almost the same line up and it gets boring. Not sure if my absence from punting scene is shared with many others....but I like to know how this has affected ( or not affected ) your experience? The other intetesting insight is that with fewer new faces most girls started to change their rates (for example a girl who used to offer all three tiers of service, is now offering only diamond or not accepting any bookings less than 1hr) however I think this may change, how many times you woukd be willing to see the same provider ? As demand goes down it would regulate the market?

25-04-2021, 11:18 AM
Depends on the girl. If the girl is giving a good service and click I don't mind visiting the same girl over and over but of course sometimes we will want to try new girls, there are still a lot of girls offering not only diamond so just choose from there
For me I will stick to the budget and if I don't feel like spending it. I'll just save it for next time

25-04-2021, 07:25 PM
There is definitely a need for some turnover when the borders re open

26-04-2021, 12:39 PM
Hopefully a lot of new talents are flooding when border open

26-04-2021, 12:52 PM
I'm seeing the same MLs working at various RNT shops. Some even request not to mention it to their bosses or other girls if going to their other shops.

Another issue I noticed is the large discrepancy in ages of MLs between their real age and what they are promoted by the shop. Many times the age difference is 10 years or more! For example, a ML is advertised as 23 but her real age is 36. Many Asian girls can get away with this because they don't seem to age quickly as Western girls. However shops shouldn't be misleading customers about the age of their girls.

26-04-2021, 01:34 PM
I'm seeing the same MLs working at various RNT shops. Some even request not to mention it to their bosses or other girls if going to their other shops.

Another issue I noticed is the large discrepancy in ages of MLs between their real age and what they are promoted by the shop. Many times the age difference is 10 years or more! For example, a ML is advertised as 23 but her real age is 36. Many Asian girls can get away with this because they don't seem to age quickly as Western girls. However shops shouldn't be misleading customers about the age of their girls.

Asian girls can getaway with it. You easily add 5 to 10 years. Its not just ML who do it, I’ve had girls friends do the same. Especially if they born overseas.

26-04-2021, 04:43 PM
This is why we call it punting since nothing is certain, most of the time it is Russian roulette, you either get amazing session or dud one.
It is hard to find parlours or brothels advertising right age, if they did say 39 year WL, would you visit? You will imagin old ladies hence to manipulate customers they advertise 21-26 old

26-04-2021, 08:17 PM
Definitely need the borders to reopen. Need continuous fresh talent.

26-04-2021, 09:26 PM
I hear this argument about needing fresh ladies but to be honest I don’t see much difference.
The girls rotate through the shops and the cities. Maybe they aren’t recent arrivals but the variety is still there.
I will grow very old before I see the same girl twice

26-04-2021, 09:54 PM
Definitely need the borders to reopen. Need continuous fresh talent.

Doubt if it will be this year

27-04-2021, 11:27 AM
I hear this argument about needing fresh ladies but to be honest I don’t see much difference.
The girls rotate through the shops and the cities. Maybe they aren’t recent arrivals but the variety is still there.
I will grow very old before I see the same girl twice

For me it's nothing to do with fresh supply. It's more less supply means the girls can give worse service and still keep their jobs. They can milk it for all they got during covid times. Maximum pay and minimal effort.

27-04-2021, 11:42 AM
They mainly become complacent because of limited competition and keep inflating their rates , this is what I can clearly see with Chatswood 60 (cover girl rates) or 42G where girls keep on changing their rates on weekly basis abd rates on the website becomes irrelevant as each second girl would demand a different rate above the market...it takes only one girl to break the norm and others will follow. Management needs to think how this practice shatters their reputation.

02-05-2021, 01:11 AM
I'm hoping my Jasmine Plant Flower's this year.
The fragrance of Cat piss still lingers and it lingers most worst distraction
in the bareness of antiseptic tiles in my Ikea Kitchen.